John Boehner


Active Member
whats the deal with this guy does anyone else here think its the "will of the people" to block heathcare reform? where the fuck you get the balls to say some shit like that? who here doesn't want heathcare reform and why. and why the fucking shit do conservatives think its a good idea not to have a public heath ins option, don't they think competition is a good thing? or is it only a good thing to protect the super rich even if it goes against your own ideological viewpoints. why do poor working class redneck people support guys like john boner?
whats the deal with this guy does anyone else here think its the "will of the people" to block heathcare reform? where the fuck you get the balls to say some shit like that? who here doesn't want heathcare reform and why. and why the fucking shit do conservatives think its a good idea not to have a public heath ins option, don't they think competition is a good thing? or is it only a good thing to protect the super rich even if it goes against your own ideological viewpoints. why do poor working class redneck people support guys like john boner?
I think most are uneducated and not paying attention to the issue...To stuck on wanting to hate Obama to see that they are voting against themselves...Some are wanting to take their country back when they don't even realize that big business is the one that took this country awhile ago. I mean really we now have an election where corporations can now pour money in a election and remain nameless...WTF..... and yet in still they say nothing about this...Next time I hear one of these teabaggers talk about having there freedom taken I think I will scream....
The healthcare reform package was a piece of shit, it does absolutely nothing to lower cost. You have to buy insurance and if you can't afford it those who can will be forced to subsidize them, you can be in mom and dads insurance longer, And no pre-existing does that lower cost? Americans are fat fuks who eat fats/sugars/sodium and are not active, you have to acknowledge life style if you want people to be healthier and lower cost. When the hell can you force people to buy something they don't want? this is a living tax
whats the deal with this guy does anyone else here think its the "will of the people" to block healthcare reform?
it has become obvious that the "will of the people" is against obamacare, not necessarily against healthcare reform. while all the angry liberals and other fair weather fascists are ranting and raving against the abuses of the insurance industry, the real reasons behind the increasing costs of healthcare are being ignored. this is what the "will of the people" demands be addressed.

the abortion of a bill that y'all are so busy defending does little to help anyone. it contains so much crap that it does far more harm than good. a sop to unions and a half-hearted attempt to aid the poor, it is nothing but a set-up for a governmental take-over of the health insurance industry. it dooms itself to failure and gives the washington bureaucracy a built in scapegoat.

I think most are uneducated and not paying attention to the issue...
it's so nice to know that you enlightened liberals are looking out for us poor uneducated bumpkins. your elitist attitude is right in keeping with your messiah's insistence that those of us who defy him are merely clinging to our bibles and our guns. too bad you didn't use your massive intellects to see through the deceptions when your queen declared that the bill had to be passed so we could see what was in it. it doesn't seem that y'all were paying too much attention at the time.
Do me a favor and do some research on who actually receives the most government assistance...The results will surprise you !!!!! but you right on saying conversations like so are pointless...and when I say uneducated I don't mean just by school books...!!! To me when someone says I don't want my child to listen to Obama when he speaks to the children at the beginning of the school year about how important it is to stay in school( something just about every POTUS does ). That's a sign of not being educated enough to realize when someone is just speaking to the general welfare of people...not politics!!!

Now I have to agree on the health care as it is it does not do enough !!!! but glad to have some of it...I realize how better it could have been with a public option but we know who screwed the pooch on that one...THE HELL NO PARTY !!!! How the hell you not at least try to see how you can get health care for all your people..some of us did not even try!!!! just grabbed a sign and marched !!!! I would have respected the other side more if they had of tried to find a reasonable solution instead of just saying NO !!!! same phucks making less then 32,000 a year complain about raising taxes on someone making 32,000,000 to help the economy...not even taking time to do the math and see if this will actually have any affect on them...nope just grabbed a sign and started marching !!!! I could go on and on but why...
Now I have to agree on the health care as it is it does not do enough !!!! but glad to have some of it...I realize how better it could have been with a public option but we know who screwed the pooch on that one...THE HELL NO PARTY !!!! How the hell you not at least try to see how you can get health care for all your people..some of us did not even try!!!! just grabbed a sign and marched !!!! I would have respected the other side more if they had of tried to find a reasonable solution instead of just saying NO !!!! same phucks making less then 32,000 a year complain about raising taxes on someone making 32,000,000 to help the economy...not even taking time to do the math and see if this will actually have any affect on them...nope just grabbed a sign and started marching !!!! I could go on and on but why...
it's the same garbage time after time, the same whining about how government doesn't do enough for us. those big liberal brains of yours know perfectly well that government can't provide anything to anyone without stealing it from someone else first, but that doesn't bother you in the least and anyone who doesn't want to profit from such theft must be ignorant. not all of the poor are so unethical that they are willing to stand by and watch the federal bureaucracy run rough shod over the rights of others just because they happen to be rich. your precious public option died because there were enough politicians that were scared enough of public opinion or had enough honesty left to recognize that power grab for what it was.

that "other side" doesn't need your respect. when they said NO to an untenable proposition, they weren't doing it to please people who have no respect for the rights of others. the growing campaign to do away entirely with obama's fiasco of a health care bill is a cry for health care reform that makes sense and adheres to the spirit of the constitution, not the perverted interpretation forwarded by the liberal establishment and its mindless minions. no matter how bad the economic situation may seem at the moment, we aren't ready to just roll over and hand control of our fates to the brain-dead drones of the federal bureaucracy. we would rather see the people themselves controlling the marketplace, not watch from the sidelines as "the experts" screw things up even worse than they already have.
I always hear the left talk about Dialog, until someone says something they don't like then they do everything they can to shut that person up. examples: NPR's firing of Jaun Williams, then there's the View and O'Rielly.
If you think that Heath Care is expinsive now, wait till it's free....
Well in my state we voted not to be apart of the health care reform I think the was like 70% against it 30% for it so yeah I would say it's the will of the people here not to have health care reform.
there are too few people that are willing to post an opinion without making it spew of hate ,that i'm just taking myself out of these topics... unsubscribed
Redneck is a lot less offensive, and rednecks were not once slaves in this country.....

And Fitch, most people are dumber having read your posts..... is this your version of no child left behind....?

Funny how most of the racists are on the "right"...... It just shows that in a progressive world, the Republican party is a dinosaur, ready for its extinction. The dinosaur is just trying to keep it's environment the same, even though it realizes that the world around it is changing, and it will eventually die out. And we also know how what the size of dinosaurs' brains are, don't we?
I am white. I hate rednecks. We want a government take over of heathcare like in every other country in the world. why do you oppose a public heath insurance option?

and the one guy called liberals fascists lmao they don't even know what this shit means, they just repeat stupid shit they hear glen beck say. I thought we were socialists? guess all the scary words just mean the same thing to you.

What did you read liberal fascism or something

liberals eat vegetables - hitler was a vegetarian = liberals are nazis
Redneck is a lot less offensive, and rednecks were not once slaves in this country.....

And Fitch, most people are dumber having read your posts..... is this your version of no child left behind....?

Funny how most of the racists are on the "right"...... It just shows that in a progressive world, the Republican party is a dinosaur, ready for its extinction. The dinosaur is just trying to keep it's environment the same, even though it realizes that the world around it is changing, and it will eventually die out. And we also know how what the size of dinosaurs' brains are, don't we?
Redneck is a lot less offensive...............unless you are the one being called a redneck. Now I've seen it all! We've got libs telling us it's ok to use one slur over another because one is "less offensive" and "rednecks weren't slaves"??????? rotflmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

Seriously, you libs are as entertaining as anything on TV! Keep the comedy coming!:clap: