JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Very nice jig cant get any better then a video!!!

Plants are looking great nugs are already looking dence just great signs of what to come.

Realy mastering that screen just going to makethe next one even easier keep it up doing great



Well-Known Member
dank grow my friend.. the video is a real good look at the setup. I love the plant climbing up the ladice, like a chronic ivy.



Well-Known Member
I can see you put a lot of work into this reflector but dont you think you are going to lose quite a bit by not lighting the vertical wall down there? By having the light in the center you were using 100% of the light in 360° spread.

Just seems to me it would be better to light it with your original style, 250 lower and 400 up top verticaly. Tie the plants back and only the bud grow towards the light.

I guess I missed something.


Well-Known Member
First off.... thank you guys all so much for stopping by and commenting. I'm really getting excited about these buds.

I guess I missed something.
I'm pretty sure you did.

I posted my instructions for making a dual batwing, I'm guessing that's what you are referring to. I just put that up becuase some people were asking about parts I used... and I couldn't find a link to the post itself, so I just copied it.

The video on the page just before this was taken today... it is up to date, and there will be no significant changes until we are onto another grow.

Sorry for being confusing. Here's the video again. That's what things look like.



Well-Known Member
Wow jig i love it i love it i love it....how long did you veg these things for again? sry i am high and just cant remember.....and also how do you make the links in your sig how they are? bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
FishinDog I am sorry I didn't completely read your response before that message. my bad. Im high, but I wont blame it on the medicine


Well-Known Member
Ok 3 things

1) Since you lifted those soil plants off the floor have you been able to add any more fans in there?

2) In the video that sour grape on the screen looks real close to the door, do you think it will ever end up being closed in the door? Just worried for that little bud

3) When you need help with the harvest I got 4 words for you. Will work for buds. lol

Assuming the mildew stays under control that's gonna be Soooo much bud. I can't wait to see how it ends up. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Projects can be alot of fun. Keep us update as i know you will. OH yea dont forget about the green house you said your going to build before spring going to need some clones/plants for that
Hulk... you've inspired me. Checking out your grow, I've decided it's officially time for a separate veg space. So I'm picking up the materials this weekend. I'll keep you and everyone else posted. I'm going to make a box for it... 4' x 3' x 4'. Should be enough room to veg about 12 plants to a pretty good height.

This is So going to explode ....
For real... I can't wait to see what this thing is going to look like. The word Monster comes to mind.

Here's to your 100% success on preventing bud rot Jig, I know its going to happen
I'm sure of it too Fred... thanks for the good vibes.

What if you put that floro light bank that you had the purple kush clones under at the bottom of the plants somehow?
If I find the motivation I am thinking of putting one of my floros on the back of the light 'post' thing. That post shades a tiny bit of the soil plants and I'm sure they would love a little extra light. Thanks for the idea.

I love the plant climbing up the ladice, like a chronic ivy.
I hope you don't mind if I use that... I love it. Chronic Ivy!

how long did you veg these things for again?

and also how do you make the links in your sig how they are?
I vegged them for about 9 weeks. It should have been shorter, but I neglected them a little. It sure doens't show though.

I made my sig when I was a paying member of the site... it gives you more room. Then I just colored the text and stuff.

FishinDog I am sorry I didn't completely read your response before that message. my bad. Im high, but I wont blame it on the medicine
WB... wth? I'm gonna go ahead and blame it on the medicine, becuase you aren't making too much sense.

1) Since you lifted those soil plants off the floor have you been able to add any more fans in there?

2) In the video that sour grape on the screen looks real close to the door, do you think it will ever end up being closed in the door? Just worried for that little bud

3) When you need help with the harvest I got 4 words for you. Will work for buds. lol
1. There is room for more/ bigger fans, but I have not put them in yet... or even purchased them.

2. It's actually not that close to the door, but thankyou for the concern.

3. LOL.... Right on bro. I'm more than willing to make things good for a little help. My shoulders still hurt from my first harvest. I would love some help, and my wife would love to be off the hook as my assistant.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good size for the veg area. plenty of room, Should keep you busy for a little while.

Looking forward to see what you come up with. OH SHIT just thought of it you might already have it in your head but here it goes, might want to take a look at GTO's veg cab he did a really clean job with it, like you dont know



Well-Known Member
Sorry, I was trying to explain(+ rep message) how to put a link in signature, but didn't realize I don't know how to do what Fishindog, was trying to do.....
seperate veg space will be good. speed things up a notch......

oh really???

Well-Known Member
so wait i know i missed it but how long did you veg? oh and thanks for pm-ing me about this jig. I'll get back with you on how i can do this setup. I have a cooltube 400hps and a 250 hps with 4-6 plants in 7 gallon pots. I will need assistance with the v/scrog. I tried it 2 years ago with bad results (from inexperience). keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
i love the 2 separate rooms, just want to get mine a little closer together. your an inspiration jig, makes me want to try a vertical but i'm just recovering from straying on different growing techniques. :peace:


I took some pictures of the plant that i will probably harvest tommorrow. I can not figure how to get the picture in a reply on your thread? If its easy to explain that would be awesome. It is my first grow and to be honest i keep it pretty simple and man, I'm thinkin these buds are huge! Would like to show you all and see what you think.