Just how dumb is the GOP base...?

israel is NOT our friend by any measure..the consensus is, we (american majority) do not wish to assist them any longer. period.
Can you provide a citation for that? Even Obama professes support for "our greatest allie, Israel"
They do more than buy pols, they are not our friend..they should have been bombed after sept 11.
Why do you suppose Saudi Arabia is our ally? I just had this discussion with Oddball, he says it's for the geopolitical position, the Suez canal and if we weren't allies, it would cause a problem in international trade. I say it's because of the Saudi oil.

What say you?
Imo - Oil, filthy rich and buy politicians at will..We don't need them, they need us and they HATE us. I've said for years they are no ally..a fake friend .

In the next couple years as things become declassified.. Everyone who ever thought they were a friend will be very surprised .

They fund lunatics who hate us, they fully support these radicals financially.
Why do you suppose Saudi Arabia is our ally? I just had this discussion with Oddball, he says it's for the geopolitical position, the Suez canal and if we weren't allies, it would cause a problem in international trade. I say it's because of the Saudi oil.

What say you?
Oil, bases

Oil is becoming less important
Can you provide a citation for that? Even Obama professes support for "our greatest allie, Israel"

citation for you?..i'll get right on that:lol:

it's the PC thing to do..he has what, 15 months to go?

FYI..the conversation is no longer obama (metaphorically).

network reset, red.
Imo - Oil, filthy rich and buy politicians at will..We don't need them, they need us and they HATE us. I've said for years they are no ally..a fake friend .

In the next couple years as things become declassified.. Everyone who ever thought they were a friend will be very surprised .

They fund lunatics who hate us, they fully support these radicals financially.

but they manipulate the masses through media..it's really scary to know that no one even knows who's running for president atm other than trump.
News flash from 1945: We - the US - didn't liberate the Middle East. Everyone else did, and it wasn't really a liberation at that if anything.

Italy invaded British Somaliland, but Commonwealth forces took it back. The US and British forces knocked out Italian forces already in North Africa because North Africa was already under Italian control. Tripoli and Libya were Italian colonies. Algeria was a French colony, and Morocco was a Spanish colony.

When it comes to the Middle East proper, Syria and Lebanon were the French Mandate of Syria. When the Vichy government took over France, the Mandate was retaken by Free French, Commonwealth, and Czechoslovakian forces. The British Mandate of Palestine and Transjordan only came under aerial attack from Italy, though the UK put forces there until the Haganah decided to call a cease fire on British forces.

Iraq was given independence from Britain in 1932. However a pro-Axis prime minister came into power who ordered all British forces to withdraw, then surrounded an RAF base in Iraq. All in all this was called the Anglo-Iraq War (campaign) and it only lasted 30 days. When the Persian corridor came under threat from Axis troops advancing on the Caucuses, the UK and Soviets invaded Iran because Reza Shah - although Iran was neutral - began to lean towards the Axis. This invasion lasted some twenty days before Reza Shah abdicated in favor of his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (who'd be overthrown by Khomeini).

So it took Hitler all of WW2 to try to make a move in the Middle East, but he never even got close to being there.

Don`t play wargames with me,....you will retreat,.....

The only reason anyone could liberate the Middle East, was due to the successes of General Patton in North Africa. He was told not to continue on passed Egypt,.. and needed elsewhere.

So don`t tell me that liberation of the Middle East was possible without the defeat of the 3rd in North Africa. Had Patton taken on that task,...the results would have been the same,...hence put the General where he is needed.

It was not a constant back and forth fight,...it was General Patton kick`n ass and not taking names.......

Adolf Hitler did not need to make a move in the Middle East, You say he tried,...well he did not,....he did not have to.....hence why they were never occupying it.

You wanna see me rip apart that book of War from the Confucius ??
actually. you are incorrect. citation would be here..find posts in which i say these things..you can't because i don't speak like that..you're just mad because i'm an educated white female with a good arguments and can easily run circles around yours.



It was asked of you, not said that you do,....I will bet you do. Stay off that meth....You cannot recognize telling from asking,.....learn to crawl first......

It was my type-o not having the correct ? punctuation......you could not even pick up on that, and you say........???
The only difference that would make is in the eventual body count. I'd like the killing in our name to stop NOW, please.

The other difference that you don`t see, is there will be no recollection by anyone to defend. It is then, it will be in the past.
Don`t play wargames with me,....you will retreat,.....

The only reason anyone could liberate the Middle East, was due to the successes of General Patton in North Africa. He was told not to continue on passed Egypt,.. and needed elsewhere.

So don`t tell me that liberation of the Middle East was possible without the defeat of the 3rd in North Africa. Had Patton taken on that task,...the results would have been the same,...hence put the General where he is needed.

It was not a constant back and forth fight,...it was General Patton kick`n ass and not taking names.......

Adolf Hitler did not need to make a move in the Middle East, You say he tried,...well he did not,....he did not have to.....hence why they were never occupying it.

You wanna see me rip apart that book of War from the Confucius ??

And Rommel's brilliant strategy vanished from your analysis completely.

Your history is wrong, unless you're trying to rewrite it- in which case we aren't buying the bullshit you're selling.

In other words, you've proven yourself stupid, uneducated and wrong about most of your 'facts'. @pnwmystery has done a good job of illustrating just how bad you are at history.

This makes you a good Repub tho- cuz make it up and throw it up on tv and the faithful will BELIEVE!
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Don`t play wargames with me,....you will retreat,.....

The only reason anyone could liberate the Middle East, was due to the successes of General Patton in North Africa. He was told not to continue on passed Egypt,.. and needed elsewhere.

So don`t tell me that liberation of the Middle East was possible without the defeat of the 3rd in North Africa. Had Patton taken on that task,...the results would have been the same,...hence put the General where he is needed.

It was not a constant back and forth fight,...it was General Patton kick`n ass and not taking names.......

Adolf Hitler did not need to make a move in the Middle East, You say he tried,...well he did not,....he did not have to.....hence why they were never occupying it.

You wanna see me rip apart that book of War from the Confucius ??


Anglo-Iraqi War happened in May 2-May 31, 1941.
Operation Countenance or the Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Iran was 25 August to 17 September 1941.
The Syrian-Lebanon campaign, or Operation Exporter was 8 June – 14 July 1941.
The North Africa Campaign took 1940-1943.

Do you see where your history is failing OddBall? I suggest you don't play wargames with me.

You said that Hitler never made a move in the Middle East? Yes, this is why he was pushing Stalingrad (now Volgograd), read up on Operation Blau, it was to push into the Caucasus to take over the Soviet oil fields there and secure the Persian corridor which is how the Allies were getting oil up from Iran. Why did Hitler want the Italians to push the 8th Army out of Egypt, or even push through Greece into Turkey? Germany did not have adequate oil supplies and needed them.

You also tend to forget that the U.S. didn't even enter into the North Africa campaign until 1942 when we started to provide direct military assistance. Also what ever happened to Field Marshall Montgomery who delivered the decisive defeat to the Axis powers in North Africa at the Second Battle of El Alamein? 30% of the Axis forces became casualties after this. Whatever happened to the intel gained by UK Ultra codebreakers? 40-60% of the Axis supplies were intercepted and destroyed en route across the Mediterranean due to this intelligence.

Patton didn't even take command of the US II Corps until 1943 during the Tunisian campaign when the British 8th Army (one of the most famous formations) was doing most of the fighting. In 1943 The US II Corps was facing a complete tactical defeat at the hands of Rommel (the aftermath of the Battle of Kasserine Pass). Sure, when the commander before Patton was pulled and Patton put in he saved the US II Corps from this, but the success of the North Africa campaign cannot be solely attributed to the small role he played because the Axis surrender on 13th May, 1943, and Patton's first engagement was The Battle of El Guettar which was 23 March – 3 April 1943. The Axis powers were already in a fighting retreat after The Second Battle of El Alamein. El Guettar was the 1st US victory against the Germans, and the follow up battle was actually indecisive. I mean, even the North African theater and the Middle East theater were commanded by the British.

Seriously, OddBall, go look all of this up and you'll see that I'm correct. Pick up any History book and stop getting your information from watching the movie Patton.

It was asked of you, not said that you do,....I will bet you do. Stay off that meth....You cannot recognize telling from asking,.....learn to crawl first......

It was my type-o not having the correct ? punctuation......you could not even pick up on that, and you say........???

It says much about you too schu,..........Do you often say,...."trust me,...or believe me,...or I promise" ....I bet you do,......

'asking' is an inquiry.

'betting that i do' is presumptive proof positive because you are willing 'to bet'..why would one bet if they weren't to prevail the bet?

why does rightie have such critical thinking fail?