Just attempting Qwiso hash for first time.. its white?

its all good cheers mate, i think iv got it down, dunno if it was begginers luck or skill lol! I did have a bit of practace at something simular.. So guess it all helped.

Qwizoking was explaining it to me the other day and Sen him telling other this or that so
sweet mate! That's exactly how mine was to start! I'll get some pics on the next run... If it goes the same. Did u find the white powder almost acts as if its statically charged in the way it sticks to everything and almost explodes when u scrape it... Not big explosion obviously lol.. Just kinda try tk fly everywhere?


Here my favorite picture
sweet mate! That's exactly how mine was to start! I'll get some pics on the next run... If it goes the same. Did u find the white powder almost acts as if its statically charged in the way it sticks to everything and almost explodes when u scrape it... Not big explosion obviously lol.. Just kinda try tk fly everywhere?


Here my favorite picture
I still have some white powder around my dish and residue in the corners where I cant scrape.. Should I just cut my losses and wash it out... Or can I leave it for my next wash? I'm assuming when I poor the next lot of iso/trics into the dish that the iso will disolvd the residue again? Am I wrong?

it looks dark on the blade but that's just because it all clomped together. I was thinking of putting it between some parchment paper, heating it slightly and flattening it out into one hard, thin, clear amber sheet. Would this just be a waste of time? Also.. Would it mess it up by playing round with it to much? One more thing lol... Will all of the alcohol be purged out of it now? Would keeping it wafer thin be good for making sure there is no iso left inside it?


You have lots of questions. Best thing is to learn from experience or read up on your chemistry.
Thin sheets will obviously be more transparent, this can help bag appeal but a real dabber will know that, the quality doesnt look bad. Not super, good for a first run.
You can mess it up by playing too much. I do fresh material frozen before it dries, no heat touches my extracts or light. Any little thing will make a difference in quality. The compounds are very sensitive. Also it will alter consistency. Light heat like you did during the scrape willcreate shatter, in that thin sheet lighter compounds with a low melting point are easily lost. The actual cannabinoids are a solid near double room temp, but not all the flavor is...

Yes a thin film is good for the purge, a typical pyrex like you used and one pint? Of iso will be done in about 26hrs at room temp with good airflow..it is much easier to purge than butane due to whats being extracted. Qwiso doesnt form the same film, "iodine number" if you feel like googling
You have lots of questions. Best thing is to learn from experience or read up on your chemistry.
Thin sheets will obviously be more transparent, this can help bag appeal but a real dabber will know that, the quality doesnt look bad. Not super, good for a first run.
You can mess it up by playing too much. I do fresh material frozen before it dries, no heat touches my extracts or light. Any little thing will make a difference in quality. The compounds are very sensitive. Also it will alter consistency. Light heat like you did during the scrape willcreate shatter, in that thin sheet lighter compounds with a low melting point are easily lost. The actual cannabinoids are a solid near double room temp, but not all the flavor is...

Yes a thin film is good for the purge, a typical pyrex like you used and one pint? Of iso will be done in about 26hrs at room temp with good airflow..it is much easier to purge than butane due to whats being extracted. Qwiso doesnt form the same film, "iodine number" if you feel like googling

You have lots of questions. Best thing is to learn from experience or read up on your chemistry.
Thin sheets will obviously be more transparent, this can help bag appeal but a real dabber will know that, the quality doesnt look bad. Not super, good for a first run.
You can mess it up by playing too much. I do fresh material frozen before it dries, no heat touches my extracts or light. Any little thing will make a difference in quality. The compounds are very sensitive. Also it will alter consistency. Light heat like you did during the scrape willcreate shatter, in that thin sheet lighter compounds with a low melting point are easily lost. The actual cannabinoids are a solid near double room temp, but not all the flavor is...

Yes a thin film is good for the purge, a typical pyrex like you used and one pint? Of iso will be done in about 26hrs at room temp with good airflow..it is much easier to purge than butane due to whats being extracted. Qwiso doesnt form the same film, "iodine number" if you feel like googling
that's cool cheers mate... I will keep experimenting. I like the idea of u using fresh material that's not dried. I did try to use no heat... I was just a little unsure what to do with the while powder as it was so difficult to handle, that's why I melted it into a kinda shatter form. The people round here don't know what shatter is lol, they only smoke weed, hopefully this will blow their minds lol. Shatter and other types of concentrate's seem to be alot more popular in the US. Its not common in England as far as I'm aware. Its only when some one like me has a play. Is dabbing the only way to smoke this?

cheers for all your help, you definatly have mastered this! This is my first ever grow... I'm keen to experiment further, I have 4 more seedlings on the go now. It keeps me entertained lol.
Smoke it pussy ,just joking about the pussy part but foreal smoke it
lol. I really wish I could! It really scares me lol. I'm a recovering heroin addict and have abused every drug known to man... Not that I'm proud of that... But weed/hash really fucks my head, I enjoyed it for 6 years from the age of 15, iv not touched any for a good few years as I stopped due to extreme paranoia/pfschosis. I was smoking some shit hash tho! This is red poison which is an auto and high in cbd which is meant to help anxiety so I believe? I grew it because I have just come down from 50mg to 10mv of diazipam, 5mg a month, its getting hard now, so I thought this weed could help my reduction lol... Still to scared.
I did spark a spliff up last night for my Mrs, I didn't really inhale but I think I may have felt a bit.. It was nice.. It could have been a placebo tho lol. I'm scared... I'll happily admit it lol. I see all this and smells so good.. Tastes so good.. Just worked it will take me strait back to the dark days lol. Fuck knows! I might have a lil try. Just have some extra vallium on stand by eh lol. What's this shatter like? Is it megga strong? Bit like the skuff from a grinder?
lol. I really wish I could! It really scares me lol. I'm a recovering heroin addict and have abused every drug known to man... Not that I'm proud of that... But weed/hash really fucks my head, I enjoyed it for 6 years from the age of 15, iv not touched any for a good few years as I stopped due to extreme paranoia/pfschosis. I was smoking some shit hash tho! This is red poison which is an auto and high in cbd which is meant to help anxiety so I believe? I grew it because I have just come down from 50mg to 10mv of diazipam, 5mg a month, its getting hard now, so I thought this weed could help my reduction lol... Still to scared.
50 to 10mg vallium a day.
So i accidentally mixed the order but you get the idea..this was a crappy run, nothing special. I did to show an avg iso extraction, what the avg extractor should hope to achieve..this is not how i make my hash...anyway..yiu can see the white powder, you can press it together like some do. Or smoke the powder. It really should be more gooey like this, you can tell its moist in the first pic.
Just from playing with it it becomes like a tootsie roll consistency and darker color.



This is from the same batch but heated evap

Dark, hard but pliable, no flavor other than phenolic plasticy taste.

That was using a "red" heavy sativa that went 26 weeks. Her terpenes are red and will have red trichomes all the way through harvest.

This is the same type of extraction with a different strain. The qwiso on the right side of that dish had more air circulation. The same thickness but turned to a powder vs the left side thats regular hash. I drew some lines in the powder to show. It need not even be scraped unlike the other side. The easiest way to handle is chilled in the powder or pressed into a chunk



Turns into this when pressed

In this pic you see the outer edge on the right start to wax. Due to heat..thanks tc...

There are hundreds of factors and just as many preferences

Good luck. Hope i helped
So i accidentally mixed the order but you get the idea..this was a crappy run, nothing special. I did to show an avg iso extraction, what the avg extractor should hope to achieve..this is not how i make my hash...anyway..yiu can see the white powder, you can press it together like some do. Or smoke the powder. It really should be more gooey like this, you can tell its moist in the first pic.
Just from playing with it it becomes like a tootsie roll consistency and darker color.



This is from the same batch but heated evap

Dark, hard but pliable, no flavor other than phenolic plasticy taste.

That was using a "red" heavy sativa that went 26 weeks. Her terpenes are red and will have red trichomes all the way through harvest.

This is the same type of extraction with a different strain. The qwiso on the right side of that dish had more air circulation. The same thickness but turned to a powder vs the left side thats regular hash. I drew some lines in the powder to show. It need not even be scraped unlike the other side. The easiest way to handle is chilled in the powder or pressed into a chunk



Turns into this when pressed

In this pic you see the outer edge on the right start to wax. Due to heat..thanks tc...

There are hundreds of factors and just as many preferences

Good luck. Hope i helped
that is awesome cheers man, really appreciate your time. I will do my next wash shortly and try get a better quality yet, ill be sure to post and let you guys know how it goes! Wow.. 26 weeks! That's a crazy long flowering plant! Mi e are autos... Finished in 10 from seed, I have some Martian mean green seeds for my next grow, I have one in with my current grow, I'm planning on pruning it lots and experimenting with it while my autos grow, when they finish I will flip it to 12/12. And see what this straid does... I hear great things about it.

Smoke it pussy ,just joking about the pussy part but foreal smoke it
bro i get that i have anxiety and ptsd , an also have alchol and the drugs problem i go threw stages were all binge drink and dont take care of myself ,then all just smoke pot and work out its weird but some strains make my anxiety threw the roof so i get ya
Strawberry cough doesent mess with my mentel state evreybody is diffrent offcoure but certain strains keep me from drinking and drugging all be like alljust have a beer later and never get around to it
Also have sleeping problems certan strains really help with that well enough with the thread jack,made some killer bubble hash out of my trim this year
Also have sleeping problems certan strains really help with that well enough with the thread jack,made some killer bubble hash out of my trim this year
I don't mind anyone joining in on the thread mate, its not thread jacking lol. Sounds like your in a similar place to me in the drug way then lol. I'm quite lucky really... Altho I have done alot of binge drinking in my youth.. Iv never really had much to do with booze, I dunno why.. Guess I just don't like the taste or the hit from it.. Its very lucky because I have been such an animal with all other drugs but at least you cant just walk into a shop and buy them.. I guess id be dead if that eas the case lol. I'm doin really well now tho, I'm on a methadone prescription and vallium to, iv not used for 4 months.. That's the best iv done for years, I'm just learning to deal with my demons and then I can ditch the methadone and hopefully the vallium too.. Then I can be free again! Not always worrying about where I go in the world incase my script runs out or cant score etc. Its crazy really, I had a £300 a day habbit at one point lol.. I could of bought myself a hose twice over! Instead I got.. Not much lol. I don't think id change a second of it tho.. Its made me who I am today. I thing beating an addiction like that could maybe one of the most rewarding things to do... Not that id advise it lol. It teaches you alot about yourself and when you bounce back.. If you bounce back lol, you bounce higher than ever, also the harder you fell the harder you come back. Not many people make it tho, iv lost more friends than I care to think of. All gone now, could have been me. I overdosed 3 times.. Accidentally. Crazy old life eh lol. Gotta laugh, if not we would only cry.

I did alot of x and got sick one time had panic attacks evrey since i was 18 got addicted to zanx because of it ,30 now of the bars still battle with addiction though got to do the best we can
Thats the bad thing about my drinking il wana do other stuff when i get drunk its a batttle i grow for theraputic reasons ,its a good thing that i grow dont bring people around