Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
totally wicked peyote purp dweeze. what do you think of this for my next grow attempt... with a double waterfarm scrog (one dog, one yet to be determined} and 2 peyote purple ...place on the sides in a mini moveable scrog under the tent sized scrog screen for a double scrog. ?? how large were those peyote purps in the end? I could put them in one gallon smart pots and hope they stay small but potetn. When will the smoke report become available.?? I will work on a sketch tonite of my tentative plans in the tent . thanks dweeze. im very excited about the peyote purple and must grow it asap. I have never seen so many trichs .. fuckin awesome gardeneing man! have a wonderful evening. peace amblurrrr


Well-Known Member
hi amb hos tings ma

i been smokin an drinking everything since dog droped but one day im gona just do the PP an let all know my feelings on it
im not good at smoke reports
i like to smoke i like to grow
i like to give away
the rest im no good at
an not a great gardener
but i have a good heart

im gona need sum info from ya

I an I


Well-Known Member
yes you are right i was going down a self pity road an im back now
im tryin to put all the grieving energy into the new pup

im glad your doing well an im sorry for your little friend
i hope she gets better soon
money is shit if you have it spend it
i have spent like that on dogs for operations and animal hospitals in the past
if there was anyway to save my past girl gucci i would have paid any amount i had on hand
the hospital wanted to do a autopsy but that was a wast of a couple hundred
id rather put $$ towards next pup at the time- i have her ashes now -to bury in my back yard one day

wow you got 16 years of enjoyment out of your little friend thats great
i have a friend wit a parrot almost 20 years old
birds seem to last a long time

very sorry im an old dirt dog an know nutin about any systems
question better for someone like bill

im likin the layout drawing a good idea

the best to you and your little friend
may you both fly high


Well-Known Member
dweezie pleawse dont be so sad about the dog dropping. she wouldnt want you to be sad. focus on the postiive things life is short .
:peace:it crushes me to see you throw yoursef away on the bottle. please take care of yourself your family and friends need and loves you.
:joint::peace:I am doing very well . my bird is sick and the fuckin vet want a thousand bucks to suck out his bacteria and laser his self mutalated wound. He has been wearing an elizabethian collar for about 2 months now. Hes a great bird , 16 years old and i want his last days to be without a collar so he can fly in the end. i will just work overtime to help pay for it. hes a fighter.
HEre is teh picture of my tent and the way i imagine the plants to be set up...
:mrgreen:2 waterfarms .One the dog, the other something from my seed list..
Then the 2 small peyote purple..
what do yoiu think ? I will submit my list of choices for seeds to select from as well.
thanks pops! xox amblurr
this next line is a link to my list i typed up in my journal.. which one would you waterfarm scrog? bongsmilie
:peace:View attachment 2128211
Hey amber speaking of birds i have some in my mailbox. weird huh? i put up a note to the mailman when they were eggs.


Well-Known Member
dam wish i had been gardenin all my life instead of waitin till im an old man
but i tell you one thing the last 4 years has been grrrrrrrrreat - like tony the tiger

oh and the best of all
to all of yall
have yo selves a ball

i tested the PP my way today its not cured yet
tastes is very soft but deep and it clinches the back sides of your tounge -maybe better identafiable after cure
smell has not settled yet in jars diff by the day almost
the high hit me firs iin head right behind ears kinda heavy head and later head an sslight body

now what i do is after my mornin buzz has completly left if im testin
sumtin new i wait till evenin then i do a 1/2 joint and wait an see whut it does for me
i find i get a true evaluation-a fair one for all - all compaired the same


Well-Known Member
Dank You to all well wishers

and i hope the good wishes you sent comes back to you

but only in three fold

have a safe happy day

enjoy the rewards of yo garden and the love of yo family

I an I


be true to you



Well-Known Member
1.I and I297 up, 46 down
Also means "I, with God's help" or "I, with God-in-me". Often used in place of "me". Because the people's Identity was destroyed in slavery, Identity is very important in RastafarI -- so I gets capitalIzed a lot. They pronounce the I's strongly in reggae songs. Emperor Haile Selassie I is not "the First" but "Haile Selassie *I*."
I and I build the cabin
I and I plant the corn
Didn't my people before me
slave for this country?

Jah Bob Marley
buy i and i mugs & shirts
by Jay YoungJan 15, 2004share thisadd a video
2.I and I386 up, 65 down
Used in the rastafarian religion in place of "you and me" to show that all people are equal under Jah.
Your parents are coming to see I and I.
buy i and i mugs & shirts
by GeorgeOct 7, 2003share thisadd a video
3.i and i161 up, 38 down
Previous definitions are good, but miss out on one thing.

the "I and I" also marks a distinktion between the body (that which can be seen) and the spirit. This is reinforced by the similarity of sound between "I and I" and "eye and I".

The expression "I and I" thus expressedly includes all of ones being.

Also it can be used straight of as a possessive pronoun.
"I an I don like it!";
"Is tha fe I an I?";
"It belongs to I and I".