Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
It is pretty funny, to just hang a plant, to find that the action
has left me totally stinky. Good sign that! :0)

I will post some shots of the Veg closet later today, as I am coming
up on an interesting question.

You see, looking in the tent to determine what will go next, I have
to consider the time remaining for the remaining plants.

The next up to be harvested will be three BB breeds: The Dog,
Cheese Surprise, and Sour Cherry.

These three are already in the middle of Week #7 (this is the
part of perpetual that I love) but they are all three bushy, dark
green, and not appearing to be all that near to harvest.

So, I figure that I will have slots free in the tent in about three weeks.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
I received a packet from German relatives, a local variety of lettuce:
FeldSalat 2 - front.jpg
FeldSalat 2 - back.jpg

Also, I bound down the side branches of the Trainwreck #2:
Trainwreck #2.jpg
I am just working to make this plant take as long as possible in Veg
and still fit into the tent. This plant is *not* likely to take one
of the three slots coming free in a few weeks.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
BTW: I check the clone tray for roots and can report that I have
viable clones for Purple Wreck (2 more), Psycho Killer (the first two!),
and Dinachem (first one).

This was really good news.

On the PW front, I can also report that the previously taken PW clones
appear to be showing real, new growth. At that point, I am fairly sure
that I can keep them alive, and I may want to work with this pheno again.

Let's face it, after all the work on this one, if it is not top-shelf smoke, then
it will be unlikely to make the keepers-cut.



Well-Known Member
If your Dog is like mine it will remain dark green throughout. Just beautifull seeing such a healthy plant. I did not flush it like. But rather went down on nutes the last two weeks until it was only rainwater on the last day.
Love your journal! Amazing you find the time. Always a good read :)


Well-Known Member
LOL, and I must find a job. I am getting serious in the search
and will likely drop off the radar as I get started. I am not stopping
growing, ever again.

I am happy to have you here.

I will comment on the Dog thread soon.



Well-Known Member
I began the job process today. Was working on my resume for quite a while, and I started making a resume for my growing. If I find a way to make it to a legal state I thought I would have a resume put together. I'm also gonna put together a business plan for maybe a 10 light operation, just in case I manage to come across a legit investor.

Question for ya since we are talking about it(or atleast I am lol). I've been on disability since 2012 because of my accident, so my work history stops at 2012. You think on my regular resume I should put anything about that? I was considering a 2012-present spot explaining simply that I was in an accident, have finished my rehab, and was eager to get back to work. I wasn't sure if I should or not though.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
LOL, and I must find a job. I am getting serious in the search
and will likely drop off the radar as I get started. I am not stopping
growing, ever again.

I am happy to have you here.

I will comment on the Dog thread soon.

I ended up building a few small businesses, work got so scarce. All the best brother!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I began the job process today. Was working on my resume for quite a while, and I started making a resume for my growing. If I find a way to make it to a legal state I thought I would have a resume put together. I'm also gonna put together a business plan for maybe a 10 light operation, just in case I manage to come across a legit investor.

Question for ya since we are talking about it(or atleast I am lol). I've been on disability since 2012 because of my accident, so my work history stops at 2012. You think on my regular resume I should put anything about that? I was considering a 2012-present spot explaining simply that I was in an accident, have finished my rehab, and was eager to get back to work. I wasn't sure if I should or not though.
Most certainly make mention of it! Recovery from serious injury is no joke. It is work and deserves a place on your resume.


Well-Known Member
I use the Super Bat Compost Super Tea Mix:
I found this:
For health and growth of houseplants and garden vegetables. A higher nitrogen and potassium ratio for all-around growth made from bat and seabird guano, plus earthworm castings. Use in soil or hydroponic applications. All organic materials; no synthetics used.
I add this, together with some simple sugars (molasses or turbinado sugar*),
a small handful of alfalfa pellets, and some mycos and bacterial colonies (later
in the process) to about 15 gallons of water. I bubble this in a 35 gallon barrel
that I fill when the process nears completion. I try to make the main use of
the results in a big feed for the garden, the plants, or both within a few hours.

I usually bubble for a fairly long time, 24-36 at least.

I want to work with fermented plant based feeds and sprays. (think Lavender)

My first Bocking 14 Comfrey rootings arrived. I bought two but they
broke up into three and they are all already putting up leaves.

Take care,


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I use the Super Bat Compost Super Tea Mix:
View attachment 2998015
I found this:

I add this, together with some simple sugars (molasses or turbinado sugar*),
a small handful of alfalfa pellets, and some mycos and bacterial colonies (later
in the process) to about 15 gallons of water. I bubble this in a 35 gallon barrel
that I fill when the process nears completion. I try to make the main use of
the results in a big feed for the garden, the plants, or both within a few hours.

I usually bubble for a fairly long time, 24-36 at least.

I want to work with fermented plant based feeds and sprays. (think Lavender)

My first Bocking 14 Comfrey rootings arrived. I bought two but they
broke up into three and they are all already putting up leaves.

Take care,

Ahaha, why I didn't think of asking you before I don't know. I have seen a few guys argue that mycorrhizal fungi will not multiply in a tea and will just die off. Their argument is that they need roots to survive. It seemed a bit badly thought out seeing as a tea has most microbes very far removed from a natural environment during the bubbling. If it had food and air it should survive was my thinking.

Seeing as you understand fungi, I would love your thoughts in this. I always wanted to add mycos in the last few hours but never have due to this half-info in my head...

Thanks JD :)


Well-Known Member
Mad, TBH, I add them late because I like adding shit. :0)

I do know, better than most, of how fungi benefit plants,
and have been sticking colonized spawn and subs into garden
soils for years now.

As to the idea that the fungi will just straight die off, I see
no clear reason for why this would necessarily be true.

I think that Microbeman's approach of just looking at the
result would be the best approach for me.

I do have the microscope (used to id spores) to use, but this is
another aspect that awaits my getting back to work.



Well-Known Member
BTW: I was visiting the Monster-in-Law this weekend and saw
that the 5 gallon bucket with a spinach growing in it, that I had
given her as a gift, had a very nice Pleurotis tuber-regium growing
out of it.

(this was not by accident...I inoculated the soil)


Well-Known Member
I began the job process today. Was working on my resume for quite a while, and I started making a resume for my growing. If I find a way to make it to a legal state I thought I would have a resume put together. I'm also gonna put together a business plan for maybe a 10 light operation, just in case I manage to come across a legit investor.

Question for ya since we are talking about it(or atleast I am lol). I've been on disability since 2012 because of my accident, so my work history stops at 2012. You think on my regular resume I should put anything about that? I was considering a 2012-present spot explaining simply that I was in an accident, have finished my rehab, and was eager to get back to work. I wasn't sure if I should or not though.
Hey TC,

Well, I am really sorry to hear that you have been going through
all this.....and, yes, they look at my like a grew a third eyeball or

Definitely explain the event, and then how you kept sharp during
the outage. I love the B. Plan idea. I am trying to learn how to
set up a business too.

I have three degrees and 20 years doing this stuff, so I am needed
in my industry. I had such a bad time....I really do no want to go back.

We will see.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys, it really helps :). This has all been a very new experience for me, thankfully.

Thats a cool little mushroom, a regular edible I assume?


Well-Known Member
Yup. Delicious, or so I am told. I keep putting mine on foil,
to capture spores. :0)

Good luck with the job search. I wish that I had as understandable
a reason to have been out of the work force.

I figure that one way or the other this will all work out. If I have,
for some reason, burned myself out of the software industry, then
this may just be what I need. That industry has done NOTHING to
care for me.



Well-Known Member
Yeah. We used to be special creatures. I was proud to work in the Nerdery.

Nowadays we are looked at like cattle.

Attach a Soulless Software Corporation to more than one country and it will
automatically* begin to pumps jobs back and forth, hurting people all over
the place, while it grows "too big to fail".

* our leaders will actually admit a "fiduciary responsibility" to fuck workers
when pressed on the point. It takes a very long-view (something we seem to
be losing in our leaders) to see it otherwise, to see that taking care of people
has long term benefits for companies.

Good luck!
