Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

had on right gear or whut

sorry to learn of yo niece
they know who did it

you got a lot of healin to do
phisical an emotional

i broke my achelies tendon in 89 on basketball court
used to play lot of basket ball

but tendons take much longer then bones to heal had cast for either 5 or 6 months when came off my skinny leg was like a toothpick still much smaller

but times heals all body mind emotions spirit even heart
rdm cat likes to hang out in box in the kitchen
erry now and again i sprinke in sum catnip
and they get that crazed look in there eyes
and start playing rough
had on right gear or whut

sorry to learn of yo niece
they know who did it

you got a lot of healin to do
phisical an emotional

i broke my achelies tendon in 89 on basketball court
used to play lot of basket ball

but tendons take much longer then bones to heal had cast for either 5 or 6 months when came off my skinny leg was like a toothpick still much smaller

but times heals all body mind emotions spirit even heart
Only had on a helmet...:/..

Her husband shot her in her face in front of her 3 year old daughter.. CPs had the baby for 2 weeks.. Jersey law is way different than n.y. She had to be cremated because the face could not be reconstructed.
Only had on a helmet...:/..

Her husband shot her in her face in front of her 3 year old daughter.. CPs had the baby for 2 weeks.. Jersey law is way different than n.y. She had to be cremated because the face could not be reconstructed.

sorry to hear bro,i'm sure yule get back up there,,life throws us a curb ball now and again and were never prepared,live out yure hopes my friend its the only thing that God gives us to hold us up....
dam yeah i wore all the protection and never was out of second gear

dat is fucked up about niece and in front of a child -dam
aperson like dat to good to go to jail should be chained at the sciene wit tatoo explainin whut he did on his bare chest
an just let friends and relatives do whut they want but cant kill -must suffer long time
yo you better duck my son just texted the wife said he is flyin from del rio to dallas
as pilot not as passenger
to bad he cant pick up the cat LOL
oh 6 weeks
i thought you said two weeks
i spoke to sum peeps ship pups and kits pick up 3 bucks
got them down from 375

now that changes things

anyone want to hear a joke
i got two seeds from destroyer
i blame the hot folier spray and lack of pol to redust
after helping a friend out

oh well i learned another lesson
mail ran...supposed to be gdp not gbp.lol.i bet its all it says tho,.bongsmilie
you right mr Bill i should be gratful not a zero

RDM- oh snap you got yours -let the good times roll

i have not even sent in my $$ yet i had better get on the ball
before they think im a bullshit artist
how are u this morn youngter?lol,my cash hadnt made it for th ecpd yet.been a week and holiday.already scrubbing the breeding ares,all the cloning stuff,lol.
yu know the free one s i got go for 45.00 at hempdepot....cant believe both yure kk freebies were girls,been wanting to do the kk anyway.
im doing pretty good this AM
hows by you master gardener

wife just left for work
still got a case of the ass from yesterday
we had a boil over

just finished breakfast
today im havin breakfast befor my bowl
a few things to get done today

im glowing now that i have seen yo pkg
gona get my $$ in da mail today

an even if i do get it in today we talkin whut 3 weeks to see pkg (fuckery)