Jesus are you real?

When you get sick do you go to the doctor?
Faith fail...

No you are not very bright... wake up bro.. nothing but conjecture on the politics threads... you took offense because you are either extremely naive or because you have skin in the game. Now go back to watching mainstream news and it might dawn on you in a few years that I was correct on everything I said.. welcome to ignore-vile population = you.
I have read the bible quite a few times. I think that it is a great (although very gruesome) story, almost on par with the likes of J.R.R Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain, or William Shakespeares stories, in quality. I think it is the only story that I have read though, where the 'goodie' kills 3,000,000 times more people, than the 'baddie' does, though.

Luckily, it was because the infallible creator of those people, had the hindsight to see that they wouldn't pay him money every Sunday, but somehow not the foresight to not 'create' them at all. I guess he was giving them 'free will' to choose to condemn themselves, if they choose something other than slavery.

I haven't dragged out a bible for a very long time but I think that a debate using facts only could be amusing for me, educational for those who don't know, and (hopefully enlightening and life changing) for those who have been sucked into believing in this childish belief.

I was brought up with it. I never believed it, but at the same time, as a kid it terrified me, as in: ...what if? ...or 'just in case'. If it was true, it would terrify me, even now. It is a scary fucking story, if you understand it. As an adult, if I found out that someone was reading the bible to their kids before bed, I'd kick the shit out of them for being a horrible parent/person. Probably how it became the biggest business in the world.

My nana has bought TWO HOUSES for 'god' (that she'll admit to) in her life. She lives now in a rental, her six kids all chipping in for the rent. In her eyes, her god is providing for her.


Unfortunately, she can't be logical about her 85 year old brainwash, but if there is someone that WANTS to be rid of this cult, I believe that I can at least point them in the right direction, without making them feel stupid for being brainwashed. Post what convincing thing that you find keeps you in your religious belief, and I will show you rationally, (and respectfully), why it is not worth being a slave to a business whose only expensive, necessary, recurring product, is to keep you from an imaginary place of eternal torture.

I'm not an anti-religion troll. If you think that an omnipotent creator judges everything that you do, let me help you to see that it is not so, at all. No confessions, please. No PMs, what I have to say on the matter, should benefit all, without repetition.

What makes you believe in your god? ....also, the OP asks, "Jesus Are You Real?"

...Not trying to hijack a thread, but between all of us, I'm sure we can come up with a rational answer to this.

PS, I'll most likely ignore stupid people and their posts.
yup hes real, and God
How do you know Jesus wasn't actually Satan tricking people into worshiping him so he could torture their souls?

It is totally consistent with all of the evidence. From the first commandment being "no gods before me" and god never saying he's going to send Jesus in the first bible, to all the magic tricks that Jesus did to convince you to worship him.

Can you really be sure you are worshiping the real god and not the devil?
@Ozmap seriuosly? You’ve read the Bible how many times? I’m serious.
How did you tackle this feat? Straight through starting IN THE BEGINNING? What version do you prefer? Did you use any type of assistant or reference guide?
How do you know Jesus wasn't actually Satan tricking people into worshiping him so he could torture their souls?

It is totally consistent with all of the evidence. From the first commandment being "no gods before me" and god never saying he's going to send Jesus in the first bible, to all the magic tricks that Jesus did to convince you to worship him.

Can you really be sure you are worshiping the real god and not the devil?

Reminds me of the end of this Song.

And how did this doctor person come into being?

Billions of years worth of evolution. The same way that the medical profession came about. It started out with illnesses that weren't curable, but by chance, 1/100 things tried, actually worked. 1% of medical cases were improved and were treatable. Of those cases that were treatable, humanity survived to see different treatments evolve in the same way. LITTLE by LITTLE over time.

The medical profession didn't just wake up one day and say, "Let's get rid of witch-doctoring" (some still haven't to this day, showing the different 'branches' that evolution takes). They improved it slightly over time, to get what it is, today.

Much the same as the doctor evolving from a fish. No fish laid an egg one day and created a different species. It

happened over billions of years. Some of the eggs took the path of getting larger, some took the road to form legs, etc. Both came from the same ancestor, but when people hear that "We evolved from apes" they immediately think, "Why are there still apes, then?" It is simple. The fish turned into apes (and cats and dogs, etc) and the apes took a fork in the road like everything before it and some of them grew less hair (and bred with each other) some of them didn't.

Keep adding variables to the 'no-hair' or the 'hair' species and you'll find that it is very easy to look extremely different with just a couple of small changes, here or there.

You can do the same with a marijuana plant, if you wish. Everything can be modified, it just takes time. Lots of time, not the 6000 years that the bible claims that the world has existed for. Evolution from a single-celled organism to a human being CAN NOT happen in 6000 years.

If you can see that the world is older than that, then you mustn't believe everything in the bible, the word of God.

Do you believe that the world is a mere 6000 years old?

Faith rules, it’s so easy to not believe.

It is once you 'see the light' and know for sure that there is no god. But it is NOT easy to disbelieve in a god that you've been brought up with. It is why the fear is written into the stories, to begin with. It keeps even a lot of disbelievers thinking, 'what if' etc. Most people, even among the non-believers if pressed for an answer, would admit to Hell being something worth 'hedging your bets' over. I've done it myself, I'm sure. But even the most logical person is not immuned to the occasional irrational thought, so I don't hold it against myself. I'm as imperfect as we all are.

Good thing we’re not all weak.

But some of us are, though. Especially nowadays, with all of the cotton-wool that we send our kids out to play wrapped in and the 'safe spaces' and politically correct terms that we use to not 'hurt' anyones feelings, with the truth.

We are getting weaker and weaker and more easily scared now, than ever before. We didn't always have access to worldwide news of things to keep the populations scared and needing rulers to 'protect' them with new laws for 'their protection'. What we see as a disaster happens every day to us if we watch the news or use the internet. It makes people scared and scared people need a cuddle. The disasters used to just be local and occasional. Now they are 'everywhere, all the time'.

Good thing we’re not all weak.

That is a good example of how evolution by natural selection works. We're not all weak, because the weak ones are dead. Left to nature, we'd only get stronger but with humans interfering and protecting the weak, they are living to reproduce their genes and polluting the pool.

@Ozmap seriuosly? You’ve read the Bible how many times? I’m serious.
How did you tackle this feat? Straight through starting IN THE BEGINNING? What version do you prefer? Did you use any type of assistant or reference guide?

Yes. I've read it a few times, start to finish, over the years. I don't know why. It's not a good example of chronology, but I guess that you just need to be aware of that, starting out, as it is (as you'd know) a bunch of stories written by a bunch of people, over a bunch of generations. Some of these stories are written MANY years after the 'fact' and I found it interesting that shepherds and fishermen could do that reliably back the,, when WE can't even get a well documented story straight, that happened only a few years ago.

The first time I tried to read the bible, I was told to start with the Roman Road and the gospels first, because it talked about Jesus. The roman Road was like reading a 'choose-your-own-adventure' book and I found that the gospels were just the same retold version of the story with increasing 'spectacularity' of miracles performed as time progressed. It seemed more like Chinese Whispers, than anything. The story kept 'evolving' a bit at a time. Much the same as the footnotes that I have in a bible here, does (Second sentence on page one), Genesis 1:2 says:

Genesis 1.1-2
(1)In the beginning, when God created the universe, (2) the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the power of God(b) was moving over the water......

The footnote (b) for this says, "(b) the power of God; or the spirit of God; or a wind from God; or an awesome wind.

This is the type of thing that makes me read things to find out what other goodies are hidden. I think I know what was moving across the water. I won't rule out God as a cause just yet but at the moment, they are admitting two possible causes. So we need to keep reading to see what else is attributed to the supernatural OR something natural.

If a book continues with "God did it OR something else did it", it seems pretty easy to dismiss, to me.

What version do you prefer? Did you use any type of assistant or reference guide?

I prefer (in terms of easy-to read) the KJV but I've also read my nanas catholic version NJB or whatever, and a tried reading the JW book, (whatever they call theirs) but couldn't get past the spelling of YWHY or whatever it is. It annoyed me.

I have a GNB next to me at the moment. That is the one that I like to underline all my 'favourite' bits in. I had another christian pocket bible but it was only the new half of the book. Although I'd read that on my lunch breaks at work, I see no point in ignoring the Old Testament and calling it 'outdated' because the word of god shouldn't become outdated, should it? Who are we to outdate it?

Assistance or reference guide? Yes, I used to have a very good one with maps and timelines and family trees, etc but I gave it to someone who had more use for it than I did. I've been to churches, study groups, lived with different religious people that wave books and I talk to the Jehovahs Witnesses when they come to the door. Occasionally I'll invite them in for a coffee and have a friendly debate with them, but I haven't seen them for a while now.

The assistance that I use these days is the electronic version (websites) where you can compare the different books verses and see the reality of what was originally written before it got 'cleaned up' or 'made nice'. One book may suggest raping a girl, but one might suggest 'shaming' her or whatever. I think that the books before the seventies were a better read to see that the bibles were written by primitive men, for primitive men and to claim that they are the inspired 'word of God' is just an excuse to 'make it so'. ...because if you believe in God, then you believe in Hell, right? ...And not following his rule book and believing it, will send you there, will it not?

Just out of curiosity, do you believe in ALL of the gods? YHWY, Apollo, Jehovah, Thor, Ra, Horus, Neptune, etc?

What do you find so convincing, that you believe in the god/gods that you do?

Also, I can be more relevantly post back to you if I know what your religion (if any) is or at least what you believe or the book that makes you believe that.

Do you think it is better to believe in no gods at all, or the wrong god?
What is my “religion”? Hmmm I reckon I don’t have one. I’m more spiritual as it were. I don’t like organized religion and it doesn’t like me. I’m good with that.

Do I believe in Neptune? Um no. I believe Mohammad, Confucius, Moses, etc. were prophets and philosophers we should not ignore. There’s much to be learned from them.

I KNOW there’s a heaven and I KNOW there’s a hell. Do I believe a disappointed father would send me there? No. I have asked for forgiveness.

I have a personal relationship with “someone” I call my big dad. I love my earthly father like you would not believe. I mean I can’t wait to talk to him. I love to be with him and in his house. I love the family that gathers there and the great feeling I get. It re-charges me when I drive to his house and spend time there. Now imagine what your big dad should mean to you.

I’m by noooooo means a bible thumper or holy roller. I’m over 50, I’ve seen some terrible things. I’ve done things I’m ashamed to tell you but I tell him. He knows my heart.

How do I know? Rita Marley said knows it, feels it...

I guess you just feel the love brother.
I’m sorry that your hearts are hard. Maybe someday before it’s too late.

I know you expect me to scream and holler and take your bait but I don’t feel the need.

Have a great day.
What is my “religion”? Hmmm I reckon I don’t have one. I’m more spiritual as it were.

What does being spiritual entail? You have a 'spirit'?
Which 'house' are you referring to that you be with God? Being spiritual is fine but it sounds like you have a church and/religion that you are not mentioning for some reason. This would be a lot easier to reply specifically to, if you tell me what you believe and why. If you don't want to be rid of your belief, that's fine (so to speak) otherwise you'll need to answer my questions, like I've done, yours.

I don’t like organized religion and it doesn’t like me. I’m good with that.

...but is God/gods cool with that? Seems to be a pretty recurring theme amongst theists that God has his rules and they are to be obeyed. If God knows your heart like you say, can't he tell the difference between murder in self defence and not following his book? Pretty sure the murderer would get in before the deliberately delinquent.

Do I believe in Neptune? Um no.
Why not? Are you saying that the god of the sky and the god of the dead had only one brother? That earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates colliding? There are stories of Neptune that go back 400 years before Jesus.

I believe Mohammad, Confucius, Moses, etc. were prophets and philosophers we should not ignore. There’s much to be learned from them.

I KNOW there’s a heaven and I KNOW there’s a hell.
If you know that there is, and I know that there isn't, can't we both be right? ..or should we both point to demonstrable evidence? I can do my best but 'proving' that something (anything) doesn't exist is a tall order, I'm sure that you'll agree, but I'm still unsure of how serious you are to swap views, so I will wait until I'm convinced that this 'debate' could go somewhere by having all (mine and yours) questions answered before I open that impossibly big can of worms. Show me what you think and I'll show you why I don't believe it to be true, if that is the case.

Do I believe a disappointed father would send me there? No. I have asked for forgiveness.
Why do you believe that? What does asking for forgiveness do for a spiritual person?

I have a personal relationship with “someone” I call my big dad. I love my earthly father like you would not believe. I mean I can’t wait to talk to him. I love to be with him and in his house. I love the family that gathers there and the great feeling I get. It re-charges me when I drive to his house and spend time there. Now imagine what your big dad should mean to you.

What does the sign say, on his front lawn? This escription can be used by anyone on their way to any cult meeting. It is a real feeling, I don't deny it, but it is not exclusive to visiting God at his house. It is the sam

I’ve done things I’m ashamed to tell you but I tell him. He knows my heart.
I can see how it would be helpful to get it off your chest and truly beneficial to your own well-being to 'know' that the path to salvation has been re-paved with forgiveness, but the reality of it is that it is just the Placebo Effect.

How do I know? Rita Marley said knows it, feels it...
But Ritas wisdom does not help me to know what you know, so at best, her wisdom is unreliable.

I guess you just feel the love brother.

Any drug can do that. A puppy can do it. Have you been near drugs or a puppy when you feel the love?

To be productive, please answer these questions from before. I'm basically grasping at straws here, having nothing to work with, except, "I'm sort of spiritual".

At the moment, I'm trying to refute 'nothing'. (pun intended)

Do you believe that the world is a mere 6000 years old?

...because if you believe in God, then you believe in Hell, right? ...And not following his rule book and believing it, will send you there, will it not?

Just out of curiosity, do you believe in ALL of the gods? ( answered for Neptune so he's accounted for).

What do you find so convincing, that you believe in the god/gods that you do?

Also, I can more relevantly post back to you if I know what your religion (if any) is or at least what you believe or the book that makes you believe that.

Do you think it is better to believe in no gods at all, or the wrong god?
To many acts of evil have been committed in religions name for it to be taken seriously

It is exactly why it SHOULD be taken seriously, in my opinion. Not followed, of course, but definitely shown for what it is, in all of its colourful history (and near future). Going to a church and being told which selected 'feel-good' passages to read for twenty years will not do it. If you want to truly rid yourself of religion, you need only read the bible. (All of it. Although for many, it won't take that much at all).
I’m a black lesbian. I’ve not been to church in probably 30 years. Is God cool with that? Sir if you’ve read the Bible you know it says where 2 or more are gathered, this is God’s house. I don’t have to pick and choose. If you guys want to that’s cool but you don’t have to go to a Baptist or Lutheran or Catholic church.

I’ve been in a nuthouse for extreme anger. Righteous (so my pee brain thought) anger. I’m happy to explain but I’ve got RA and my hands are killing me atm.

There’s no sign at my dad’s house lol I’m being literal.

We’ve all been given free will. Why? Idk I reckon God didn’t want his kids to be sock puppets. It’s YOUR choice to believe or not.

I’ve got tons of drugs and if you glance over at the just dogs thread you’ll see I’ve got a new puppy, yay!

I’ve got FTD, RA, OA, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis, Tunnel vision, RLS, Sleep apnea, CPTSD, I’ll stop there. I was mad mad mad at God and called him every name I know. That motherfucker had no right to make me so sick. I’m not sure what happened, but I started praying. Then I thought about the fatherly scenario I just described. I say father, not because they say God’s male. I believe there’s no gender involved. I say father because I love my dad. My mom, well, I love but I don’t like.

I am perfectly happy believing what I do, friend. In no way do I wish to be rid of it. It’s in my heart man. My cholesterol is perfect btw lol.

I don’t follow your line of thought equating self defense with murder. Maybe we better get on the same page here. I honestly (though it still pains me in some ways) believe the worst human in the world can be forgiven. Will that person in some way pay for their dirty deeds? Absofuckinglutely! It’s called judgement day for a reason. Everything I’ve ever done will be shown to all, God already knows. And I’ll have to explain. But being sent to hell as a soul that’s not saved? No.

It’s your choice and only your choice to make. You’ve been given a great brain. Did you come from a fish, monkey or sea slug? I doubt it. Why are they still around if they’ve evolved? I believe in adaptation and evolution. But for one species to create another species? My intellect says no.

I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean by swapping views? I’m steadfast in my faith.

I’m really not trolling or fucking with you. Just telling you some stuff about myself.

I’m having Bubba’s Gift as I have a stinking headache. Also coffee while playing with my puppy and 3 kitties. The mrs is trimming weed. I live here.

Hell yes there’s a God

....Sir if you’ve read the Bible you know it says where 2 or more are gathered, this is God’s house.

Yes, Jesus said it in Matthew or Luke. (or likely both, being the same story)

I don’t have to pick and choose. If you guys want to that’s cool but you don’t have to go to a Baptist or Lutheran or Catholic church.

No, you don't have to choose. ..or attend. No two denominations (of the SAME religion) can even agree what their manual actually says, so not attending would likely give you a more consistent understanding of what you believe without all the extra confusion, dictation and cost.

There’s no sign at my dad’s house lol I’m being literal.
Oh. :) ...didn't read properly.

We’ve all been given free will. Why? Idk I reckon God didn’t want his kids to be sock puppets.

If his kids believe that 'free will' is something that can be given, then they are sock puppets. What if I don't want free will? Will I be forced to have it against said will?

It’s YOUR choice to believe or not.

I have no choice of what I believe. I can only believe what I've been convinced of. As with you. The level of convincing evidence needed, well there is perhaps where we have a choice. in, I might choose that one exposure to a dog-bite, means that I'll believe that all dogs will bite me. Others may need 50 bites to believe the same thing.

I am perfectly happy believing what I do, friend. In no way do I wish to be rid of it. It’s in my heart man.

That is fine. I know better than to show someone something that they are not interested in seeing. I was thinking that you were taking me up on my offer to debate our different views. My mistake.

I don’t follow your line of thought equating self defense with murder. Maybe we better get on the same page here.

I didn't eqate them. Perhaps the fluffy term that I meant, was 'justifiable homicide'. My point that a justifiable crime would put you better in Gods book, than flat out disobedience of a smaller 'sin'.

I honestly (though it still pains me in some ways) believe the worst human in the world can be forgiven.

There is no shortage of people in the world that believe that they'd need to forgive the worst person in the world as part of their own strategy towards Heavens door. I wonder if they'd be so willing to, if it wasn't 'required' of them. We're not known for our forgiving nature, us humans. The biggest businesses in the world have laws protecting 'the boss' and I can see the same thing for why 'forgiveness' is such a big thing in religions. Their bosses (right up to the big boss (god) himself), have a lot that needs forgiving.

.....But being sent to hell as a soul that’s not saved? No.

I can agree with you here, although I don't believe that your thoughts will continue when you're dead, so you wouldn't know whether you went to Heaven or Hell, anyway.

It’s your choice and only your choice to make.

We can choose where to look, but I don't think we can choose what to see. (I mean visually see). We can forget and ignore, though and do so quite conveniently, on occasion.

You’ve been given a great brain. Did you come from a fish, monkey or sea slug? I doubt it. Why are they still around if they’ve evolved?

I answered this when the doctor was mentioned at the start of this conversation. Short recap, yes. We came from a fish and I believe I gave a short, very basic explanation, as to how.

I believe in adaptation and evolution. But for one species to create another species? My intellect says no.

Perhaps the key to your spiritual belief lies here. You clearly don't understand what you are believing in, if you say this. Your second sentence makes your first sentence untrue. Evolution makes small changes, for billions of years to create something different.

Take one of your seeds, and a video camera running on it for the entire grow. Now go back to the start of the 'months long' video and watch, frame by frame, your seed picture 1-10,000 will all look the same. You will not be able to look at any 10,000 images in a row and see a difference. From the seed (or fish) to a plant with a whole bunch of complex organs (human) without having a single visible change for 5000 'generations' (images) before or after it.

The plant did not change species, obviously (in this example) it was just a visual timeline.

I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean by swapping views? I’m steadfast in my faith.

I meant, exchange ideas as to why we believe what we do. (and what we believe).

I live here.
Hell yes there’s a God

That looks like a nice place, but I see no reason to use it as proof that there is a god, any more than if I was to show a photo of lightning exploding an orphanage as 'proof' that there is no god.