Threadstarter please take this into consideration from someone who at one time sold mj back in high school:
its truly up to you if you want to go after these people. the $ isnt worth (it NEVER is) but believe it or not (no matter what anyone here says) the credibility alone may be worth it if you plan on staying in the slingin' game. why? well say you dont do anything about it but still deal in the same area or to people who could be affiliated with your friend or the put yourself at risk to be robbed again as an "easy target" by someone else.
That would be the reason to do some damage because someone thinking of robbing you next time may know what you did to those that tried to jack you previously.
Personally i say if you can avoid the whole area/circle of people thats the best thing to do as you wont face any possible legal troubles or retaliation. However sometimes thats not always a possibility.
My personal advice would be to determine if you can get away without business in that area/through that group of people or if you MUST stay in the area and do what you need to do.
My tips for the FUTURE (if you decide to keep dealing) that worked for me in high school are:
1) DON'T carry your stash on you at all costs (ie. dont walk down the street w/ $400 of bud asking strangers to buy'll get robbed sooner than later)
2) Receive the cash BEFORE you bring the bud (ie. meet up and get the cash...leave with the cash to get the exact amount requested. return with the bud but no cash) if you do this then you are guaranteed not to get robbed as it wouldnt be possible since only the money or only the bud is present at any given time. its a pain in the ass to do business this way but if safety is your concern then this is the best idea period
3) tell only as many people as you NEED to that you deal...dont flaunt it to strangers, etc.
4) Never carry $ on you.
5) never carry any extra bud on you
6) never tell anyone where your stash is or how much you're sitting on in terms of money or bud
7) NEVER short anyone on their bud (its bad for business and can make always be on point.)

dont overcharge for your bud or that too can make you enemies who may just kick the crap out of you if you dont give them the chance to rob you
follow these rules and you should avoid being robbed. especially if you receive payment 1st then go to your house (or where ever you stash your supply) and leave the $ there, that the exact amount requested and go take it back to them. it may be hard getting customers to trust you by giving you the $ first so either deal with people you know or start dealing small amounts only to them (8ths or less at a time) then after you two establish some trust in each other then you can arrange to get the money first and bring the bud by after.
remember they cant rob you if you dont give them the chance