Just a struggling newbie...unsure of problem.

And your experience and trained eye are boldly on display. Sadly your one brown eye has no bearing on the topic. Keep posting in your I'm mars bitch journal. Let's see how your second attempt works out.

Tired and just no patience left for your level of specialty.
I've been Jonny Organicseed online for decades.
Enjoy the disbelief. It's only a matter of time before the realization sets in.
When I started, I was roundly laughed at for struggling to create an organic soil mix.
Now, people are preaching the message I beat into their heads.
It's a funny thing. Not something for frustration or anger. :)
And your experience and trained eye are boldly on display. Sadly your one brown eye has no bearing on the topic. Keep posting in your I'm mars bitch journal. Let's see how your second attempt works out.

Tired and just no patience left for your level of specialty.
Thanks, but I wouldn't call myself an expert though.


A pursuit, area of study, or skill to which someone has devoted much time and effort and in which they are expert.
The truly funny part is you have to smoke it. Dude with the sign has top quality herb grown in Humic soil. But you don't know nuthin; about that.
The truly funny part is the dude with the sign hates gays and protests military funerals because of his goofy ass beliefs. And feels compelled make himself be heard where he is unwanted, because he feels it's his moral obligation and deep down it gets him off.
They are really small, like some other pests they spend a portion of there life in the soil, I eradicated them with fresh nematodes and a dr doom fogger.
What type of nematodes?
The truly funny part is the dude with the sign hates gays and protests military funerals because of his goofy ass beliefs. And feels compelled make himself be heard where he is unwanted, because he feels it's his moral obligation and deep down it gets him off.

What type of nematodes?
Don't know why I'd help you, but these are the toads.

Don't know why I'd help you, but these are the toads.

I was wondering if it was those or hypoaspis miles. I've been wondering why they don't combine the two like they do with a lot of the others. Do they prey on each other?
The truly funny part is the dude with the sign hates gays and protests military funerals because of his goofy ass beliefs. And feels compelled make himself be heard where he is unwanted, because he feels it's his moral obligation and deep down it gets him off.

What type of nematodes?
But he's still smokin' that bomb ass weed, while you smoke bud candy.
I've always thought organic growing was interesting. I like reading the threads. I just don't like the high horse that a lot of the growers ride around on.
Which is why I always advise keeping the ego clear of things, and why I poke fun.
The science does not change, but as different principles are widely discovered, it opens the door for corporate profit. Exploitation always comes before implementation.
I think you should trim them and transplant. Time to pot up.
I vote to get them out of SIPs if possible, flush and feed salts, keep it simple for a first, second grow.

I've always thought organic growing was interesting. I like reading the threads. I just don't like the high horse that a lot of the growers ride around on.
Its horrible, and add the “I been doing it decades” like so many claim, just makes it worse.