Just a struggling newbie...unsure of problem.

Countered w/ something better for focus and sleep (imho)

calling the misses before likely sleep, so I can get up early. I think I got a date with some scissors
Thanks, but I wouldn't call myself an expert though.


A pursuit, area of study, or skill to which someone has devoted much time and effort and in which they are expert.
A polite way of saying short bus riding, window licking helmet model. The "R" word is now politically incorrect. And you are specialized in all aspects mentioned.

I grow weary of educating you. And more so watching you hurt peoples grows with your net knowledge.

Are you telling people you have a 2'x3' grow? You talk as if you have a farm. Oh farmville. My bad. Facebook grow pro. LMAO.
Hey Pad, good morning, was wondering if these nematodes would work for me?
Don't know why I'd help you, but these are the toads.

Would these nematodes work for thrips?


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Going today to get new ph pen,
Geez,Is there a point of no return with MJ?
Well, that is a question I posed, but most here are giving advice on how to fix my issues, not bringing up chopping down and start over. (which means I won't start growing again until fall) It would be painful to do, but with my lack of experience and untrained eye, I may be saving money and more headaches in the future. I think I will try to fix it, but if I take some steps and the plants don't seem to be recovering I may still end up aborting. It's a wake the f up call for me for sure.
The slurry test is just mix a tea/tbl spoon worth of soil with distilled water,mix let sit.You want it runny enough so you have liquid to test ph.I just use the drops and go by colour.
I do want to lean to the organic method of growing. What can an organic grower do right from the start for IPM? I read a post somewhere a guy said he mixed in beneficial nematodes right into the soil mix before transplanting into it. Is this a good idea for a future grow? Any other methods? I still appreciate the helpful comments from the coco salts people and like I said I lean towards the organic side of things, but I have a self-inflicted mess on my hands and some of the non organic products are easy to get and use, so there's that.
About your thrips. I am fighting them as well, more at work than at home. Go to Walmart or somewhere that has canning supplies, get Food Grade Citric Acid Powder. It is no expensive, mix it 2 teaspoons per liter and spray those ladies down all over, tops and bottoms of leaves. spray the top of the soil a bit for the ones that have fallen off into the soil. get Blue sticky traps. Alternative to spray and pray is to dunk the entire plant in the mix. now that will take quite a bit of citric acid, but it is what i did at work. I did something like 700ML in 15 gallons of water. then added some Athena IPM to the mix for extra kick. I dipped each of our 75 clones in this concoction, submerged 30 seconds and shake a little. Most of the little shits let go or die before they come out, I saw no larvae on them today. only issue i see with it is very minor leaf curl, and i mean barely noteworthy. At home my outbreak is small, i have ordered A. Cucumeris mites to do the work for me.


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About your thrips. I am fighting them as well, more at work than at home. Go to Walmart or somewhere that has canning supplies, get Food Grade Citric Acid Powder. It is no expensive, mix it 2 teaspoons per liter and spray those ladies down all over, tops and bottoms of leaves. spray the top of the soil a bit for the ones that have fallen off into the soil. get Blue sticky traps. Alternative to spray and pray is to dunk the entire plant in the mix. now that will take quite a bit of citric acid, but it is what i did at work. I did something like 700ML in 15 gallons of water. then added some Athena IPM to the mix for extra kick. I dipped each of our 75 clones in this concoction, submerged 30 seconds and shake a little. Most of the little shits let go or die before they come out, I saw no larvae on them today. only issue i see with it is very minor leaf curl, and i mean barely noteworthy. At home my outbreak is small, i have ordered A. Cucumeris mites to do the work for me.
Looking into getting some of these mites.
Ok, will try to knockem down here next lights out, tomorrow. Ordered the mites. Was wondering what your thoughts are on diatomaceous earth?
I don't use it since DE also kills some beneficial insects. So that stuff will probably kill the mites you just ordered. You can also order the nematodes if you want. Then you have a couple different predators.
Nematodes will not rid thrips on there own in any timely fashion, if you go back to page one, fog the room and add those, your thrips would of been dead already. Soaking leaves is something I don’t do anymore. These guys whining about organics act like the don’t ingest a ton of garbage anyways, dr doom isn’t going to make it or break it, lol. Either way, I don’t care. DE can’t get wet anyways, fuck the other bugs too, just don’t hurt the bees.
Nematodes will not rid thrips on there own in any timely fashion, if you go back to page one, fog the room and add those, your thrips would of been dead already. Soaking leaves is something I don’t do anymore. These guys whining about organics act like the don’t ingest a ton of garbage anyways, dr doom isn’t going to make it or break it, lol. Either way, I don’t care. DE can’t get wet anyways, fuck the other bugs too, just don’t hurt the bees.
To the contrary. DE just is suspended in solution until dried. As if you get no mineral build up in your world. And when did you make make calcium carbonate water soluble. Wipe your ass with a wet wipe with a tiny dusting and tell me it didn't burn!

And no we don't make a dent with ignoramuses like you spewing BS. And to think I thought you had a clue.
To the contrary. DE just is suspended in solution until dried. As if you get no mineral build up in your world. And when did you make make calcium carbonate water soluble. Wipe your ass with a wet wipe with a tiny dusting and tell me it didn't burn!

And no we don't make a dent with ignoramuses like you spewing BS. And to think I thought you had a clue.
Fresh air, don’t care, DE is useless to me. Proof is in the fucking pudding, like always.
To the contrary. DE just is suspended in solution until dried. As if you get no mineral build up in your world. And when did you make make calcium carbonate water soluble. Wipe your ass with a wet wipe with a tiny dusting and tell me it didn't burn!

And no we don't make a dent with ignoramuses like you spewing BS. And to think I thought you had a clue.
Have you been drinking lately? Just wondering where this tough guy attitude came from.