Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
das really whut i want to do
help odas show da way home

but i dont know more then erry one so im only interested in
those that grow wit me an those that are beginners
i dont want beginners to have to pay the dues i have paid in full f0r all
Believe me, what i learn from you i pass on to others. Right now i have been working with another patient here in my hometown, has true medical need for herb, paralyzed from the waist down due to a dirtbike accident. I built his growshed, and have been trying to guide him in the right direction. His growing skills are getting better by the week, now its just a matter of getting him the good genetics ya know :)


Well-Known Member
dats mighty fine of you bill

you are being recognized by our creator for dat

sum just for self - no good - not the right way

i learn through you my brutha
we all learnin from each other bruh

only the fools know it all


Well-Known Member
thanks pb thats part of whut i try to do

i like to garden but also i like to share

sum like to hord i like to share all

seeds knowledge all i think thats whut he wants from us

have yoself a fine day


Well-Known Member
please to make yo acquantance

an thanks for recognizin what i do
an offerin does kind words of encouragment

things go better wit




Well-Known Member
to all of you that be readin dis
have yoself one fine day in his grace
good karma to you and yos
may you and yo family enjoy the peace intended for this earth
an may yo peace be mulitiplied

to all my peeps an da creeps
we all his chirons



Well-Known Member
this is how i store my pollen many ways to catch it and use it
i use brown paper to hold it -no bleached paper
then i puy pkg in wit a bed of fice and sum dessadent packs
all goes into a sealed food container then to freezer
must be throughly dry befor you put it away

an it will last for a few not sure how long

pic below has larry experiment pollen
and the tres star dawg silver spray expermint pollen

View attachment 1899006
View attachment 1899007


Well-Known Member
People who don't respect it usually get bitten by it.....

Nice info on storing pollen. Thanks for sharing the growers dictionary. Should be a sticky in the Newbie forum.


Well-Known Member
wussup doc i hope da crazy man helped ya

nice work der bill - nice fkn pic to you got a lot of skills bruh

an yeah that is a nice mix there on the couger a five star blend


Well-Known Member
When the East coast and West Coast Finest get together

i like dis

When the East coast and West Coast get together

this is better for me bill

im egoless i lost my ego in a crap game

no mines bettern yours or i can piss further then you

or my d_ _ K biggern yours

all dat suff when i was a kid now just a mellow old man

doin da best he can

not afollower of man

followin his own master plan


Well-Known Member

i dusted my sour d and my wifi today

it is funny cause i used colored paperclips to hang from branches this time

so each plant has three clips a hangin luks like xmas LOL

a green clip-the branch getin sprayed (first time once in AM second on twice AM an PM)

pink clip - branch dusted wit femed pol from tsd so (gona be moth /moth x moth /fath or moth x doner ) not sure

an blue clip - branch dusted wit larry

gota keep track sum way -any way works dats good for you
