Jigfresh's Closet Flooded Tube Vert Scrog - 1000w


Well-Known Member
Welcome welcome my friend. Only good peeps seem to come out of the midwest. Like the avatar too. Welcome as well to RIU... it's a good place to be. Most of the time. ;)

I'm gonna make a video of things to get everyone a better idea what's up. I just bought some zip ties, going to tie some bitches down.

BC... I'm not sure if they were reveg's or not. I"ll ask dez.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I used to feed that stuff to my green anoles and bearded dragon... and an iguana for a short while before I gave it away because those things get fucking huge. But I've never thought of giving it to my plants, but I have all that stuff in my nutrients already. Cool that it works for plants though.

McDonalds sucks, I agree. Except for breakfast, oh my god, their breakfast is soo fucking good!

And their is a wonder drug, it's called crack, but once was enough for me. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Although I quit drinking 5 years ago, 2 sausage mcmuffin with egg was a fucking mandatory hangover breakfast. Oh and a hash brown...


Well-Known Member
Yes, they were taken from a lfowering plant. I gave the mom to a friend and took a bunch of cuts from a flowering plant to keep the strain in my garden. I have a couple little ones in veg now that I select a new mom from so won't need to take clones from flowering plants again.

That is why they look like that as well ;)


Well-Known Member
Whats this bad mofo?! I might get a survivor after all! Her leaves are a little funky looking. Male or female Im going to breed it with the peacock. Isn't Dog Dick a fitting cross name? LOL Want to smoke some dog dick? Mmm maybe not.

Peacock at 24 days. They seem like an ideal match to me!
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Well-Known Member
You could call it bird dog, lol. Or 30 Dog... but that's kind of a stretch.

I tied the top row of girls back to the screen. I've been misting everything as well. I realized the meter goes down to 11% humidity, so when it's reading -- like it is now, it's below 10%. Still haven't calibrated my new ph pen, so I'm still just guessing.

Snow has rolled into town. The outdoor kitties are having a blast in it. It's so much fun to watch them.

Had a good valentines day yesterday. Wife bought me Lobster tails for dinner... and I actually did a good job cooking them. All mine since she's on a vegetarian kick. We watched "The Big Year" it's about 3 bird watchers (or birders). Jack Black, Owen Wilson, and Steve Martin. I enjoyed it... but it wasn't a super funny slapstick movie or anything. So not sure whether to recomend it or not. Maybe one to watch with your girl.

Got some more beans today. I may be past 50 on the strain list now. FFS!!! I've only grown like 16 strains so far in 3 years. How am I ever going to get round to 50 more?

I'm also disappointed that the knicks aren't on TV. I want to watch Lin do his thing. Seems like a good guy. It's nice to see someone who knows fundamentals of a game... not just with freakish physical ability. Nothing wrong with Blake Griffin.

And I don't think I said my football team crushed the opposition on Saturday in the EPL. Glad Don gin & ton doesn't follow my thread. His team was the doormat.


Well-Known Member
I was just saying as it rained today, I think I already miss the cold and snow...ah well, it might come back...

And Spurs played a blinder!


Well-Known Member
He is but he didn't name it or make the claim. That's what he was labled

@ Jig - Yes you can borow it. I couldn't help but start reading some of it right when I unwrapped it. Wifey thought it was funny. Already read the intro and the first two chapters last night before bed.


Well-Known Member
Here's some nice pretty Valentine tulips that I got for my wife......

My wife bought herself a valentines for me;)