just got a clone. now what?

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
Hey Guys. This is my first post so please excuse ignorance.
So, i just got this romulan clone and i would like to know a few things.
1) can i put the small rockwool cube in a pot with some soil and grow it like that?
2) if #1 is no, how do i flower? it cant get that big in that little ass cube, can it? do i transplant to more rockwool?
basicly i want the plant to get as big as it can, since it's only one plant, and i just dont want to kill it. my lights are cfl's and my nutes(haven't fed the clone yet)are this dynagrow shit my friend gave me. no ph test kit. no pics. the plant is about 6" right now and has some roots popping out the bottom and sides. it also has a wierd curve to the stem and maybe 6 nodes. if i flower now, how big will it get? Any help is apprieciated.


Well-Known Member
before you do anything, let it root.

after it roots, you can either put that little rock wool cube in a pot of soil or a pot of clay pellets or inside a larger cube of rock wool.

do NOT try and take the rootball out of the rock wool, you will wind up killing it.

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
how do i know when it's rooted? there's already a bunch of little roots poking out the bottom, can i plant it now? don't know where to get more rockwool...so soil it is. Thanks for the reply, by the way.


Well-Known Member
you need to plant it in an excellent soil/mix.then after a couple of days start adding the nutes.1/2 strength.only feed every other water.some sunlight and youre rollin.oh yeah have patience it will pay off,and the bigger the root the bigger the fruit[bdw].peace:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
how do i know when it's rooted? there's already a bunch of little roots poking out the bottom, can i plant it now? don't know where to get more rockwool...so soil it is. Thanks for the reply, by the way.
if you see root, it is rooted, so plant it.... hit the GrowFAQ and study up... sounds like you have a lot of questions and all of them will be covered in there.

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
well i planted it in some soil a couple of days ago and i dont think that its handling it well. the fan leaves are starting to turn yellow and then brown and shriveled, starting from the bottom going up the plant. any ideas?

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
also, the fan leaves, what little there are, are being affected only/more severley than the node shoots. theres a little shoot coming out lower on the stem than the fan leaf and it's nearly unaffected.

Also worth noting, there's 2 seedlings in the exact same soil mix and enviorment and they seem to be doing just fine. ???

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
Well my rom clone is doing good, first the white pistils, then the small buds, and now the crystals. got it on the 12/12. can't wait for it to get bigger! seems like its' taking forever!
also- missed the light cycle by maybe a couple of hours on a couple of different days, don't think it will cause harm, right?

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
seedling looks even better, has been left outside, nice big bud covered in crystals, but thats just the problem, bud! as in just one. no branches or side growth just one shoot straight up, minimal popcorn buds, not very much gain in height. the daylight hours are sun up @~6:30 & sun down ~@8:00, so the hours aren't exactly 12/12...so my question is, when the natural daylight hours reach 12/12 will it start getting bigger and how long will i have to wait until i can harvest? could it be a ruderalis hybrid?


Well-Known Member
before you do anything, let it root.

after it roots, you can either put that little rock wool cube in a pot of soil or a pot of clay pellets or inside a larger cube of rock wool.

do NOT try and take the rootball out of the rock wool, you will wind up killing it.

I see the thread has moved on, but for future reference...

I got 3 clones rooted in rockwool, I removed the rockwool so I could put them in my Aerogarden.

I was very careful but did loose some of the roots. After a week in the AG, they are fine and healthy...

I actually wasn't sure about that so I kept one of the clones in rockwool, just in case...

Well, the rockwool is not suitable for my set up, so today I transplanted the last one from rockwool to sponge... Again loosing a few root bits, but I fully expect the clone to thrive...

There are pictures of the whole thing in my Journal (see sig. at the bottom)..

Well, Nicky, Best of luck...


Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
Nice little system you got there, Gypsy. what do you do when they get to tall for that little area? And, question for the thread: i have little areas of eaten leaves on my outdoor plant (which is now inside) and the other day I found a small catepiller-like bug with the uncanny ability to spin web...anybody know what it is? Well I promptly plucked him from my beloved and carefully placed him on another one of my plants that he might not enjoy to much, The Venus Flytrap!


Well-Known Member
Nice little system you got there, Gypsy. what do you do when they get to tall for that little area?
Thanks...! It's been fun so far...

They don't... I force them to stay small... sort of like "Bonsai", but I really don't know much, just experimenting...

I started flowering when the clones were 3 inches high... and I have been making HEAVY use of Low Stress Training... I am pretty sure I am making it pretty stressful though... I usually re-tie once a day minimum...:weed:

Right now, most branches have been brought down to the "ground"... so I have started bringing then around the plant, in a multiple spiral pattern... should be pretty in a few weeks...:shock:

Also, my colas are all below the "bottom" nugs, giving the usually shaded and fluffy bud, full access to light...:hump:

I just added a bunch of pictures...:shock: Stop by and "shoot the shit" with us...

Mini Aeroponic Garden

As for the pest problem, good luck, get rid of it before it is an infestation... of anything...:evil:

Well... take care...


"I & I don't cherish wickedness... it's no profit for I & I." Ras...


Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
So I took my plants out of the dark cycle this morning and noticed something strange that has been developing over the past two days but today took a turn for the worst. at first it was the little leaves on the top of my plant ( the ones poking out of the buds with crystals all over) that were twisting and contorting in strange directions. I thought it was the outdoor plant which was used to the sun getting used to the new light source, thought it would adapt over a few days and it wouldn't be a problem. TODAY it seems that that foliar behavior has spread to the buds themselves and as of now the whole top inch or two of my MAIN COLA has shrunk! all the little leaves are curling up (similar to dried/finished buds) and the smell is gone! It smells like grass...like improperly dried bud! It's crispy to the touch like it has been dehydrated...perhaps ther was a shift in humidity from outside to my room that it is not adjusting well to? Perhaps I need to cut it down? just watered it yesterday, soil is still moist,cant be underwatering, probably not overwatering. What could it be? This cannot continue!

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
I might also add this is my SEEDLING that were talking about here, My CLONE (which was indoor the whole time, under the same lights/indoor enviorment, and is experiencing no similar problems, no pests,etc..) is doing fine. The only thing there is that alot of fan leaves are yellowing from bottom up(on clone). I heard its normal during flowering; has been about 4-3 weeks on 12-12. buds look/smell great.
P.S. On the seedling I just wanted to add that the "crispy condition" is occuring from the top down; the buds on bottom still look/smell fantastic.

Nicky Ironlungs

Active Member
Well, I harvested. cut down both plants and the are now hanging upside down from a clothes hanger with clothes pins with a cardboard box around that with holes poked in it an a fan blowing on that, gently spinning back and forth. today is the one week mark and when i briefly checked on them they smelled good but didnt visulally inspect them, will do that tonight. I cut all the damaged portion off the plant already,btw.