Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
They all look ready to me. I find with the already heavy indica feelIing strains I like to take them when they are mostly cloudy and a couple-few ambers hanging out. Gives me a more well rounded, potent, longer lasting high. That full amber bubba is going to probably put your dick in the dirt. You may not want to go work out in that nice garden you have outside, but rather sit and enjoy it's beauty if you feel me. Eagle landed btw, I got you back. Many blessings.


Well-Known Member
FM - i got da pics now lookin goud dont know why i did not see before - i still say the site is crippled
whut size bulb are day under - you are a garddener im a grower in dasement - a gardener outside

Torn - yep i know whut you mean bro dat was an accident i should have been checkin on them closer - i kinda slipped up lately not on da case da way i should be lot of other things going on here - deff not whut i wanted for that plant - oh well shit happens - an forget da i got you back part im good - you are not our friend LoL

i guess it will be bed time puffs not for wake and bake lol erryting in its own time an place in space

i dont fkn believe our mail system eagle landed for you and same general area sent about 2 days earlyer still flying - whut da fug

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I dig yur trich shots dweeze / are those taken from the I clops ? the white s1 has very dark chocolate looking heads but the stalk is clear.Is that how they turn color? from the head into the stalk? I cant wait to get my I clops. I have an idea for my next drawing. Im thinking about a few HUGE trichomes filled with billions of little trichomes.have a nice day in your garden.


Well-Known Member
no from dino you made me get interested only thing is whem i peeped in the BC was way over do - oh well i took them all down

Yeh color mostly start on top in bulb when clowdy comes in takes same rout

all make difff size bulbs is why diff size bubble bags are suggested for diff genetics

and there are short stems long stems and no stems are at lest 3 or 4 different trichoms
one kind is like a spear no thick stem no bulb just a lont pointed curved spear shape
gona get sum trichs stuck to front of eyeclops before ots over - keep it clean

i would assume diff trichs serve diff functions to plants
i clops is fun is actually a toy/learning tool for around teen age kids

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HEY there pops I got my I clops.
later on..
the I clops is a flops. the resolution sucks terrible aweful. mr. trichs almost broke the cheep piece of chit trying to screw in the plastic eye protector.lol.. oh well. no biggy.. return to sender. I give it zero stars out of ten. im going to check out all the pawn stores this weekend for a more advanced high school level microscrope instead of a toddlers one. lol fingerz crossed for treasure find!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yo yo ma
tried to tell you just a toy
to me it works - but very hard to use and i need side lighting
yeah a low mark from me also but not a zero
i hope your search brings you where you want to be
i still use my radio shack 12 .oo lighted scope

FM i like da old army poster "Be all dat you can be"
dats whut i fed my son im glad he bought into it


Well-Known Member
the view source info does not work i should have tested are still in a box must go outside of all boxes to a nutral area
go down to below thin blue line above the thick gray
make sur not in a box then do the right click all other info is spot on


Well-Known Member
yo yo ma
tried to tell you just a toy
to me it works - but very hard to use and i need side lighting
yeah a low mark from me also but not a zero
i hope your search brings you where you want to be
i still use my radio shack 12 .oo lighted scope

FM i like da old army poster "Be all dat you can be"
dats whut i fed my son im glad he bought into it
Funny you mentioned that cause I have a few old skool vintage Navy Posters. I got them when I was a recruiter in the Navy. I know you are def proud of your son, that is a very smart man you raised D!



Well-Known Member
I wish I had a Father around who cared and was by my side. The way I look at it D, I use that to my advantage in raising my kids cause I know what its like to not have that father figure around! My kids know their Father will be there through the good, bad and ugly!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
its so weird that men can just abandoned their children like that. its sick. my husbands father left him when he was 4. he rembers the exact day and what happened. he took a walk with him down to the pond , they skipped rocks together and when my husband asked if he was going to stay with him and his mum... his father looked back at him with a cold blank stare that said NO way.he never saw him again after that. and From that day on it has tormented him and absolutely destroyed him. 45 years of questioning who he is and what his existence is in this fucked up world. . your mom was awesome FM, you were very lucky to have her.im sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had a Father around who cared and was by my side. The way I look at it D, I use that to my advantage in raising my kids cause I know what its like to not have that father figure around! My kids know their Father will be there through the good, bad and ugly!
yeah i did not want to get into it had typed it went back and removed all of it talked about how my father was a terd fatherd but had no father was around no concerns for my lfe who i was or what i did no father son relations the playground after school recreation was my father

i got tired of hearng myself complain about him - hated as a young man then as i grew up i just did not understand no longer hated - iwas the opposite was in every part of my sons life

lots of inner city kids have no fathers in rel life and helf the rest have a wrthless father that is around but only indaway

and rest dont know the job of father or of being a man and is why innercity single moms have to be so strong wearing double hats