just a quick question...


Active Member
does anyone on here even grow by the farmers alminac. i have found that even indoors its good to gy by the alminac because you can never control the cycles of the astros or the gravitational pull on the earth and everytime i germinate seeds by the alminac or anything else for that matter i ALWAYS have 100% success rate even with the lowest quality beans/gear. anyone that grows by the alminac should post here im just wanting to know there are still a few of us out there.
Hi, I am a big believer in using every tool available. When it comes to the successful cultivation of cannabis the best thing for you is knowledge of the plant. Obviously when growing indoors you become mother Nature and therefor the almanac would have little impact. Growing outdoors it can't hurt to follow some of the old beliefs. Planting/harvesting on certain moons and such. However, you can have an absolute impact on your grow by knowing what you're doing. Soil preperation, growing the correct strain, the food you provide, the place you plant and the light it receives etc. Go with the basics and then if you wish try some of the wifes tails that are out there. They are generally there because they have had ssome degree of history to back them up. Good luck Professor Marijuana


Active Member
i have many grows under my belt, just trying hydro this time for the first time, i started back in 2004 in an attic and i will swear by the farmers alminac till the day i die. The way you get your bearing on the alminac is to fully understand what its telling you benjamin franklin had his way of speaking in parables at times but his studies are intriguing to say the least. all plants can feel gravitational pull and are subject to what the moon does because of it, regardless of indoors or out thats why i try and keep my 12/12 light cycle as close to whats going on planitarily as possible. some of the best harvests i have ever had were when i was taking the advice of the alminac and its wisdom, combine that with an open mind and todays scientific research and you have all the makings for success i believe.