just started flowering and...


started on saturday night
plants just sexed today
suprising, all in the same day
out of 8 plants i got 3 females
plenty for my first grow

question is
would slightly lst-ing my plants (like pulling them over so that its only at like 70 degrees bent over) stress the plants too much??? the reason is, lighting!
i wish i had the money to get my hps setup, which will be here for next grow, but for now i'm running off of flouros

the four foot shoplights, running 40 watt cool tube plus
i have three sets of lights, each holding two tubes
the plants grow well, but i know the light isn't penatrating too too far
so i figured the bending would help...

any suggestions?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
LST or SCROG will be your best best. Lower growth on floro gows is usually sparse and not worth it anyway...so concentrating on a well spaced canopy will give you your best yield.

good luck

bt dt


thats what i was thinking
i was just wondering if lst'ing while in flower stage would be a bad idea

also, what about trimming some lower branches? or let them be?

first grow is just a run through of how the plant grows

next time i'm doing dwc with scrog
two plants to cover a 3x3 area
but not there yet

thanks for the help