Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020

False dichotomy.

Neither a political party or a group of voters, have any right to force their will on other people.

By changing who gets to chose the master you don't eliminate the master.

So who is forcing anyone to stay here? Can't a guy just get in say a boat and go live in a jungle somewhere?
False dichotomy.

Neither a political party or a group of voters, have any right to force their will on other people.

By changing who gets to chose the master you don't eliminate the master.

I understand where you're coming from, but Idk if you hear what I'm saying to you
So who is forcing anyone to stay here? Can't a guy just get in say a boat and go live in a jungle somewhere?

Why should anybody be forced to move somewhere in order to be free from other people trying to run their lives for them?

Shouldn't the people who love government just move to North Korea?
I understand where you're coming from, but Idk if you hear what I'm saying to you

You confuse the will of a collective as synonymous with being right or somehow able to create a "right".

That's not how it works in reality. For example when the majority of people agree to do something that would be wrong for you or I as an individual to's wrong for the majority to do it also.

The fact that the wrong thing regularly occurs is not a justification for its continuance.
To come and go freely is a choice. To stay is also a choice. After the gulf war it's unlikely I will ever set foot in another country. That is my choice. Other people will always do things differently, that is their choice. Enjoy your choices.
To come and go freely is a choice. To stay is also a choice. After the gulf war it's unlikely I will ever set foot in another country. That is my choice. Other people will always do things differently, that is their choice. Enjoy your choices.

So what you're really saying is if a woman stays living in a dangerous neighborhood and gets assaulted it's her fault for the assault because she could have moved ?
So what you're really saying is if a woman stays living in a dangerous neighborhood and gets assaulted it's her fault for the assault because she could have moved ?
Yeah thats it
That is exactly what he is saying
What a dumbass question
Obviously she could choose to play the lottery and move with her winnings
That's not it at all. That's what you chose to say. Enjoy your choices

You don't deny that government does things which would be wrong if you or I did the same things though right?

You can ignore that, refute it or accept it as truth.

Enjoy your choices.
You are confused. The DNC is nothing like or has any similar objective of the DCCC, It's too basic to explain, just look it up.
We aren't confused. If you think this is the if a party that gives one single solitary fuck about anything but the money, you're the one who's terminally confused.

And if you think the DNC is going to vote to get money out of politics you're even more stupid and credulous than Trump.
Just don't think either party gives a damn about anything but the money coming in. Why should they? they don't suffer if they lose; the campaign cash keeps coming either way.
You are preaching to the choir if you are saying all politicians suck
but so does getting old and both are inevitable