Jigfresh's Closet Flooded Tube Vert Scrog - 1000w


Well-Known Member
I see enough Amber to say it's ready, but I feel like that could swell up a little more, if you haven't been flushing though, now would be a good time to start.

Jigfresh, my fellow mountain man, let's smoke some fucking weed.


Well-Known Member
Psychic connection in effect brother. Was thinking about you today wondering how you've been. So... how you been? You still down in the smog?

Lol on the smoking. I'll be back to my old ways soon enough. Waitin for the stork to knock. I'm in no hurry... although all of you seem to be bothered that I'm not smoking, hehe.

I moved some plants around. The DOG clones that were in my veg space have the biggest fan leaves I have personally ever seen. Seen bigger in RIU, but not too much bigger. I put 2 DOG's in. 1 Cougar Kush. 1 Blackberry Kush. 1 Devastator Kush. And the final space remains open. To choose from I still have 2 BBK, 2 Cougars, and 1 Banana OG. I'm leaning toward the Banana because it looks like the most healthy plant. The Cougars pretty much haven't grown at all since I got them. They look alright just the same. Same with the roots... just as they were when I transplanted. The BBK have pretty good roots, but they don't look like healthy plants. The leaves are curling under pretty bad, and the one is spitting out only single bladed leaves. The Banana isn't very big, but it's leaves look textbook. and it looks perky and happy.

Here are some pics:
Divit OG Kush aka DOG

Big Enough for you???

Dog Roots

Devastator Kush

Curly Q roots on the D.K.

The Closet!!!

These 2 are the Cougars... kinda droopy all around.

These two are the BBK... notice the taco'd leaves and single blades.

Banana OG... looking pretty good (if not small)



Well-Known Member
Our long hair keeps us on the same frequency. I'm good dude, just microfarming, and the usual scheming to go gigantic and quit my job. Right now I'm working 70-80 hour weeks, and I know if I was farming non stop 70-80 hours a week I'm pretty sure I'd be fucking rich. I still have my 550 seeds, so I've been just waiting for a brand new fresh start to try them out in a rdwc unit I am going to build. I have root aphids and they are little fuckers and I'm tired of dealing with them, so I'm just going to bleach everything, store it for a month to make sure everything is dead, and get some seeds going in the mean time.

Right now though, I'm in Westminster, and since I'm so close to the beach I don't get smog, it all blows into the mountain.

I tell you though, man, I miss that fucking mountain. But I certainly DO NOT miss the county. I miss having all the time in the world to farm.

But oh man, that DOG clone is so fucking beautiful, It's been a while since I've seen a healthy clone like that. You should try doing half your closet with just DOG's.


Well-Known Member
My wife lived in Westminster when I met her... and my mom grew up there.

And yeah... I have 5 Dog's in there... so half the closet is full of them... just like you said. The Dog is no joke. I got 14 oz of 4 last grow!

The closet lineup is 5 Dog's, 2 Banana's (in the same spot), 1 BBK, 1 Cougar, 1 Devastator. I didn't really think ahead, so I'm not sure how I'm going to handle flushing things... as the stuff I just put in are 2.5 weeks behind. I think that's how far back they are... I need to check.

Thanks for stopping by the thread.


Well-Known Member
Jig representin the DOG!!! Man she is a beauty. Def one that you would want to clone from. But I guess it'll go into flower and produce like a mofo.

Supchuka, I am with Jozikins, I would leave that to go for a while, looks like there are still some fairly straight stigmas there and I spy a reasonable amount of clear trichomes to warrant at least another week. Perhaps just give them water from now...not sure how you finish your plants, but that's probably what I would do.


Well-Known Member
My wife lived in Westminster when I met her... and my mom grew up there.

And yeah... I have 5 Dog's in there... so half the closet is full of them... just like you said. The Dog is no joke. I got 14 oz of 4 last grow!

The closet lineup is 5 Dog's, 2 Banana's (in the same spot), 1 BBK, 1 Cougar, 1 Devastator. I didn't really think ahead, so I'm not sure how I'm going to handle flushing things... as the stuff I just put in are 2.5 weeks behind. I think that's how far back they are... I need to check.

Thanks for stopping by the thread.
I got to say, the Vietnamese food out here is second to none. But I'm glad to hear that's your bulk crop. I'm sure you can figure out away to divide your crop up to flush properly, or whatever, I don't know, I'm more stoned than I've been in years, I had some earwax I've been letting age for about 4-5 months now and it's totally changed color and at it's peak, and it was excellent to begin with. I was in a little bit of a crappy mood earlier, but now I'm feeling pretty fucking excellent.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys. I harvest too early historically, not like Ive got bad results but just enough to leave that "what if" in the back of my head :) Im letting them go another week!

Jig whats up with the TV show?


Well-Known Member
You know one of you guys has to try this miner-all supplement Ive been using. I totally forgot its also berry flavored! It could be the next "must have" for pot growing and its cheap. :) I used it only twice on these current girls but Im going to try it sooner and more frequently on the next batch.



Well-Known Member
TV said they will call in 1-3 months... if they ever call. I'll let you know anything I know.

As for the next "must have" I don't think there will ever be something that is miraculous. Just my thoughts, but it's like "wonder drugs" for people. They just don't exist. I do use chemical nutes, so I guess I'm not really one to talk about natural and all... but I do think that the best way to grow mj is to give them a perfect environment and the right combination of nutrients for their liking. And I do like what bushmaster does for me... but I don't think it's good to use. Just convienient. Like McDonalds. Total shit, but when you're hungry and driving past one it's the best thing ever. (well not really... I can't stand fast food anymore, but you know what I mean)

Not trying to be a dick or anything. I'm glad it's working for you.

So no thoughts about what clone to put in? I take it you guys agree the Banana should take the last spot.

EDIT: And in a not so happy note... one of my cats threw up right on top of my receiver... wife cleaned it real well, but enough 'stuff' got inside that when I turned it on... no lights or display... but there was a nice little puff of smoke that rose from inside. sigh


Well-Known Member
I didn't realise we still had to make choices, lol.

And McDonlads sux big baws regardless of whether you are hungry and driving past one, lol.....(not meaning to be a dick, just my opinion;))


Well-Known Member
if my wife knew how much lol-ing I did on this site, she would take a duck fit, LOL!


Well-Known Member
The BBK's look like they are having too much N, The cougars should pick up, they prolly had a lot of stress cause they were rooted and put into cups for a day, then you took them out of the cups and put them in hydro, so they will have a bit of xplant shock for awhile.


Well-Known Member
I'll never tell. ;)

Got a new batch of water in the tank. The ladies should be nice and happy. I'm thinking a bit about future projects and I think I'm going to keep plant counts down. Grow some big plants. First things first though. When I get my veg space sorted a little more I'm gonna pop some beans. Looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
Lad, I got about 15 people that want me to humor them. We'll get around to everything at some point.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of... holy SHIT 2 of the dogs got a taproot! I dont know if they'll be a viable plant still but hot damn, these babies were pretty crunched!