And am I the only one that notices she set him up to be filmed... she purposefully put herself in that position to get it on camera...
I never said it was necessary...
Am I the only one that noticed she's perfectly fine at the end?
get me my rope...its texas style judgement time...
If he was wailing on her with his fists, a sock full of pool balls, a half a brick etc... then I would think it was a little excessive... but it was a belt... and only what 17 times..?
She obviously thought it was worth the punishment... She knew what would happen when she got caught...
She obviously thought it was worth the punishment... She knew what would happen when she got caught...
No... she didn't put herself in that position, she just happened to know what was coming and therefore filmed it.
You really think downloading a game on the computer is worth that punishment, then you are fucked in the head.
No, but you still find it acceptable... equally as bad.
She looks fine sure, but mentally she is far from such... that is the point.
She put herself in that position by breaking the rules and knowing the consequences beforehand...
I do find it acceptable and don't believe it is bad... So what..?
And if she really can't deal with beltings that happened years ago she might as well kill herself now... she is most likely not gonna make it too far if this is the sort of thing that fucks her up mentally...
I do find it acceptable and don't believe it is bad... So what..?
She put herself in that position by breaking the rules and knowing the consequences beforehand...
I do find it acceptable and don't believe it is bad... So what..?
And if she really can't deal with beltings that happened years ago she might as well kill herself now... she is most likely not gonna make it too far if this is the sort of thing that fucks her up mentally...
Perhaps she did... perhaps she didn't, it's not up to know to judge that and doing so only makes you look ignorant, as you couldn't possibly ever know if it were true or not.
The fact still stands, it was too much... especially on a mentally handicapped person.
Yep, keep proving your ignorance.
Cerebral Palsy is mostly just people that have some kind of motor control disability to to a malformed brain and not exactly the mentally deficient retards that I would think that type of treatment wouldn't be appropriate for... Can you tell me what type of CP she has..?
And of course she thought it was... she knew the rules... evident in the dialogue in the clip... She knew the type of punishment coming... evident in the fact she recorded it in the first place...
I'm not proving any ignorance... You're just offended that someone thinks differently on this matter...