just needed a taste!

so i have one plant that has been outside since late april, and has been flowering since the beginning of august. today i went out to check up on it, and the buds were just sparkling in the sun! now keep in mind, i haven't smoked in well over 6 weeks and i just couldn't resist. i pinched a small bud off of the weakest looking branch towards the bottom, brought it home and did a quick dry. i packed it up and was pleasantly surprised. its definatly a different kind of buzz! i know it was a waste, but it was a great morale booster to know that in about another month i should have some killer smoke so it was worth it imo.


Active Member
Lol fuck it...howd it taste?

I was lollipopping one of my girls yesterday and considered smoking some of those lower buds. Didn't end up doing it tho as i had some perfectly good Charlie Sheen OG asking to get smoked lol


Well-Known Member
Young immature bud has some THC but usually no CBD and can give you a head rush and a smile. If you buzzed from that you should have some good weed soon. Good luck.
thanks for the advice guys! honestly, the taste wasn't bad. with it being dried quick, i wasn't expecting much, but it had a fresh, sweet kinda taste. it wasn't the smoothest, but what do you expect? for this being my first attempt, so far so good as my tolerance is gonna be so low by the time its finished that i should be in space. im hoping it will be finished in time for the start of the new season of walking dead, and so far it seems like i'm right on track!


Well-Known Member
lol I did the same thing the other day, but I wanted to get rid of some of the weaker branch's at the bottom. I hadn't smoked anything in almost 2 years. I wont be cutting anymore off of them. It put a big smile on my face and lasting 2+ hours. Its going to be some good stuff when its done.


Well-Known Member
Done it....a friend {long time grower} of mine told me once that he does that when he grows because it allows him to judge more accurately the end result....saying the science will only get you so far, there is also an art to growing really good smoke


Lucky... I think there's honna be snow on the ground before I'll ever get a taste test. Damn how I hate short growing seasons for long growing plants.
been there and will do it again ..

what is your quick dry method?
keeping in mind the bud i took was pretty small, maybe a half gram when dry, what i did was i had in hanging on a string under a really bright light i have on my desk while having a fan blowing on it. definatly not the best method, but better than the microwave imo. after a few hours it was as dry as it needed to be.