JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones


Active Member
Very nice grow bro. I am curious to see what your dry yield will be. I am grabbing my pipe and pulling up a chair. :) +rep






DSCN0813.jpg Ah here we are.:lol: This is Wonder Woman from nirvana. 1 plant Not topped or fimmed. DWC 400hps 60w and 85w cfls. been flowering 12/12 for 9 weeks.
So i'm still not 100% on how the trichomes are looking? mostly cloudy a few amber but still see lots of clear ones on the bigger buds.? Seeing more color on lower leaves. Whats the trick jig?

Maybe yield will be less than i think,(first grow) i am curious to see the dry weight. will keep you posted.

This is the best hobby ever. This site has taught me alot in a short time. Seeing innovative grows like jig and others just makes us beyond our time. Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
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View attachment 627124 Ah here we are.:lol: This is Wonder Woman from nirvana. 1 plant Not topped or fimmed. DWC 400hps 60w and 85w cfls. been flowering 12/12 for 9 weeks.
So i'm still not 100% on how the trichomes are looking? mostly cloudy a few amber but still see lots of clear ones on the bigger buds.? Seeing more color on lower leaves. Whats the trick jig?

Maybe yield will be less than i think,(first grow) i am curious to see the dry weight. will keep you posted.

This is the best hobby ever. This site has taught me alot in a short time. Seeing innovative grows like jig and others just makes us beyond our time. Thanks guys!
Those are some beautiful buds Bro!:weed:


Well-Known Member
I read in the FAQ that you are supposed to check the triches on the bud. The triches on the leaves ripen faster, and are not a clear indication of readiness.


Well-Known Member
Here's the pics from this weekend, I tried to put all the ones of the roots in sequence but half way thru I think it got out of whack but there all here.



Well-Known Member
looks good I got Wonder Woman now. Just wrapped up week 7 and the flush has started. Planning on 9 weeks.... Nice looking buds got a journal premo?
Nice tree BTW Imtreehigh.... I need some trees.... correction everybody needs some trees


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the confusion fellas... TreeHigh was at my house over the weekend. My camera has no batteries right now, so he took some pics for me.

It's a wild looking tree huh...

That's me holding the thing up.

How about that stalk? Thick as hell.

:leaf: :bigjoint: :peace: :bigjoint: :leaf:


Oh man so bushy... and that is a big stalk. There will be so much bud! Can not wait to see the results. Very impressive!

Wonder blunder I do not have a journal and probably won't. I don't know, i'm still a little paranoid putting pictures up hehe. Really just dont think i would be the best journalist (like Jig) anyways so i will just be around. I am also worried i harvested to early. looking into the bigger buds and i see a lot of clear trichomes which has me down a little. Just should have waited a few more days i think. I was cutting off the leaves sticking out of the buds, and inspecting them mostly. They looked good. It was difficult to get a good look at buds with all the lights on... Probably rookie mistake. was 9 weeks 12/12 not from flower? How bad do you guys think it will affect the smoke? Wonder woman is supposed to be very high yielding so i will be watching yours WB.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Oh man so bushy... and that is a big stalk. There will be so much bud! Can not wait to see the results. Very impressive!

Wonder blunder I do not have a journal and probably won't. I don't know, i'm still a little paranoid putting pictures up hehe. Really just dont think i would be the best journalist (like Jig) anyways so i will just be around. I am also worried i harvested to early. looking into the bigger buds and i see a lot of clear trichomes which has me down a little. Just should have waited a few more days i think. I was cutting off the leaves sticking out of the buds, and inspecting them mostly. They looked good. It was difficult to get a good look at buds with all the lights on... Probably rookie mistake. was 9 weeks 12/12 not from flower? How bad do you guys think it will affect the smoke? Wonder woman is supposed to be very high yielding so i will be watching yours WB.
It will probably still taste great and be good smoke but not quite as potent. Early harvest tends to induce a very energetic, short-lived high.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it Premo. Your buds will get you high for sure.

A lot of people cut a little early on purpose to get a more 'up' high. So just take the high you get and run with it.

As long as stuff tastes good, and gets you lit... that keeps me happy. :bigjoint:

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Holy Fuck those pics were badass of your scrog Jig!

Damnit, the roots looked so happy and healthy. That plant seems to be beyond content with what you are giving her.

Hah, that pic looked cool with you holding up the entire screen. is the elephant for good luck? LOL

I cant wait to see the yield on that sexy plant!