Just about to smoke by myself


Well-Known Member
cause i dont feel like going out tonight, and was wondering what movie i should watch?? somthing with zombies would be good does anyone know of anythingbongsmilie:-o:-x:D:):(8-):mad::joint:


Well-Known Member
i got to see gran torino bootleg last weekend and a shadow of someone stood up and walked across the screen, but who cares? bootleg rules if the sound is good. L8


Well-Known Member
Wassup dude I just smoked to bowls outta my bong to my head an I'm pretty stoned right now and watching Dodgeball on FX it's pretty funny. Lol


Well-Known Member
You need to watch "What the Bleep Do We Know" when you're baked, it will totally change your outlook on the world. LOL!;-)bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Watch/read "The Secret" It tells you how you can 'will' the things you desire in life. It shows you how to do it, it is all about the laws of attraction. Made me think. I am now walking around here telling myself 'I WILL win Powerball' LOL

Stick with Dawn of the Dead.....


Well-Known Member
I'm about to smoke and watch UFC whatever the most recent one is. Jardin vs Jackson.

haven't seen it yet


New Member
Yes I did, him chasing that gold fish around in the bowl so he could eat him really freaked me out. Imagine being that desperate.

I was pissed when Andy was killed, I liked him the best. When they were calling off celebrity names and he was popping zombies in the head, my favorite part !

Did you see the special edition of the remake that had Andy's story in the special features? If you haven't you should look it up immediately.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I like to listen to music on media player with some full-screen phychadelic visuals going on - trust me, its bloody great! (esp. if your listening to Mr. Bungle or Melt Banana...) :blsmoke:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I like to listen to music on media player with some full-screen phychadelic visuals going on - trust me, its bloody great! (esp. if your listening to Mr. Bungle or Melt Banana...) :blsmoke:bongsmilie

haha me and my buddy do that all the time.... sometimes we do it on his xbox 360 and we SWEAR you can see a face appear some of the time...... thats some trippy shit, but the music need to be good for sure or else it sucks:bigjoint:bongsmilie

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
haha me and my buddy do that all the time.... sometimes we do it on his xbox 360 and we SWEAR you can see a face appear some of the time...... thats some trippy shit, but the music need to be good for sure or else it sucks:bigjoint:bongsmilie
Yeah I know what ya mean - got stoned during the day a few weeks ago and Mr. Bungle and Melt-Banana were TOO wierd for me coz I was quite a lot further gone than I wanted...so all I could stand was "Plastic Ono Band" and "Rock'n'Roll" by John Lennon without the media player visuals (I've been an insane Beatles fan for about 13 years so I was REALLY stripping down my listening to what I call the "bare bones" of music, y'know...)