Just some answers please

Nice man

New Member
hi im new to growing I'm growing 3 babies in a closet with a 660 watt bulb and ballasts wattage changer and a reflector I have them in 16 ltr fabric pots with coco coir feeding them once a day coco a+b the are 3 weeks old now and they have grown to around 1.5 ft but 1 plant has grown bigger and wider I have been changing them around the light so they have equal lighting also I have a grow fan and light is on 18/6 any info how to make them grow equal would be great full


Well-Known Member
Different phenotypes will grow different ways.
You can try LST to keep the canopies on the same plane but that can be tricky as well. Especially when you have a sativa dominant growing next to an indica dominant.


Well-Known Member
Yea Bro; even identical genotypes create variant phenotypes.. :confused::hump: Go on YouTube and check out "Pruning", "Topping", "LST," ie low stress training - you're going to want to keep your plants at a level height by spreading them out over a larger horizontal space; tis simple good fellow! I really dig this lady, Sarah Flowers or some shit; she has an LST method w/ hemp twine (post viewing: you can also tape the twine to the buckets) and she's got a nice pruning video. Reminds me of my neighbor when I was in 2nd grade... probably is.. GL

Nice man

New Member
I don't how to LSD mate as this is my first grow they came from cutting witch where 3 inch when I was gave them from a friend he said just have a go and see how it go's but he has moved abroad and I don't want any one to no so I have noone to ask for help is this the right hight for age ect they are pretty bush with loads of leafs and new growth coming every the light is 50cm from the top of the plant and is not burning my hand when placed just above the plant thank you for help


Active Member
They are telling you LST will tie town the taller one to even out the canopy bud, its not too complex for beginners, there is a "insert image" button.


Well-Known Member
We know you don't know how to "LST" or "Prune" or "Top" - That's why you should go look it up. I suggest YouTube bro; because it has videos. There are even RIU members on YouTube w/ great videos. If you ask a question you'll probably get some responses that require you to learn new things.

Nice man

New Member
I don't have a insert button in the post quick reply bit I will try this and hope for the best is the height a normal height for this age ? ?


Well-Known Member
Press the "Insert Image" button, or It's also in the "Go Advanced" Section. Hmm 1.5 feet in the first 3 weeks. Yea; sounds about right; about right in explaining why you don't have photos of your plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is probably abit too late to try and even up the canopy.

It is like you and your wife having 5 kids and you want all to be the exact same height and size. It isn't going to happen very often.
I usually put my shorter plants up on something like a crate or bucket to raise them up to the same height as my tallest.

Nice man

New Member
Are these looking healthy ect and the right size I'm totally new to this and don't have a clue so any pointers would be very very helpful as I'm not in for money il smoke the end product just want to learn for next time so no mistake is made

Nice man

New Member
Ok il do that also what leafs do I pick off I've read pick the dark green leafs of with purple stem is this correct

Nice man

New Member
I have some boost accelerator when when do I feed this and do I have to get bigger pots or 16 ltr bigger anuff

Majestic Pagent

Active Member
Ok il do that also what leafs do I pick off I've read pick the dark green leafs of with purple stem is this correct
Nice Man

Your plants look fine, but don't go picking off any leaves unless they are more than 50% damaged.

Also, you should be aware that they will pretty much double in size once you throw them into 12/12

Have a look at Uncle Bens gardening tweeks and pointers thread on this site - it's full of info worth considering

Good luck