Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

I was on Reddit when the daughter posted the video for the first time...

Everyone was telling her to hold on, this is gonna blow up... sure enough within 12 hours it was news around the world.

I'm glad she finally came out with this as she has a younger sister whom many are worried about.
I hope someone offs this piece of fucking shit! I'll glady volunteer. Seriously! Someone needs to fuck this asshole's world the fuck up! Take a belt to his legs and see how the fuck he likes it! Fucking hypocrite! This makes me furious!!!!!!!!:cuss:
Wtf i had no idea she has cerebral palsy. Wtf is wrong with people nowadays. cant wait for this dude to get locked up, u know all the inmates will find out what he did. good riddance.
shit that was nothing.I use to get my ass beat bad and if i moved I would get hit all over. Try going to a christian school that would paddle in front of the hole school the pices of shit.....bible says spair the rod poil the child so they would paddle ya and make you feel like a p.o.s
Just because it happened to you or anyone else, doesn't make it right! What the fuck is wrong with people?!?!:evil:
Wtf i had no idea she has cerebral palsy. Wtf is wrong with people nowadays. cant wait for this dude to get locked up, u know all the inmates will find out what he did. good riddance.
Me neither. She's a girl...........and has cerebral palsy? WTF????? That judge needs to get the "Gaddafi treatment". You know, someone needs to shove a stick up his ass before he is brutally beaten himself and THEN put one between his eyes to end that miserable fuck's existence! Got no tolerance for pieces of shit like this guy, AND he's supposed to be a judge? Wow! Hang 'im high!
this is normal at a catholic school. or was at mine(15 years ago)... it is sick though, he clearly went past the point of punishment, to straight abuse. Showing characteristics similar to people who he probably put away for life...
Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't make it wrong...

Physical violence is simply not necessary to raise a child...

Just type Physical Discipline in to Google and you will come across many studies proving that fact, and also proving that child abuse can in many cases permanently affect the child in negative ways.

I was half her age getting strapped more than that, so fuck the soft arse bleeding hearts...

It is the bleeding hearts on this issue that I consider to be examples of true human beings... your acceptance of physical violence makes you less than true, buddy.

Sorry you got abused as a child.
And am I the only one that notices she set him up to be filmed... she purposefully put herself in that position to get it on camera...