Just got pulled over by a Colorado state trooper

this is what its like for majority white people, regardless of your state or age, I don't understand why this is significant. Are you black? That would be sort of threadworthy I guess. Then again you look around this place and realize a fart in the wind is worth of a thread
this is what its like for majority white people, regardless of your state or age, I don't understand why this is significant. Are you black? That would be sort of threadworthy I guess. Then again you look around this place and realize a fart in the wind is worth of a thread
I thought maybe a "good cop" story was due. I did fart just now...lemme start a thread on it:P
Cops are cool to chill and respectful people. I've been given the go ahead at least 4 times off the top of my head. Probably a few more. Twice I was carrying something, but wasn't noticeably stoned. I'm a guy too. I think it's all about your presence they sense.

Just be chill and respectful. They're trained to pick up on attitude and nervousness. Helps a lot when you conduct yourself like a regular ole Joe Shmoe. Don't be all advertising you're a "______" badass, thug, pimp or whatever, you fill in the blank. If we were all humble Joe Shmoe's and kept our little secrets under wraps this country would be a more chill place. And our little secrets wouldn't scare people into having all these silly laws to supposedly protect "us" from those meany weed peeps.

It's just FREEKIN weed. Relax. ;-)
I got pulled over a few days ago...I was waiting to turn right at a light, and the cop passed me by going the direction in which I was turning...well I turn the corner, and see the cop flip a bitch, then stop perpendicular to oncoming traffic waiting for me to drive by...I just pulled over right away...

As he was walking up to my door, he saw my face in the rear view mirror, pointed, and smiled...as I rolled my window down he said

"Hey, didn't I get you a few weeks back? With the warrant??" Smiling the whole time...

I simply replied with "naw, I didn't have the warrant, I was the guy whose license plate is ONE DIGIT OFF THAT STOLEN CHEVY you're looking for"

He said "haha, that's right...weed smells strong! Has a good day buddy, SORRY TO BOTHER YOU"

Seriously, coolest fucking cop ever...doesn't give a shit about my expired registration, or even wanna see my doctors rec (didn't even ask if I HAD one)...He's looking for real criminals, stolen cars and break ins and shit.

Coolest cop I met to this date...even told me how to get out of a 700 dollar ticket I have coming up.....
All I know is I agree that if you're cool , calm and collective cops will do the same.

At least my situations. When I drink I get hemmed up and beat. I don't back down.

Every time I've been high I've been let go. Everytime! I'm not white if that's relevant.