Just started week 3 of flowering

And please let me know your explanation cfl's give off more heat?please I'd like to know...and you can pull zips off of fls, yes hid is wayyyyyy better...but cfl's can be used without a doubt
Explanation:10~ 25 watt cfls will create more heat and throw of less lumens then 1~250 watt ups. Also remember 1 bulb is much easier to air cooled then 10.

I know full well what cfls can do. My first few grows were exclusively done using cfls and 4 foot fluorescent shop lights. (Back then good hid units were hard to get nevermind one actually designed for horticultural use) And yes you are correct I did "pull zips" however after I went to hps lighting I starting pulling lbs. The choice was easy for me.
even ur logic is retarded please explain how using 250w is more cost efficienct then running 200w.... u are charged by the watts and 250 is obviously more then 200
And just to be clear I'm not anti fluorescent I jus
i think ur full of shit...not to mention give horrible fucking advice
Just curious what I said that was full of shit? Or bad advice? I don't have to prove shit to you. I'm actually trying to help this guy get better lighting your just starting trouble because you don't like what I'm saying. I have an idea why don't you break open a couple of your cfls and inhale of much of the gas inside as possible
thank u for proving urself to be exactly what ur status is on this site.... a noob....holla
Yea I'm not trying to veg "fabulous" plants haha watt for watt cfls cost more to run and produce more heat then HIDs. And good luck air cooling 10~20 watt bulbs haha
<--- right there dickwad
thank u for proving urself to be exactly what ur status is on this site.... a noob....holla
<--- right there dickwad
The 10~20 watts was in reference to him saying he now has 200 watts of cfls. I even say in that post watt for watt. Meaning, hid will cost less to run and produce less heat then the equivalent amount of cfls... You need to learn how to pay attention son and why you so mad bro? I'm starting to see why people say bad stuff about this forum.
lol 200w is 200w u get charged per watt so explain to me how 200w of cfl costs more then 200w of hid...say what they want but id love to see anyone have a better ratio of noteable knowlegable growers then this forum... infact i goto grass city,lc, and 420 just for a giggle
i aint mad , im sitting lovely waiting a final few weeks for a great yeild of awesom frosty danky beautiful buds...... what is there to be mad at other then a jack ass new member coming and giving incorrect information
lol 200w is 200w u get charged per watt so explain to me how 200w of cfl costs more then 200w of hid...say what they want but id love to see anyone have a better ratio of noteable knowlegable growers then this forum... infact i goto grass city,lc, and 420 just for a giggle
Correct 200 watts is 200 watts. However, Hids produce more lumens per watt which means your getting more light for your dollars on the electric bill. Anything else I can clarify for you?

Not taking anything away from the "notable knowledgeable growers" I've just seen more smart ass punk kids who think they know it all here then any where else.
i aint mad , im sitting lovely waiting a final few weeks for a great yeild of awesom frosty danky beautiful buds...... what is there to be mad at other then a jack ass new member coming and giving incorrect information
Incorrect information? This isn't the first time your mother tried to tell you who your real father is. I'm talking facts now hop off skeeze