oh my that would be horrible. cost way more if it were free.If you think that Heath Care is expinsive now, wait till it's free....
There are at least 80,000 threads with all kinds of reasons why public health insurance option is a bad thing. Do a search.okay im sorry not redneck, rural people that have no fucking idea whats going on, but have very passionate viewpoints about it.
I don't think rural people understand that govt is a sytem of public ownership they act as if it were a sentient being that had a drive to do things like take over the heathcare system for some reason and this would somehow be a horrible thing.
fox n talk radio just makes them afraid of shit and they have no idea what it is its just like on the Colbert Report.
oh my that would be horrible. cost way more if it were free.
and none of you have yet to give me a reason why a public health insurance option would be a bad thing in any way.
I don't have the energy for another back and forth. Let's see, I've been told I am parroting Glenn Beck, even though I've never watched or listened to his show. I've been called ignorant, uneducated, racist, redneck, bigot, I've been told I hate poor people, that I don't really understand how government works, that I am a fearmonger, been told that I've been "brainwashed...............and this was all before 10 a.m.! I am one of these "rural people" of which you speak although I have a Masters Degree and served 8 years in the military. I don't think I'm ignorant but what do I know.............I'm just a "rural person".can't find any gimme a link to the best one.
is the naacp a right wing organization? is la raza a right wing organization? both spend massive amounts of time and money advocating for one race above all others. does the fact that they advocate for non-whites make them any less racist than the white bigots you imagine the right to be filled with? it's gotten to the point that not even the republican party represents conservative interests (i take it that's what you mean by "the right"), hence the rise of the tea party to try to take back that corrupted organization.Funny how most of the racists are on the "right"...... It just shows that in a progressive world, the Republican party is a dinosaur, ready for its extinction.
so you want us to overextend ourselves and settle for mediocrity and eventual bankruptcy. take a look at where the great modern medical advances have come from, it certainly wasn't from those socialist systems you so adore. it is the lust for profit that drives the wheels of industry and invention.We want a government take over of healthcare like in every other country in the world.
inherent in fascist systems is a socialistic blending of government and business and a tendency toward authoritarianism. these are traits that the liberal establishment and its blind followers share with their fascist cousins. the fact that you've traded in nationalistic militarism for a weak-kneed hatred of your own country makes you fair weather fascists, a rather comical and cowardly interpretation of the traditional fascist philosophy. you merely hide the violent nature of the military behind the false compassion of governmental force.and the one guy called liberals fascists lmao they don't even know what this shit means, they just repeat stupid shit they hear glen beck say. I thought we were socialists?
finally you understand your place in the great progressive world of the future. you don't deserve an opinion unless it is in lockstep with the dictatorship of the proletariat. you must relinquish your bible and your guns and embrace the mediocrity of the herd. society is to be redefined, along with the very concepts of liberty and freedom.I don't think I'm ignorant but what do I know.............I'm just a "rural person".![]()
of course that's the only thing you can think of, it's the nature of near religious mania of liberal pseudo-intellectuals. you can't comprehend the idea of limited regulation, it must be total control or nothing at all. you see no virtue in the individual, only the herd has the capacity for any moral compass. you only pay lip-service to "the will of the people", they are the ignorant masses to be controlled by the great minds of your heroes. your very sense of history is distorted by the rhetoric of such intellectual giants as mao, stalin and chavez. why bother with original thought? the desires of the mob are all you need to justify even the greatest atrocities......that's the only thing I can think of anyhow.
Critical thinking FAIL.I am white. I hate rednecks. We want a government take over of heathcare like in every other country in the world. why do you oppose a public heath insurance option?
and the one guy called liberals fascists lmao they don't even know what this shit means, they just repeat stupid shit they hear glen beck say. I thought we were socialists? guess all the scary words just mean the same thing to you.
What did you read liberal fascism or something
liberals eat vegetables - hitler was a vegetarian = liberals are nazis
-Says this guy = https://www.rollitup.org/legal-edge/380599-age-consent-pa.html - I'm Sure glad i'm not a 'liberal'. I want the health care plan blocked that is my will I am one of the people.lmao look around you stupid fuck ur philosophy doesnt seem to be doing to good does it. ignorance is bliss.
-Says this guy = https://www.rollitup.org/legal-edge/380599-age-consent-pa.html - I'm Sure glad i'm not a 'liberal'. I want the health care plan blocked that is my will I am one of the people.
Why should you or I be entitled to or obligated to have or pay for healthcare? By the way I'm pretty sure banging minors or trying to or thinking about it would be considered Redneck by Liberal's of your ilk. Its considered sick to the rest of us-will the healthcare plan help to eliminate people with your sickness?-check the link in the top quote this dudes into 16 year olds-look here redneck you have to explain why, other wise we have to assume its because you jump on the redneck bandwagon. do you not want a public option or the one that was passed? do you even know what I am talking about?
the first sentence doesnt make a lick of sense, there is a big difference between private companies bending the will of govt to their interests against the public, and the public bending the the govt to the will of their interests against the private owned companies. you're saying republicans don't use government to enforce their will no matter what atrocities stand in their way (i wouldnt consider raising taxes 3% for the top 10% an atrocity, maybe iraq but ok)inherent in fascist systems is a socialistic blending of government and business and a tendency toward authoritarianism. these are traits that the liberal establishment and its blind followers share with their fascist cousins. the fact that you've traded in nationalistic militarism for a weak-kneed hatred of your own country makes you fair weather fascists, a rather comical and cowardly interpretation of the traditional fascist philosophy. you merely hide the violent nature of the military behind the false compassion of governmental force.
I can tell all of your information comes from fox news and shit anyone who actually knows what a fascist is just laughed at you.the fact that you've traded in nationalistic militarism for a weak-kneed hatred of your own country makes you fair weather fascists,
the same reason people are obligated to pay for a military or roads out of necessity nope you guys bang your sisters and cousins, us big city liberals love that hot jailbait ass.Why should you or I be entitled to or obligated to have or pay for healthcare? By the way I'm pretty sure banging minors or trying to or thinking about it would be considered Redneck by Liberal's of your ilk. Its considered sick to the rest of us-will the healthcare plan help to eliminate people with your sickness?-check the link in the top quote this dudes into 16 year olds-
Not everyone who eats vegetables is a vegetarian, Brainiac.you just provided another example my point of the vegetarian analogy, anyone can do that shit fascists are on the far right of the spectrum,
and you admit that you think fascists and socialists are the same thing. what a douche.
why the fuck would anyone even waste there time listening watching or reading glen beck other than to laugh at the fact they're are rednecks somewhere who actually buy all the shit he says, and fyi he did say some shit about hitler and vegetarians that shits pathetic. did you even read the book?
which philosophy would that be? the idea that everyone deserves the same rights, regardless of their social and financial standing? that it is just as unethical for government to steal from the successful as it is for the successful to steal from those who fail? as usual, the philosophy of liberalism can't wrap its big brain around the concept of limited regulation. it's all either tight control or total deregulation with you folks. what constantly screws us up is not a lack of regulation, but the failure of government to properly enforce those regulations that are already in place. a failure that your ideals only seek to compound by handing the federal bureaucracy even more restrictions to enforce however they see fit......ur philosophy doesn't seem to be doing to good does it.
oh is there? on the one hand we have the denizens of government selling their favors in return for influence and on the other we have the exact same thing. have you forgotten that those evil private companies are made up of the public? private enterprise, at its heart, is merely an expression of the people's quest for success and is more dependent on public opinion than are our unresponsive representatives in government. where ballots ore only occasionally cast by a forgetful public, business is a daily struggle within the marketplace. the left's hatred of business is a hatred of the people themselves, preferring instead the ivory tower idealism of nonsensical utopian daydreams. the greed expressed by the actions of the business community is no better or worse than that of the mob and has far less impact than the avarice a government backed up by the power of its nearly unlimited access to violent force......there is a big difference between private companies bending the will of govt to their interests against the public, and the public bending the the govt to the will of their interests against the private owned companies.
you're just so hung up on this us versus them thing. too bad you don't understand where the divisions lie. you see the term republican and immediately assume it represents the conservatism of the people. how naive can you be? you buy into the rhetoric of the right vs. left/republican vs. democrat paradigm and fail to understand the most basic of truths. the us, of which i have chosen to be a member, consists of those who see our rightful path as one toward the independence of the individual. the them, a group in whose philosophy you seem to revel, sees the individual as merely a cog in the great machine of society, a drone to be utilized for the welfare of the hive. the welfare state, forced sacrifice for the good of the tribe and the restriction of personal enhancement all run contrary to the path toward individual achievement. they are forms of dependence that deny choice and personal responsibility.you're saying republicans don't use government to enforce their will no matter what atrocities stand in their way
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did a 21 year old just try to tell us all "how it works"???????????? lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember when I was 21 and thought I knew everything! Oh, to be young again!the same reason people are obligated to pay for a military or roads out of necessity nope you guys bang your sisters and cousins, us big city liberals love that hot jailbait ass.
and the top 10% should pay for my heathcare or quit hogging all the wealth so I can buy my own either way they'll call you a commie or a socialist, and they are called power hungry fascist pigs.
heres how it works.. the fascist polyarchy of elites who controls everything doesnt want the lower class to take any of their big pie, so they use their right-wing propaganda machine to beat misinformation and fear in the little peanut brains of redneck people into being afraid of the concept of any kind of public control over any of their private monopolies. thats why you all think the way you do and cannot answer me as to why you believe a public option to be a bad thing for anyone other than private insurance companies who WORK TOGETHER AND NOT COMPETE (opposite of what your ideology is supposed to be about). there i just proved the right-wing propaganda machine isnt what you though it was,you say rednecks are against govt monopolies because they want free market competition, it seems as thought they are against free market competition too if it hurts a private monopoly or oligopoly and helps the public.
so tell me, why do you oppose the government intervening agaist private trusts that limit FREE MARKET COMPETITION?