Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
raider -rizz
you both speak truth

i hve reread my post dont even sound like me so im blamin da pain pills

infin whoever you are yo shit be lookin correct
but im not sure flushin is all its carcked up to be
how you be flushin, sink -chemicals- just feed water- water an molasses


Active Member
Its all good bro. The pills make ya thinkn all fucked! I know first hand. Thats why i stick to my ganja only now! Peace my brother.


Well-Known Member
Sup D
So how did plants go while you was gone did the auto water thingy work ok?
Glad pak got there in 1 piece....

Who's the new guy?..... ;)


Well-Known Member
Don't know the new guy hope he's lagit normally turned off by new guys

Water thingy failede might try again plants wet dropped and pitiful but came back good thing they are so tough

I suffered a relaps Wednesday
Had to go to emergancy waited 2 days to get a bed back since Wednesday being prided
Wife doom good taking care of plants just water tilling return

My fath is in the hands of my creator sure he will guide the doctors

I'm on E was promised by two false pretenders that I'm not mad at

I send my best even though my best is pretty feeble right mow


Well-Known Member
hope you get that strength back bro.
I'll have a couple snaps done tomorrow of the H.B x Chem Sour D and Purp le Pew

take it easy man


Well-Known Member
i hope all is well old guy. My mom and step -pops been in and out the hospital all month for post surgery blood clots. glad your alive now get well before the wife takes over the garden.


Well-Known Member
Not seeing pics for whutever reason fm- on I phone

Happy new year to all the good bad an the ugly

To creeps spmers - all

To hobbyist to those pimping Mary - to all

To the two liers that promised to send supplies for sick old man you know who you are- to all

My best to all an ther families no matter the species- to all

My best Is very feeble right now but I will get strong and be back
Cause my creator is on my side
Have been knocked down but will get up fighting

Luv is to luv as luv is to luv


Well-Known Member
I received signs of concern from about4 peeps an I appreciate them an plan to show the ones I haven't yet signs of my apreciation

The rest of you you know who you are can suck aids dicks wit the claps fall through your own azz hole an break yo fkn neck

have a fine daday luv is to luv as hate is to hate


Well-Known Member
You sound fuckin pissed D? dont let it get to ya whatever it is chill brudda!
good to hear from ya anyhow


Well-Known Member
PB i sound pissed cause i fkn am i just make noise but dont let them get to me makin noise is my releas
actually im to fucked up to be worrin bout dem soory sombithches just to much on my plate at the moment

FM i can see clearly now cumin along fine - they gettin hungry though
glad to see ugmo again i missed her day say the ugly girls fuk you da best cause day got nutin else
she must be good

im home again as of this eve an movin forward however in first gear but still bettern reverse that i just climed up from

luv is to luv as hate is to hate
maybe one day i can send luv to all an include all even haters as i normally do
but not right now maybe after i recooperate for now you slimy maufukas go suck the stinkin bum in da subways dick

ill be fine in time - an hope yo balls burn in hell wit darest of yo sorry azz

hate is to hate
im true throghu an through


Well-Known Member
boy ill tell you sum are just selfish money hungry lieing sacks of diarrea shit walkin slime

an will never be any more then that

may they cotinue to rape mary an make money tillmary turns them in again
me im a hobbiest im alredy set wit money stocks homes 2 cars an a big fat bank
ill bring da creeps hot tea when the get to hell
if i see them drowning ill toss them a cinder block for a life savor

they have taught me to hate again


Well-Known Member
happy today to all i had one of the best nights i have had in a long time
you dont sleep in the hospital to much going on

an at return problems kepping me active all night so i must be getting better
i was in a dark place of self pity for a while now im back in the light an the warmth of the light feels grest

my feeble best to the few that are true

I an I


Well-Known Member
Yea unfortunately i know all about hospital stays. 20+ years of it.And the self pity part, i got through plenty of slumps, but there are things in this world that keep me pushin. I used to put my self pity and hate on others and society in general, im pretty chill now, i think the combination of growing mary, and having a women has really slowed my life down. My N'hood still calls me trouble but most of the time i don't even feel like that guy anymore. But hey i was thinking about your gracious offer. Do you have anything very Sour Diesel or anything Strawberry, or the two mix'd. Are you back to smoking your stuff yet or taking a break?