Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Tahoe is good smoke

one of my top choices
in potency not flavor or aroma
have tried Tahoe, Buda Tahoe, just drew a male seed from my Tahoe Alien
i cant wait to test drive it

gluck on yo quest
i luv to see peeeps growin whut day want to smoke
is why i spread so much joy
i had about 4 peeps i gave mucho to they returned sum crosses day made
but is not why i spread

if erryone picked about 4 -5 peeps an did da same tings would be better all around for all

i have sum of my crosses left
but only 2 of da Tahoe seeds left

Not sure if you have or are interested in DNA's OG#18 x Skunk. I am going to make some beans and should be ready at the end of summer.


i have
3 sleestack x skunk
3 og 18 x skunk
3 candy kush x skunk
3 kushberry x skunk
3 laconf x skunk

were all freebys from da tude
bout a year ago

i never turn down good genetics
an dose are two good genetics
gluck wit yo seed run

around dat time if i really liked da promo id make double orders dayed say all dis shit no double promos
a double will not be sent out

i tried it once got it
tried again got it
is no prob just need a piece of chees when a specil you are interested in comes up

but dat one was pretty good
i cant wait to get around to trying afew ofem

my best to ya
I know for a fact i gave FM some of the hoe crosses before i left town. if not i still got more i can give him, i am going back down to SD on sunday, so i will be hooking up with him soon enough.
danks bro
oh but i am proud greatful an thankful

for backyard home son wife an life

we deff spend a lot of time dere
grass pool maint and use

most just on da deck fucked up wit one of my sons guitars
an using da grill lots of grilling

i shovel a path in da snow to da grill

thanks for recognizin

gona get sum of dese
pp x bubbas toya

kk has been on molasses water an flora clean for a while since i saw all da ambers
monday i gave haer a about a 20 minuet sink flush and put her in da dark to chop fri

but yeah back yard is my oasis my sanctuary my escape

work it out son
yeah lots of work one day gona give an idea
we been here for like 20
all evolved in time erry stone erry tree
i did patio and awning opens and closes over deck
back door was a window
i dont swim just cool off and float pool was for wife and son
i do all da work

i want to chuck it for a fish pond whut i considered cost 6 G's
might rethink might settle for a doggy agility course for my boxer dena
sweet yard dweeze. It sounds like a tropical paradise back there with all the happy birds chirpping! They must love you and the garden a lot. its soo green and pretty. My new yard is a total joke compared to your lil paradise. LOL! right now im looking outside to a massive area of concrete building material , bricks and lots of different sized concrete blocks. my landlord likes to store his supplies in the large yard here for his remodels ..his lil pimp hide away is behind my house where he comes for naps everyday... lol. NO GRASS here mon..all gravel and rocks all around me, which im totally cool with . I have plans for growing some nice flowers and stuff outside by my broken old gazzebo. The front yard has one dwarf sguaro cactus and some kinds of huge aloe looking pokey plant. There are about 10 huge mesquite trees which are nice for shade. There are cardinals, roadrunners, doves, quails, hummers and lots of lizards. I saw a horney toad the other day. under a tree. I guess the only pets i have are the huge waterbugs that like to hide out in the downstaris bathroom.They are massive and scare the bee jesus otta me. i never go into that bathroom at night. i run up the stairs to my bathroom where i have yet to find one.hahaha.

LOL..yur video with the trees just came on after me typing this for 10 minutes. it didnt work at first . and then i heard your voice about an apple tree and peach tree...haha ...but no pictures in that video.. only 2 out of the 4 vids worked..

thank you for sharing your beautiful paradise with us. your very lucky indeed and a nice person too. have a wonderful day and enjoy yur smoke .
OMG! i jus saw your last vid. I thought you said your not a good gardener? what the hell? lol.. im completely blown away by your garden and skills. schit mon you gotz it goin on. nioce. you could open a freakin veggie and fruit market with all that .
OMG! i jus saw your last vid. I thought you said your not a good gardener? what the hell? lol.. im completely blown away by your garden and skills. schit mon you gotz it goin on. nioce. you could open a freakin veggie and fruit market with all that .

I was thinking the same thing.

i dont get it wit da vid failurs

thanks for nice words on vids

the wife and i are active in the garden
not all me but thanks from both
all flowers her doing

and yes birds are quite happy here
another past time of mine is building bird houses i have one in every corner
of property smallest one is a 4 family
danks Mr Torn we work hard in the yard

I could be a good gardener if i really wanted to
im to diverse wit my interest to be great at any

at one time i was learning how to right HTML code for dis shit
do a right click - in a whit area outside of text
scroll down to view source left click will see how code is written for whut you see
i started and gave up very hard to grasp for older man
but i did get interested a while back
interest comes and goes
im always trying things
if i focused on one i could be good
but i bounce around

i think peeps are like diamonds many sides surfaces rflections facets

i would be bored wit only one interest
your backyard is awesome. def lots of hard work put in there!!!

Something to be proud of for sure!!!
I was thinking the same thing, Tranquil..I really regret not making out there and smoking a spliff on that bench with you!!! I might be coming out that way again D, this time we will chill for sure!

Hey D, I am digging those dwarfs, how large can those dwarf trees actually get? I might have to get some info on the dwarf fruit trees.
lookhere when ready is where mine be cumin from

i think max on dwarfs are about 7 or 8 ft
check out starks the sight i gave up
loaded wit info and will help you

we brought erry stone in miny walls patios had pool deck and a window changed to a door to deck
then rest me and wife did 20 years of work forget the changes and corections

oh i never smoke outside
very res neighborhood
dont talk smoke
dont smoke outside
overkill in air scrubbing
i only smoke upstairs
less hous smells
neighbor and daughter could be ringgig bell looking to enter selling girl scout cookies

i never been taken in
to old to start now
an id rather do overkill den under
cause under leads to oops

Yo Ras
That might be very helpful for me to plant a few of them in my yard so that I can be somewhat discreet with my outdoor growing.
oh yeah thanks young man - actually a little bettern good thanks to my creator
i got things laid out in cruise controll
i worked hard when i was workin sweating and bleeding
you know how in game of chess one must have three games

a open
and a close

to be succesful

if one is good at chess he is good at life

im in my closing game now and all is taken care of
sit bacak kick up heels snp open a cold one - spark one up

you young peeps in yalls open game should be sweating building bleeding like i did
or you will be working all yo life when to old to slang an clock

work hardd now relax as old man
or party now work hard till you die
like da pld fols used to do

i stoped workin in 97 decided i had enough where i was never gona be rich or broke
made few wise investments anybody can fuk cheese up seen niis wit stacks den later nutin
gotta make it work for yo

seen a lot of old broke down maufukas wit nutin goin for dem
but day getin acheck lo fn l
easy to get caught up

cause you aint going no where
you gona be here
so plan for it
unless you gona get lucky ha ha haaaaa

a long serman sorry just would like to see all do good
ilearned a lot on my walk on this globe
