Joe Biden, the good, bad and ugly. Starting with the good.

Joe Biden, the good, bad and ugly. Starting with the good.
It’s been 5 months since Joe Biden has taken the office of POTUS;
The “Good” actions performed by Biden are mentioned frequently by most respondents to this thread, including yours truly.
Now for the “bad or ugly” actions performed by him and his Administration.

They steadfastly refusing to acknowledge or deal with the calamity at the US border over which the Biden administration is facing 23 separate lawsuits.

As as for the lawsuit troll:

A dismal jobs report, the economist missed their prediction of March jobs by 170,000, then predicted 1,000,000 jobs would be added in April, they missed it by 776,000.
So Biden is bad because economic projections were off for a month?

Do you know how many jobs that was lost under the Republicans in the recession that was dumped on Biden's lap, just like Bush's economic meltdown was dropped on Obama, but much much larger?
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Yeah, projections are going to be off for a while. Trump screwing with our data collection and cooking the books with his trolls means projections are going to be a bit off for a while would be my guess.
A CDC director that just came out and said there is a difference between people that died "WITH COVID" and those that died "FROM COVID", throwing shade on what the fatality numbers really are.
Throwing shade is a desperate reach for some way to try to pretend like hundreds of thousands of Americans did not die because Trump conned his cult into drinking his poisonous kool aid.

Do you even get his much propangda has been pushed by people trying to sow doubt and confusion about what is going on?

I am not sure what you are talking about however so feel free to post the actual video of her talking about what you consider 'throwing shade'.

I prefer to listen to the actual people's words/meaning and not what others are telling me that I should feel about it.

A spending plan approaching $10 trillion.
Because Trump absolutely melted our economy by allowing the virus to burn through us all.

Also you are lying about his plan.

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Here is what the plans — one passed and two pending — would do.

The American Rescue Plan, $1.9 trillion.

Mr. Biden’s coronavirus relief bill, passed in the Senate by a 50-to-49, party-line vote in March, was a sequel to the $2.2 trillion pandemic relief bill enacted during the Trump administration a year ago.

The centerpiece of the bill was a one-time direct payment of up to $1,400 for hundreds of millions of Americans, along with a $300 weekly federal supplement to unemployment benefits through the summer, and money for distributing vaccines.

It included $350 billion in emergency funding for localities — $195 billion for states, $130 billion for local governments, $20 billion for tribal governments and $4.5 billion for territories.

But it was also aimed at reducing long-term poverty. The plan provides $21.6 billion for federally subsidized housing, an enormous infusion of cash into a long-stagnant sector, with billions in emergency rental assistance and longer-term capital projects.

The American Jobs Plan, $2.3 trillion.

Mr. Biden’s infrastructure plan, unveiled on March 31, includes $621 billion for transportation projects, including bridges, roads, mass transit, ports, airports and electric vehicle development.

It would also funnel $111 billion into improving drinking-water infrastructure, and provide billions more for expanding broadband access and upgrading electric grids.

It adds $20 billion worth of tax credits for the construction and renovation of 500,000 units of affordable housing, an additional $40 billion for public housing capital improvements, and $100 billion for building and upgrading public schools.

About $300 billion is slated for assisting manufacturers and small businesses, and improving access to capital and investment in clean energy, along with $100 billion for work force development.

The most transformational and polarizing element of the plan is $400 billion for “home- or community-based care for aging relatives and people with disabilities” — an attempt by Mr. Biden to expand the definition of infrastructure to include the fast-growing network of workers responsible for caring for the country’s aging population.

How he would pay for it: raising the corporate tax rate, which Republicans have cut in recent years, to 28 percent from 21 percent and forcing multinational corporations to pay significantly more in taxes.

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An inability to have a press conference without preparation.
Your people need better things to be upset about, because this is just ridiculously stupid.

The continued brow-beading of D Trump and not focusing on the midterm elections.
Has Biden even brought up Trump's name once since becoming POTUS?

I guess if he can't actually snowflake you just make shit up?

And Biden is not using his office as a political platform like Trump bothers you?

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Losing the “Cold War” with China; who if not checked will be the world’s super-power in both economics and militarily in a very short time.
How is he 'losing the 'Cold War' with China'? And also where did you get your crystal ball from?

The Middle East is again in flames with Iran-backed Hamas attacking Israel, bolstered by a US administration more eager to commit to the mullahs in Tehran than to our allies in Jerusalem.
Because Trump signed a deal with the Taliban and Biden had to fully withdraw our troops, doesn't matter to you, nor the war that MBS is conducting?

I am just curious why you say middle east and just the current trumped up made for TV eviction that Netanyahu is conducting to try to keep power and not face charges.

Inflation; anyone with a saving or retirement should really be concerned. With the trillions of dollars being spent in congress without the support of gold backing, those dollars being printed are lowering the value of our retirement dollars. April’s consumer price index showed the cost of living jumped more than predicted, up over 4% from last year, the biggest increase in 13 years. Biden’s response: inflation be damned if that’s what it takes to “transform” the nation.

The gold standard troll!!


Yeah MBS and Putin are playing fuck around with the gas prices worldwide.

And you are incorrect about Biden's response. What you are talking about is more what Trump was saying back when he was trying to play with the national currency:

Closing statement, perhaps the trade-off American voters made on Nov. 3, thinking the country will be better off not having D Trump in the White House, “creating offensive tweets”, is due consideration now that we instead have J Biden occupying the throne creating “offensive policies”.
And thank goodness for that.

Even though I have no idea what you are trolling on about with 'offensive policies'.
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Joe Biden, the good, bad and ugly. Starting with the good.
It’s been 5 months since Joe Biden has taken the office of POTUS;
The “Good” actions performed by Biden are mentioned frequently by most respondents to this thread, including yours truly.
Now for the “bad or ugly” actions performed by him and his Administration.
  • They steadfastly refusing to acknowledge or deal with the calamity at the US border over which the Biden administration is facing 23 separate lawsuits.
  • A dismal jobs report, the economist missed their prediction of March jobs by 170,000, then predicted 1,000,000 jobs would be added in April, they missed it by 776,000.
  • A CDC director that just came out and said there is a difference between people that died "WITH COVID" and those that died "FROM COVID", throwing shade on what the fatality numbers really are.
  • A spending plan approaching $10 trillion.
  • An inability to have a press conference without preparation.
  • The continued brow-beading of D Trump and not focusing on the midterm elections.
  • Losing the “Cold War” with China; who if not checked will be the world’s super-power in both economics and militarily in a very short time.
  • The Middle East is again in flames with Iran-backed Hamas attacking Israel, bolstered by a US administration more eager to commit to the mullahs in Tehran than to our allies in Jerusalem.
  • Inflation; anyone with a saving or retirement should really be concerned. With the trillions of dollars being spent in congress without the support of gold backing, those dollars being printed are lowering the value of our retirement dollars. April’s consumer price index showed the cost of living jumped more than predicted, up over 4% from last year, the biggest increase in 13 years. Biden’s response: inflation be damned if that’s what it takes to “transform” the nation.
Closing statement, perhaps the trade-off American voters made on Nov. 3, thinking the country will be better off not having D Trump in the White House, “creating offensive tweets”, is due consideration now that we instead have J Biden occupying the throne creating “offensive policies”.
Pinning for Donald?
Dropped this turd of republican talking points on the thread for some purpose? I didn't think there were many people stupid enough to admit to being a Trumper these days. Don't worry, they is taking over, so it won't be your concern after you are replaced by better stock.

It was only a throne while Trump occupied it, America has a president now, a real one, not an idiotic phony who pandered to racist traitors.
Pinning for Donald?
Dropped this turd of republican talking points on the thread for some purpose? I didn't think there were many people stupid enough to admit to being a Trumper these days. Don't worry, they is taking over, so it won't be your concern after you are replaced by better stock.

It was only a throne while Trump occupied it, America has a president now, a real one, not an idiotic phony who pandered to racist traitors.
You won't believe it but weekends there is a small flock of them posting up in a parking lot with Trump 2024 signs as well as Trump WON 2020 bumper stickers
People are constantly yelling F you
And by people I mean my wife and I :lol:
Biden... senile old man who promises $2000 stimulus check, delivers Guatemalans instead.
You really are stupid.

Trump is the one that promised 2000 dollar checks and didn't deliver. To be fair though, it wasn't really his fault. That's why the first checks were only 600 dollars.

Biden followed up on Trump's original promise and finished that 2000 dollar commitment with an additional 1400 dollar check.

If you had a job and paid taxes and qualified for them, you would have known that.
. . . . . . . . . . They steadfastly refusing to acknowledge or deal with the calamity at the US border over which the Biden administration is facing 23 separate lawsuits. . . . . . .
Just a reminder that over half of all illegal aliens are visa overstays. No walls climbed. No deserts transversed. Just visa overstays. Maybe President Joe Rob could staff more folks assigned to the job of keeping track of those guys.

For what is going on now, we do need to hire a bunch more judges so the wait times are not as long for asylum claims to be heard.
Just a reminder that over half of all illegal aliens are visa overstays. No walls climbed. No deserts transversed. Just visa overstays. Maybe President Joe Rob could staff more folks assigned to the job of keeping track of those guys.

For what is going on now, we do need to hire a bunch more judges so the wait times are not as long for asylum claims to be heard.
Most are Canadians! :lol:
120 Ex-Military Leaders Pen Letter Warning of Deep National Perils, Biden's Lack of Fitness
More than 120 retired U.S. military leaders have banded together and penned an open letter warning that the country is in “deep peril” as a conflict between Marxism and constitutional freedom brews.

The Epoch Times reports that the letter, released Tuesday by “Flag Officers 4 America,” is signed by 124 former admirals and generals.

According to the group’s website, they are a group of "retired military leaders who pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the U.S. against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

They caution that the country is “in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776.”

The signatories point out what they consider the biggest threats to the country: the rise of China, the rejoining of the Iran nuclear deal, immigration, and the ending of the Keystone Pipeline project.

They also accuse the Biden administration of launching a “full-blown assault on our Constitutional rights in a dictatorial manner, bypassing the Congress, with more than 50 Executive Orders quickly signed, many reversing the previous Administration’s effective policies and regulations.”

The letter blasts “excessive lockdowns, school and business closures, and most alarming, censorship of written and verbal expression” amid the coronavirus pandemic as “direct assaults on our fundamental Rights.”

They also back the removal of Section 230, which shields Big Tech from legal liability. Former President Donald Trump pushed for the protection to be eliminated after he was banned from social media platforms.
They also call on the FBI and Supreme Court to “act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020.”

"Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the 'will of the people' our Constitutional Republic is lost,” they wrote.

The group also questions President Joe Biden’s mental capacity to hold the highest office in the land.

"The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief cannot be ignored. He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night," the letter said.

And you aren't embarrassed?


And you aren't embarrassed?

Hey people post stuff from Parlor watch and deadstate, great for laughs and besides, it's good to know what the loonies are doing since they might be incharge again. All the republicans have to do is put some lipstick on the pig and they are good to go again.
looked legit to me.
general tso and captain morgan were on the list.
Most were retired a very long time, many were Vietnam generals and almost all have their brains running out of their ears and couldn't pass a senility test. Remember that senile old vet who gave Donald his purple heart, which he pocketed? That kind of veteran.