Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
Their promotions page only shows a 20% discount...but that is a "March" thing...

No, I see it now.

"Easter Sale" == link on their homepage.


Well-Known Member
There are several Seedism strains...Applejack, Cheese, and Milk.
Their Killawatt is killing it right now, but I dont know what the smoke will be like.


Well-Known Member
Hey team,

I know that a 4' HOT-5 will use 54 Watts.

How much does a 2' tube use?

I think that it might be 16 Watts. I expect that it will
be less that 1/2....


Don't buy a t-5. I had been thinking what u really need is an awesome vegg light. They can be done fairly cheaply using vero- 10. Replacing vegg lights that are on for 16-18hrs saves the most $$ initially w led.


Well-Known Member
SG, there is no doubt that both my clone table and my veg closet will
need to be upgraded. It is hard to put down tools that I laid down the
dough for but the savings demand it. I have four separate T-8 fixtures
on the closet board. They only use 32 W each and are still very cool to
my mind. It is also just a fact that when I make the move you recommend
that I will not be reducing the power usage so much as I will be massively
improving the light I have for vegging.

My two rigs together:

Veg Closet = 4 X 32W 4' T-8s == 128 W
Clone Table = 2 X 54W 4' HOT-5s == 108 W

I was about to add a 42W hi-power CFL bulb that I use over
my cloners, but, I upgraded the Cree LED bulb that I use my
desk work and had the low power bulb from that position to use
with the clone table. That is an amazing little 7W Cree bulb that
is very nice for the time being.

I added a 38W Home Depot LED to the side of the clone table
as seen a few pages back.

So, that makes my Veg area == 281 Watts

That is a lot to work with.

So, feel free to spin out ideas. I am ready to move forward when
you are. This must be a fun diversion....nothing more is acceptable.

Thanks bro,

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Well-Known Member
I love the growth I get with my HOt5s, the only down side I've had is replacing bulbs every 6 months when they blow out. I"m about to buy a case of them from a supplier just so I can get a better price.


Well-Known Member
Weird....I am on the first pair.

That is another action-of-the-purist that I, not being
at all commercial, cannot honor: the replacing of otherwise
working bulbs for reasons of freshness.

....but, it does occur to me that, I might want to consider
the possibility that some of my bulbs might be actually be
aging to the point where inefficiency might drive me to that



P.S. This brought tears to the eyes:


Well-Known Member
Lmao I don't replace bulbs unless they blow out!! I have never been able to get on the bulb swapping train.

My first 1k was used when I got it for an undetermined about of time. I had no money so I used it. It was an eye hortilux, and I used it for roughly 3 years mostly consecutive. It finally burned out and I sprung for a new hortilux which I used for another like 3-4 years. It finally burned out and I decided to try out a cheaper bulb. Anyway along the way I never noticed any notable difference in growth whether I had a fresh bulb or old bulb in the light. Part of that might come from the fact that might 1k is never more then about 14ish inchs away from my plants.

Now on the flip side of that I got my HOT5s about 2 years ago now. Its an 8 bulb 4foot fixture I think its the sunleaves brand. I would say none of the bulbs have lasted more then around 6-9 months for some reason. I have replaced every bulb in the fixture atleast once, most of them twice. I've been buying the bulbs from the local shop so they are usually like $12 which sucks so much. If I order a case online I can get them for like $3 a piece.

I mostly got the HOT5s because it had a better foot print and less heat then a 400w mh. For that purpose I've been super happy, and the growth they give is spot on, I take clones about every 2 weeks, and still typically have to chop my mothers way back each time so they fit in my space.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Thanks for sharing TC.

I have to wonder about that fixture and the ballast/drivers that it uses....

I will report here when I see a bulb blow. We are are about 2-3 years now.

These were run-of-the-mill two tube 4' units from Home Depot. Go figure.

I am taking stock this morning. I need to make sure that I have viable clones
of everything in the tent, and for the ones that I'd like to flip.

Happy Easter All!


P.S. I know Bro. I would have been there with bells on!


Well-Known Member
Jd. What are the dimensions of your space? Send me wide shots of the whole setup too. I can engineer something for veggies that will knock your socks off and still use less power. Lol. Maybe even cover more area. I also can build relatively well if you need space modifications. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I recently (6 moths ago) ditched my T-5 HO fixtures since the bulbs started to burn out really fast. I believe he ballasts were worn out. The original bulbs were 2-3 yrs old when they went out I think


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have experience with MNS Mr Nice Seedbank auctions?
I have sent my payment to them via Western Union a week ago, and it seems they havent even retrieved the money yet. I am feeling uneasy about it (its my nature) even though I have heard good things. I feel like I have done something wrong, but I did follow the procedures they outlined. I have emailed them 4 times, and no reply.
Hopefully they are on holiday and will be answering soon.
I am anxious for those seeds!!