Just how dumb is the GOP base...?

'asking' is an inquiry.

'betting that i do' is presumptive proof positive because you are willing 'to bet'..why would one bet if they weren't to prevail the bet?

why does rightie have such critical thinking fail?

They digest all their information from listening to conservative talk radio, or watching television in the form of Faux News. I don't think they know about reading too much, but even reading and going to college is probably some "pussy liberal bullshit" thing. LOL.
'asking' is an inquiry.

'betting that i do' is presumptive proof positive because you are willing 'to bet'..why would one bet if they weren't to prevail the bet?

why does rightie have such critical thinking fail?

So how did you mix asking up with telling ?...Major Fail.......Telling you where a street is, is not the same as asking you where the street is,...... Get a clue.....

Anglo-Iraqi War happened in May 2-May 31, 1941.
Operation Countenance or the Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Iran was 25 August to 17 September 1941.
The Syrian-Lebanon campaign, or Operation Exporter was 8 June – 14 July 1941.
The North Africa Campaign took 1940-1943.

Do you see where your history is failing OddBall? I suggest you don't play wargames with me.

You said that Hitler never made a move in the Middle East? Yes, this is why he was pushing Stalingrad (now Volgograd), read up on Operation Blau, it was to push into the Caucasus to take over the Soviet oil fields there and secure the Persian corridor which is how the Allies were getting oil up from Iran. Why did Hitler want the Italians to push the 8th Army out of Egypt, or even push through Greece into Turkey? Germany did not have adequate oil supplies and needed them.

You also tend to forget that the U.S. didn't even enter into the North Africa campaign until 1942 when we started to provide direct military assistance. Also what ever happened to Field Marshall Montgomery who delivered the decisive defeat to the Axis powers in North Africa at the Second Battle of El Alamein? 30% of the Axis forces became casualties after this. Whatever happened to the intel gained by UK Ultra codebreakers? 40-60% of the Axis supplies were intercepted and destroyed en route across the Mediterranean due to this intelligence.

Patton didn't even take command of the US II Corps until 1943 during the Tunisian campaign when the British 8th Army (one of the most famous formations) was doing most of the fighting. In 1943 The US II Corps was facing a complete tactical defeat at the hands of Rommel (the aftermath of the Battle of Kasserine Pass). Sure, when the commander before Patton was pulled and Patton put in he saved the US II Corps from this, but the success of the North Africa campaign cannot be solely attributed to the small role he played because the Axis surrender on 13th May, 1943, and Patton's first engagement was The Battle of El Guettar which was 23 March – 3 April 1943. The Axis powers were already in a fighting retreat after The Second Battle of El Alamein. El Guettar was the 1st US victory against the Germans, and the follow up battle was actually indecisive. I mean, even the North African theater and the Middle East theater were commanded by the British.

Seriously, OddBall, go look all of this up and you'll see that I'm correct. Pick up any History book and stop getting your information from watching the movie Patton.

I said Hitler never had to make a move,....

Maybe you forgot that in order for all those Middle East Battles to occur, Gibralter had to be secured. To do that, Bart had to go,.. down south in Casablanca,.. and the Italian Navy had to be pushed back passed Sicily. The planning and logistics movements where made early, But Bart was taken out by BB59 and Patton was so close he was soaked in shell dye. (yellow, how fitting). Without taking out Bart (3/4 finished) The Italian Navy cannot be pushed back passed Sicily. As I remember the story, Montey was North of Gibralter until the strait was secured.

This is an accurate and definitive story of Operation Torch and how nothing could get finished or go further had it not succeeded.


Bart was step one, you would not get in the strait with her floating. The entire North African coast was a trap and ambush ridded place to not go. After Bart and the Italian Navy were forced back,...the whole deal can be done.

Bart hit 59 once, Massachusetts hit Bart no less than five times and silenced her guns before bombers finished what was left of it.

Step one.........
And Rommel's brilliant strategy vanished from your analysis completely.

Your history is wrong, unless you're trying to rewrite it- in which case we aren't buying the bullshit you're selling.

In other words, you've proven yourself stupid, uneducated and wrong about most of your 'facts'. @pnwmystery has done a good job of illustrating just how bad you are at history.

This makes you a good Repub tho- cuz make it up and throw it up on tv and the faithful will BELIEVE!

I am not wrong,...and you can follow the link and see for yourself that Torch had to succeed.....First.
So how did you mix asking up with telling ?...Major Fail.......Telling you where a street is, is not the same as asking you where the street is,...... Get a clue.....

why would you bet on something that's a fail?:wall:

further, you asked (and without any citation) wished to place a bet 'that i do'..WTF? don't you understand?..when you place a bet there is an outcome +/-.
why would you bet on something that's a fail?:wall:

further, you asked (and without any citation) wished to place a bet 'that i do'..WTF? don't you understand?..when you place a bet there is an outcome +/-.

You want me to believe you now,....which is one of the three I would bet on......Over....

Is "trust me" next ?

Going through Gibralter in 41 or until late 42,...was not doable, Italian Navy would greet you, Bart would slam the back door on you, stuck between Two BB`s that can shoot clear across the channel/strait,...is GoodBye......

Going through Gibralter in 41 or until late 42,...was not doable, Italian Navy would greet you, Bart would slam the back door on you, stuck between Two BB`s that can shoot clear across the channel/strait,...is GoodBye......

Well looks like the history lesson is going to continue...

What are you talking about? Gibraltar was already secure; Eisenhower chose it as his HQ when the U.S. began to give direct military assistance to North Africa in 42. The Royal Navy controlled the Strait of Gibraltar, as they had since 1702. The aim of the Royal Navy was to never control the Mediterranean and during WW2 the Royal Navy Command decided to focus on the Strait of Gibraltar, Malta, and the Suez Canal, or in other words: securing the Allied supply lines and defending them.

In '42 the Jean Bart was not operational,. It was being refitted in Casablanca. During the landings of Operation Torch it opened fire from the port of Casablanca with its one functional turret. The USS Massachusetts silenced her by jamming the rotating mechanism. The Jean Bart was then sunk in harbor, she never left port and was refloated after the war. Moreover Casablanca is on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, and down - about 410km (something like 250 miles) from Gibraltar. Her guns cannot fire that far.

On the topic of the Regia Marina it was not capable of projecting its force past Ibiza in 1940, though it could harass Gibraltar. It was a known fact that the Regia Marina relied on small attack craft which were pretty successful, but their larger ships lacked radar, armor, and modern (for the time) range finders meaning that they were very weak.

I mean, the Battle of Taranto in 1940, one of the first actions was a first-of-its-kind surprise attack on the Regia Marina when it was in port in Taranto. It was actually studied by Japanese Naval officers in the lead up to Pearl Harbor because it was the first time an all out air attack had been launched against a naval force. This put half of the Regia Marina's larger ships out of commission for several months. This forced the Italian navy further North.

Then in '41 there was the Battle of Cape Matapan off the coast of Greece where the Regia Marina lost three heavy cruisers, and two destroyers.

By 1942 the Italians couldn't project force past Sardinia, and if I recall correctly (please correct me if I'm wrong) the major landings of Operation Torch were not in the Mediterranean but on the Atlantic.
citation for you?..i'll get right on that:lol:

it's the PC thing to do..he has what, 15 months to go?

FYI..the conversation is no longer obama (metaphorically).

network reset, red.
You made a claim that the consensus was Israel was not an ally. That was an outright lie and I challenged you on it. You made no attempt to prove your statement, just to divert attention. You got caught lying. Don't try to get all indignant on me.
They digest all their information from listening to conservative talk radio, or watching television in the form of Faux News. I don't think they know about reading too much, but even reading and going to college is probably some "pussy liberal bullshit" thing. LOL.
^^^^^^^^^^^pussy liberal bullshit^^^^^^^^^^^