Extra sharp chedder, but not the super sharp smoked kind in the deli section, that stuff is toooo sharp!Yah! Cheese convo! Fuck yah! What's ya'lls favorite cheese! Mine is Pepper Jack. =D
Mmmm, sounds good! Nah, not just a Canadian thing, I LOVE McDonald's McGriddles, which is basically a pancake type thing with maple syrup in it, with either bacon or sausage, egg, and cheese. THE BOMB.What is that? Looks sort of like big ol pan of Yorkshire pudding with bacon in it.
If thats NOT what it is I'm still going to make some.I saw on a show last night Pancakes with either Bacon or Sausage right in it. Oh yea!
That may be a canadian thing. Bacon or Sausage with maple syrup.. oh yeah baby...
I have an old Ice Cream Shake maker......you know like a blender....youve seen em at baskin robbins and stuff............long rod with a like a paint stirrer at bottom and a metal cup and you put you mix in cup and spin till its a milk shake....well I do that to eggs....I put 4 in there spin the fuck out of me...puts air bubbles in it....and a bit of milk not much......season and poor into larg skillet pre heated and had meat and cheese and mushrooms....FLUFFYMOTHER FUCKER