joint rolling comp ROLLITUP


Active Member
lol i was not expecting high a funny flick u can check it out you'll see...omg im still crackin up from that one lmao


Well-Known Member
Can we end this silly tip argument?

These are pictures of, tips, roaches, ect.

Just a piece of card stock that you roll up and put in the end of your J. It stops the weed from getting in your mouth and lets you smoke it all the way down.
Whats a J?

haha j/k


Well-Known Member
are you talking about a roach (rolled up card) or a chemical filter like in fags? ive always been under the impression that its not good to use a chem filter dont know if its a myth but ive heard it filters thc out or some of it at least? dont quote me on that tho :-)


New Member
a smoke filter, like in a cigarette, is not good for smoking weed, although possible, because it won't have the full effect


New Member
current entries

NewGrowth's joint
SpruceZeus' the volunteer officer Picklestein (nice... kinda)

12 more days


Well ive rolled a few, best one was may 2nd, at the GMM it was an 8 gram potleaf ya thats right a pot leaf. hahahaha Ive rolled 2 of em and they both burned pretty decent. It was hard to burn cause i couldnt walk 4 steps without 20 people takin a picture. i didnt mind tho, made me a bit proud of my roll. The second Joint here is my 420 joint, rolled that 1 for 420 this year. Unfortunatly, it didnt burn too well, it was my first masterpeice, and well its the first 1 u learn from.



New Member
a little late but the winners undecided until the judges have a chance to review the contestants at an un wasted and rememberant time.


Well-Known Member
this comp still open??????????? i roll monster js

this comp needs a new closing date,,,, and is the comp havin a 1st,2nd and 3rd place?

if its still open ill roll an octopus or a j the shape of a plant,,,