Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member

not me i did nutin special other then seek the genetics an pay for them
the things you speak of trichs an all i had nutin to do wit
the D N A Chain predicted its density not whut i did
but ill just be like the rest and take the credit to make things smooth - thanks yeah im great

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey dweezel, happy new year mon.
i ve never seen anything quite like white fire before. its very beautiful. i see the pistils are turned to a cinnamin color and have retreated back. I have been taught that when most of them have done that the plant is ready to be harvested. When i look at your picture, avitar, very nice. I almost think that has yet to swell but then realize that that is not the case . is it possible to get a picture looking underneath that bud so i can get a different perspective. Brilliant gardening.


Well-Known Member
thanks ambie
i hope all is good for you ma

ill be lookin at trichs pretty soon now i like to judge by the whole bud before i pull out the trich checker
but im ready its had its second flush already on molasses and water since the 27th and im like 85 -90 percent organic
maybe tomorrow ill pull out the microscope to varify



Well-Known Member
dam i hate kushes an o g's i choped the wifi today
pulled a few leaves by hand
hung upside down and noticed a few dried nannnas near stem underneath buddage
i got pissed off and acted like i did not sees them

gona do a rough trim later will diagnose and decide from there
almost looked enviornmental over genetics but no final diagnosis yet
just pissy mood - i was fallen in love wit her - i feel betrayed - but still sum luv

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Yo dude, the WiFi looks beautiful. Kudos on another successful grow, despite finding a few nanners. Kushes definitely seem prone to push them out towards the end, but I think every female will eventually hermie itself during senescence in a last-ditch effort to continue its lineage. The nanners may not have enough time to self pollinate and produce seeds, but the pollen can still seed another female, which is the best they can hope for by that point.

Though frustrating, they are seemingly inevitable, and represent a small price to pay for this...


Well-Known Member
B-does hurt
in life shit hurts then you die
no more hurt

to be able to hurt is good
sends signals to brain
some in coma dont hurt

im glad to be able to hurt
part of life hurt and joy

if you do nothing you experience niether
do something and experience them both

the hurt and the joy
my shoulder hurt now im still enjoying the day


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks bruh i really enjoyed her and all the nans
showed same place at base of buds connection to main stem
so when i run agin i know where to focus my attention
an pluck dem beotches

an like you said its the nature of whut we dealin wit
we must be prepared in the kush OG game always on your toes
if possible get up on your toenails

another lesson in life for the old man
still gona be sum good smoke
from looks and smell


Well-Known Member

im looking at where thy all are and the color of the trichs under true lights
i think i let go to long as well
the pisser is i just bought the scope
but dont rely on them till i think plant is ready
gona start watchin under scope ealyer

i think im trashin seeds in buds i did not dust
not sure at this point if im gona collect the the pollen at this point
i need to think on it a little caught off guard
and my mind works slow

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Damn Dweze, shit looks nice !
What color are the tirchs, or did I overlook that ?
Keep the seeds and collect that pollen.
Play and have fun.
At the very least you'll gain more knowledge about such things.
Just IMHO.

For your SourDawg, I like
3-Sourdawgs better since it has Tres Dawg. lol

Again, Happy New Years bruh !!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the Wifi. Interesting to see if it was genetics or environmental, you should be able to find out with the clone from it huh? If the clone does the same thing then I would say genetic, if the clone doesnt show the male parts, then I would say environmental.

Would it be worth using the reverse on the wifi at the start just in case it wants to show male flowers?


Well-Known Member
FG-i really dont think it was past the finish thing cause the trichs was only at about 20 amber - im just fishin for sumtin to blame it on
i just hat hangin out wit pewe herman he is such a creep

Bill- now i had a genetic pewe that showed its self all over whole plant week 2-3

not sure on the reverse stuff never used it- i will see what happens wit the clone i have of it


Well-Known Member
i have not given up on her yet plant has a strong sweet fullbodied smell
that i cant wait to taste

funny thing i amlost felt i was getting high from fumes triming it up


Well-Known Member

not so bad when i noticed the few nans i also saw a seed head sickin out
after a finalrimand inspection
all the problems were at the internoeds only _ strange
was a total of 3 seeds that i do not want - selfed

could have been much worst

i think im a little pnoid from my tahoe herm to hell experience not to long ago
i need to calm down i think

and i panacked thinking all the fat calyxs at internoeds were gona be a problem -not as bad as i thought
and to be even better if smoke is half as good as it smells and looks

thanks for all concerns and adv

we are learnin here