Just about to smoke by myself


i HATE zombie flicks.... that being said... check out "terror planet"... ONLY good zombie movie i have ever seen


New Member
i HATE zombie flicks.... that being said... check out "terror planet"... ONLY good zombie movie i have ever seen

The great part about zombies is no one is safe, and winning isnt attainable!

everyone dies in their lifetime, no one is safe!

hehe idk why im defending zombie movies, aside from my deep passionate love affair ive had with them my entire existence


Well-Known Member
if ya have seen 28 days later try the sequal 28 weeks later. those arent zombies either, like rage induced freaks meh


New Member
has any1 watched 'Vantage Point' ? this movie sucks... i cant enjoy it at all...
i tried and hold the same opinion....i found myself putting on the first 15 minues, getting stoned, and putting it in the background of roll it up and my Instant messenger lol

edit: PS - i dont even remember the first 15 minutes lol


New Member
You're looking at zomie movies the wrong way. Zombie movies are like homework. The world is full of zombies and most of them don't even know they are zombies. :lol:

Think of it as a documentary of how to stay alive if the shit ever hits the fan.

i HATE zombie flicks.... that being said... check out "terror planet"... ONLY good zombie movie i have ever seen