I wouldn't trust u either...the right thing to do is tap dude on the shoulder and tell him put your money up before someone robs u.that's having respect I don't care if u need money, get a job. It ain't yours. You can't justify a reason to rob somebody. I have too much respect for myself.If I see someone walking around with $400 hanging out of their pocket and I needed money yeah I would take it they deserve it for being dumb and careless but I don't need any and I am a very trustworthy and loyal person and find that comment insulting.
This one I definently am suspect about. U give up money and the dealer goes away for 10min to bring back bud? Then it's like this is what I have. What are you suppose to do, he has my loot. I always did business, bring the product, buyer inspects it, likes it, goes in his pocket grabs $ and hands it over. Done deal. The best is do the deal in a well populated area.Threadstarter please take this into consideration from someone who at one time sold mj back in high school:
My tips for the FUTURE (if you decide to keep dealing) that worked for me in high school are:
2) Receive the cash BEFORE you bring the bud (ie. meet up and get the cash...leave with the cash to get the exact amount requested. return with the bud but no cash) if you do this then you are guaranteed not to get robbed as it wouldnt be possible since only the money or only the bud is present at any given time. its a pain in the ass to do business this way but if safety is your concern then this is the best idea period
and when dealing with pounds you always ALEWAYS have a couple extra guys hiding in the shadows with guns so when shit like this goes down its not going far..always do business indoors and make sure to lock the door
if its one thing I learned.. its that the truth hurts, and your friend is fuckin PLAYIN you bro. "Oh I wont tell you any of their names cuz they are my boys too"*pulls out a joint of YOUR weed* *smokes it* "Hey man I got some cool friends this time just down the other side of the street who want to buy a POUND off you man! but we gotta go to their place and not bring anything with us, but dont worry cuz ill be there with you and they are cool with ME so they wont try to jack you again, i mean.. they are different people so they wont try to jack you.""I swear bro, BUT if they do I dont want any part of it."now for my advice.. stay away from that kid.. if he knows you grow well than your FUCKED for telling someone like that, and you better put some bars and locks on your grow room or else you WILL get jacked.Id get some eggs at night and throw em at the dudes car, i hear that shit scrapes off paint, AND you wont get caught, AND for the price of what you lost, theyd needa push it to pay off for their new paint job.See someone who has some sense, your BUDDY is not a buddy, if he wasn't on your side he was on theirs, shit went down and they robbed you not you and him. You don't have the balls to bust his face wide open you don't have the guts to fix this. Your shit is gone, don't expect to ever see your shit or money again!
Not if your on top of the pyramid, and you know how to read people and know who to trust (child hood friends that you chill with everyday and ran away from cops with are the BEST men to get. just be careful just cuz they are ur child hood friends doesnt mean they are trustable, there are just trials you all go through while growing up, I know best friends who I can see SLIPPIN the word, I dont talk to them just cuz I dont hang around weak people like that, its just natural.Sorry let me rephrase that, I dont allow people who are known to slip or have a potential of slipping to know THAT part of my life.jeeeez.. I think the kid got the point...
I mean sure, he deserved what he got.. but at the same time, we all do dumb shit from time to time.
But speaking for myself.. I've never done anything that ignorant. Dang man...You gotta learn to use your head.
Why do you deal anyhow??? You'll either get put in prison or killed. Those are the only two outcomes of dealing kid.. period.
It's just not worth it IMO..
Sorry dude, anyone that would prey on someone elses misfortune and admits he would take advantage and do an evil thing can never be trusted. Not only aren't you trustworthy, but you are in fact a bully. Whether or not you find that insulting i could really give a shit less, I find it extremely insulting that you would resort to theft of someone elses property just because you could get away with it. Now go fuck off.If I see someone walking around with $400 hanging out of their pocket and I needed money yeah I would take it they deserve it for being dumb and careless but I don't need any and I am a very trustworthy and loyal person and find that comment insulting.
and we all know what happens to bullies now. they get picked up thrown to the ground and when u get up u cant hardly walk. and its the kids doing this work. so dont go bulling kids or else.Sorry dude, anyone that would prey on someone elses misfortune and admits he would take advantage and do an evil thing can never be trusted. Not only aren't you trustworthy, but you are in fact a bully. Whether or not you find that insulting i could really give a shit less, I find it extremely insulting that you would resort to theft of someone elses property just because you could get away with it. Now go fuck off.
Exactly whatever you do, if you plan on dealing in the future...this is your reputation, don't make it weak.get tht bat or go beat his ass like a man, thats ur shit dude dont let nobody play you like a bitch or u can kiss dealin goodbye
not true just charge it to the game and be more careful although the op probably doesnt give a fuck any moreyou shoulda said fuck it and took off runnin if them boys had knives, then come back wit ur own or btr...this business is unforgivable man, once your robbed and gave it up without a fight, them jack boys go b all over u so unless u go get ur shit back or do tht much damage to them or their property, call it quits