Just got pulled over by a Colorado state trooper

Cops are cool to chill and respectful people. I've been given the go ahead at least 4 times off the top of my head. Probably a few more. Twice I was carrying something, but wasn't noticeably stoned. I'm a guy too. I think it's all about your presence they sense.

Just be chill and respectful. They're trained to pick up on attitude and nervousness. Helps a lot when you conduct yourself like a regular ole Joe Shmoe. Don't be all advertising you're a "______" badass, thug, pimp or whatever, you fill in the blank. If we were all humble Joe Shmoe's and kept our little secrets under wraps this country would be a more chill place. And our little secrets wouldn't scare people into having all these silly laws to supposedly protect "us" from those meany weed peeps.

It's just FREEKIN weed. Relax. ;-)

Being "cool" can help, sometimes, with a good cop. Rarity limo.
Several years ago I sold an unregistered pistol to a CHP officer. He was in the Navy reserves and came to work for me for 2 weeks. He was also on admin leave for shooting a gang banger in Oakland while off duty at a house party. I often wonder what happened to that pistol.
Th other day i got stopped by the police and asked where i came from and where i was going. final question was have you been drinking? I replied no. The copper asks so what are all those empty cans on cup holders and shit? err fantas and nesteas mr pig fantas and nesteas....
Not too long ago i got stopped and they asked can you open the booth of your car? And i just said for what reason in particular? He says I can smell weed. (which is bullshit its been months and months since weed makes it into my car only had a wee bit of bho). I say stop lying we both know thats bullshit so if you really wanna search my car im not letting you until your bring a dog to give your nose confirmation. ll show you my documents if i really hafto but thats all ill do, anything else you wanna do youre going beyond your depth and invading my rights and you can do all that after my lawyer arrives, He just replied have a good evening! And off i went.
Cops are cool to chill and respectful people. I've been given the go ahead at least 4 times off the top of my head. Probably a few more. Twice I was carrying something, but wasn't noticeably stoned. I'm a guy too. I think it's all about your presence they sense.

Just be chill and respectful. They're trained to pick up on attitude and nervousness. Helps a lot when you conduct yourself like a regular ole Joe Shmoe. Don't be all advertising you're a "______" badass, thug, pimp or whatever, you fill in the blank. If we were all humble Joe Shmoe's and kept our little secrets under wraps this country would be a more chill place. And our little secrets wouldn't scare people into having all these silly laws to supposedly protect "us" from those meany weed peeps.

It's just FREEKIN weed. Relax. ;-)
The guy who was assigned to pull the switch at Auschwitz was probably "chill and respectful people. "
Several years ago I sold an unregistered pistol to a CHP officer. He was in the Navy reserves and came to work for me for 2 weeks. He was also on admin leave for shooting a gang banger in Oakland while off duty at a house party. I often wonder what happened to that pistol.

Lol damn wtf. Couldn't he had just bought some weed instead.
this is what its like for majority white people, regardless of your state or age, I don't understand why this is significant. Are you black? That would be sort of threadworthy I guess. Then again you look around this place and realize a fart in the wind is worth of a thread
The police use to treat me like I'm black but ain't shit for blacks out here actually they still do with my kid in the car and all cop was trying to search my damn car trying to say I was lying their where no drugs but still got treated like a punk in front of my daughter. Sure blacks may get it worse some places but I've had 2 cops threaten to kill me their is one town I won't even drive through cause of it the other one is retired all cause I won't snitch even 1 town I was suspected of so many crimes it's not even possible couldn't walk down the road without getting searched.
Coolest cop I met to this date...even told me how to get out of a 700 dollar ticket I have coming up.....
Half your luck getting a good one. I got pulled over whilst walking my dog on my pushy. I was about 200m from home just as the sun was beginning to go down and got booked for no front light, no back light, no helmet and riding on the foot path. Four tickets! He was a complete arse about it and sure could have told me to get off and walk the last bit:/