January 6th, 2021

performed by a company with no audit experience and owned by a guy who already has admitted in public that the election was rigged BEFORE the audit was completed.

try harder.

Cyber Ninja's was hired to deal with the Dominion machines, to find out if they were properly softwared and if they were manipulated to give a desired result. They are only part of the audit.

over 40 court cases were already settled. no election fraud was found.

How about a legitimate link?

have you been in moscow since the election?

Never been there but Biden has, took about 4 million off the Mayor of Moscow's wife and about that 1.5 billion China handed over to Hunter during an influence peddling trip?
Never been there but Biden has, took about 4 million off the Mayor of Moscow's wife and about that 1.5 billion China handed over to Hunter during an influence peddling trip?
are you Dan Bongino by chance? he said the same thing when he was filling in on Hannity last nite. lmao.

you still havent' realized you're the mark. sad! he's a conman.
are you Dan Bongino by chance? he said the same thing when he was filling in on Hannity last nite. lmao.

you still havent' realized you're the mark. sad! he's a conman.
Google it lefty, if you don't think something is true the correct thing to do is find a way to disprove it. Type "Biden corruption" into the headbar and hit enter. Surprise you just found out how to do a search!