just brought an AG... help a lady toker out plz

yep iv germinated the seeds and the roots grew thru the jiffy pots they r in pots now. my friend has 12 seeds he is givin me so can i just start the seed on the aerogarden. omg im so excited. iv never grown indoor ever. cant wait to smoke my own bud lol.... oh yeah and also can i use the nurtrients that come with the AG. maybe if i use them according to tomatoes?:weed:


Active Member
You can most likley use the Nutes that came with the AG, but I would recommened picking up some from the hydro shop (if thats an option) or just going with water only (my fav. personally)

yep iv germinated the seeds and the roots grew thru the jiffy pots they r in pots now. my friend has 12 seeds he is givin me so can i just start the seed on the aerogarden. omg im so excited. iv never grown indoor ever. cant wait to smoke my own bud lol.... oh yeah and also can i use the nurtrients that come with the AG. maybe if i use them according to tomatoes?:weed:
um i think that the aerogarden comes with cfls. aslong as the light imitates the sun isnt that enough? isnt it the amount of light u give the plants that is complicated. if the aerogarden lights grow the way they say they do then it should be fine to grow marijuana with them. i dont no wat make marijuana different. isnt a high thc level determined as to how healthy the plant is like any other plant and not about fancy lighting. like i said aslong as it imatates the sun then isnt it enough? the same or not? god im such a dumby wen it comes to this stuff lol


Well-Known Member
i was reading a thread on here a couple of days ago where some bloke made his own 4ft by 2ft aeroponic tank and he had a link to some video on you tube on seemorebuds where- seemorebuds was growing in aeroponic tanks, he had 4x 600watt lights and three 4ft by 2ft tanks under the lights and he pulled between 4lbs and 6lbs.
i was looking for the thread all day yesterday because i wanted to know what pump he was using but i couldnt find it unfortunately.

anyhow i still made a small tank that will house 30 cuttings in 2" pots, i still need to cut the holes in the black recycled nft corriboard, will do that 2morrow.
You'll need and airpump and some bubble stones too or you'll end up getting root rot.

Also, I'd recommend adding some lower plumbing for easy access to add/test water etc. Here's a pic of my system based somewhat off of Roseman's design for a Bubbleponics system.


i need a air pump then how do the plants intended for the aerogarden go fine with out one? are the different? im pretty sure the aerogarden you can buy in australia has a pump. because it says somewhere that u can buy replacement pumps for them
Has gone good, I have gone both ways, and they both turned out great. Some people will only do water as thats all a plant really needs: Water, Sun, Air.
awesome. nutes confuse the hell out of me right now. so no noticeable difference? i'll be monitoring the ph, but that's about it. am providing air, adequate lighting, and oxygen to the roots via airstone. you think i should be fine?


Well-Known Member
anti dont steal her thread lol , im pretty sure u can still grow your weed in the AG without and airstone , altho i did that and got root rot , but i had the whole resevoir full , keep only like 1litre to 1/half litre in there and u should be fine , without the airstone your roots will drone if u have to much water . and yes u do have a pump with the AG a (water pump) thats what circulates the water thru then system , dont use the AG nutes , just goto your local hydro store and by some its only like 15 bucks aus .


Well-Known Member
ALl roots that sit in water need to be oxygenated,via airpump and stone.Cfls are good but need a bunch of em,The light in the hood alone is not near enough light.ANg get different Kelvins ex.,6500K and 4100K..use both spectrums is the best way to immitate the sunlight more efficiently.The ag isnt made for growing pot..You can,i have,but is an awesom learning utinsile.Good Luck aussiprincess..if ya need any help you can pm me.


Well-Known Member
a cheap pump plus a couple airstones is only like $7 bucks at Petco/Petsmart/Walmart, so its really a no-brainer investment
kool advice. but i still wanna no somethen. why does the aerogarden grow all the other plants intended fine with wat it comes with but not the marijuana plant? that confuses me lol. why do i need all this extra stuff. the roots grow fine on a tomato plant or flowers in a AG so why is the mull plant different? and big thanx for all the help iv had. bongsmilie


Active Member
Its just helps give your plants better care n love. If you treat your girls well they will treat you well in the end young grasshopper. The aerogarden is made for growing anything. You can grow with using the aerogarden itself but the result might not b what you expected. By adding the extra lighting, airstone, nutes, testing the ph of the water should make a big difference. And you can learn alot using the aerogarden so good luck. Read some grow journals and pick up om other peoples teq.


Well-Known Member
kool advice. but i still wanna no somethen. why does the aerogarden grow all the other plants intended fine with wat it comes with but not the marijuana plant? that confuses me lol. why do i need all this extra stuff. the roots grow fine on a tomato plant or flowers in a AG so why is the mull plant different? and big thanx for all the help iv had. bongsmilie
A marijuana plant is a lil different from a tomatoe plant.thats just how it is,different species of plant


Well-Known Member
Its just helps give your plants better care n love. If you treat your girls well they will treat you well in the end young grasshopper. The aerogarden is made for growing anything. You can grow with using the aerogarden itself but the result might not b what you expected. By adding the extra lighting, airstone, nutes, testing the ph of the water should make a big difference. And you can learn alot using the aerogarden so good luck. Read some grow journals and pick up om other peoples teq.
I learned a TON from doing my first grow in the AG. It's addicting though. After you do one grow, you're gonna want to do another, and another. . .


Well-Known Member
wow ok ........... to answer your question that no one else is doing , yes u can just grow pot in the ag without the pump. my older bro is doing it just fine .

but you are at alot more increase risk of heaps of root problems .


Well-Known Member
the min those roots start to brown , u need to chuck a pump in there or they die , or u might just get away with some hydrogen peroxide if u get to it early .


Well-Known Member
the main difference is that MJ will have MASSIVE roots, while household plants tend to have less.
Hence why you can grow 7 different herbs in a single AG, but growing MJ plants can fill up the reservoir with roots quite quickly


Well-Known Member
As long as you giving the roots what they need,theyll do great along with the plants.QUESTION answered.