Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


my mail came yesterday for those concerned

cold out like fifty - warm in spirit an heart

I an I
hey dweeziE! Happy sundaY to you to!!
awe dweeze, dont worry about the seed drop.every little thing is going to be alright!
would you like one of my seed containters to keep your seeds ? i just finished this one but i can custom make you a special dweeezie one.
Thanks for the Peyote Purple ! she was so pretty and so delicious its all gone now! I really enjoyed growing and medicating with it. The Bubba in it wassoo AMMMaaaa zzzzzziiiing.
its really cold here like only 80 degrees now!! lol..im going to the grand canyon soon and im so excited about it!!! xoxoxo ambz
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yo yo ma
how you be
i hope all is good in yo hood
for you and luved ones

i knew youd appreciate PP a very pretty girl
an taste and aroma great along wit ahead after along cure

i got a few crombs of it left i got a lot of crumbs laying around
the containers are very nice you made -you are very artistic- i got hunnerds of seeds stored by fems and regs gifts and trades - purchasses - about 7 excel form pages
you need stuff to grow i looked through my storage of seeds i have made- quite heavy if you interested in any holla at me on pm

seed drop not worrryin about just feel stupit like a beginner
i keep thnkin about them dont like to grow an not know whut they are
once had 6 misc form cali conn i passed them on to someone -gave all away
hated thought of growing and not knowing

but only 3 possabilites i started wit 1 kosher ku-2 bubba-3 gran dad purp
im thinkin wit help of peeps that have grown them all to be sorted early on by leafe formation
good to hear from you ma stay up

big hug
company up 3 to 6 made a rack of baby backs my four hour special final stage in aluminum tray cover in foil add clowdy apple juice and brown vinerger a little brown suger for one hour
Yo werd you da nigga dweezie , yeah id like you ta hit me up wif somethin` heavy an' hard.u fuckin rock old nigga an' ah will be here fo' you ta he`p wif all da iDENTIFICATION he`p yu need and shit.i got ur back ole man.
morn troops had good eve yesterday
the lady that came by to look after the cat while i was away
came by is a siinlge mom wit a daughter an her mom came wit her
me an wifie made dinner an gave them gifts and went over the pics we took that week fun to remember
good day all
gardeners growers and wannabes

today is my third day
and i have three up above the soil
and three still below the soil surface
i check onec in the AM and oncein the PM

yesterday one was up in AM -an one that PM
today one in the AM so far

seedling stage very slow but very critical

I an I
good day all
gardeners growers and wannabes

today is my third day
and i have three up above the soil
and three still below the soil surface
i check onec in the AM and oncein the PM

yesterday one was up in AM -an one that PM
today one in the AM so far

seedling stage very slow but very critical

I an I

Good luck bro, hope they all make it through for ya!!

still no word from last time, sent 2 emails now askin whutsup.
yeah it could be that not gona get any responce from them

if i were you id send maybe one more then is kinda up to them
they might be busy an still gonaa respond wit our isssue on back burner

or may be just BS'n us and are not gona respond at all time will tell
either way time to strt steppin off from them- next move on them

all gona come down to whut theay are made of good or bad both kinds inhabit this earth
and very hard to tell one from the other -cause most talk a good game

if turn out creeps we just step off
no hard feelings -lesson learned

the best lessons in life you pay for credits
one way or another - seems as our dollar gets worse
the peeps get worse crime greede hunger makes peeps act ugly
we turm into animals

well they are pitching we are up at bat
they can sit us down wit stricks or allow us to take abase

i have hit home runs and been struck out along with everything in between
single doubls and triples all part of the game i continue to play

so if i continue to play will be more selective of who i play with

not surprised that all dont play fair

i think in the end of the season the good team wins over the bad team

the bad teams cheats on few ennings and seam to be winning but looses the game in the end

an if they continue to cheat they will be the only ones to come to there games -in the end, to fall

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either way today is gona be today
is whut i say
and as long as im here i will play
enjoy today

bury yesterday
sort out but dont fret over tomorrow
be greatful for today