Just had a gun pointed at the back of my head

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Well I do feel better today. Still on edge but not nearly as bad. Hopefully it will just blow over and I have definitely learned from this. My eyes are wide open now and honestly I'm thinking this was going to happen sooner or later from the way I've been recently doing things.. definitely puts thing in clearer perspective


Well-Known Member
Well I do feel better today. Still on edge but not nearly as bad. Hopefully it will just blow over and I have definitely learned from this. My eyes are wide open now and honestly I'm thinking this was going to happen sooner or later from the way I've been recently doing things.. definitely puts thing in clearer perspective
Ive lost thousands and pounds shit happens at least you didnt get popped

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
Bro inlaw killed a guy in a park with a knife over 5 us dollars.
I suspect harder drugs were the trigger for this reaction..
I grow for a guy I have known my entire life and he gets a great price then takes it all.
1 guy... Life is to temporary as it is.
Same here. 1 guy who is family. He makes a killing off of me. But I don't ever have to deal with some asshole I don't know. Works for me.


Well-Known Member
Yup Its sounds like hes freaking out. If he would rob you at gunpoint for some weed then hes probably looking to cover his tracks. I think you should shut down for now because of all the shit going down. I'm not sure how your're growing or what the rules are in your state. You might be okay you might not. I have a hard enough time following the rules in my state they keep trying to change the laws. Its not worth getting busted over. If you are perfectly legal you have his name, he has a rap sheet. He's in possession of the weed, cash plus a gun. It looks good for you and bad for him at this point. I would post his name a phone number on roll along with that mugshot. Chances are hes done this before and will keep doing it as long as he can get away with it.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
I was just dealing with one guy for two years, everything was gravy. Money started blinding me I guess, started opening up a little circle, two months later, gun to the back of my head.
I found out there is ALOT to know about dealing. I was getting kinda pissed cause I thought I was giving that one dude too good of a deal, but now I realize what these guys go through and deserve to make their good chunk.


Well-Known Member
20lbs to san marcus every other thursday. 30k cash . i dont drop weight in the city i live, it gets too hot and people will eventually start to know you.
i do 50-100 per oz of indoor. the price point really burns into peoples minds how much they need you. money is blinding, so make your share and spread the rest. they then flip each o for 2-250 doubling profit. make sure people know you arent to be messed with. my people know im not strapped, i wont even make a fight. you gonna run up in my trap, go for it, aint nobody gonna stop you....till you try to leave the south side. they understand your protected.


Well-Known Member
20lbs to san marcus every other thursday. 30k cash . i dont drop weight in the city i live, it gets too hot and people will eventually start to know you.
i do 50-100 per oz of indoor. the price point really burns into peoples minds how much they need you. money is blinding, so make your share and spread the rest. they then flip each o for 2-250 doubling profit. make sure people know you arent to be messed with. my people know im not strapped, i wont even make a fight. you gonna run up in my trap, go for it, aint nobody gonna stop you....till you try to leave the south side. they understand your protected.
where are you gtting your 20 packs i have 30k in cash

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
if soda and lime really took care of it all id be a happy camper. so much easier than acid. estimate displacement, remove and throw away, lift body, hope none runs over the sides, seal, bury
Caustic soda or in other terms lye is one powerful chemical and is most likely going to be implemented in funeral homes shortly
The thought of flushing your loved ones’ bodies may bring spine shivers to you, but it is going to be a reality in few years down the line. Then, funeral with lye will be considered a safer and greener return to dust than burial or cremation. At least, that is what the funeral industry of America hints at after the arrival of alkaline hydrolysis cylinders.
From the day we walked on earth, we have disposed corpses only by two methods – burial or cremation. But thanks to the effects of lye, mortuary science has come up with a third option now – dissolving bodies in lye and flushing them down the drain. For all its eww-factor, dealing with the dead using lye is not such an eerie thing. It involves using lye, pressure and heat to reduce dead bodies into a brownish liquid that is sterile enough to be flushed through the drain.
pretty wild Eh ????

Any ways revenge is best served cold :)