January 6th, 2021

Only one case actually made it to the Supreme Court regarding the election, that would be the Texas vs Pennsylvania case. The supreme Court refused to hear any evidence or take the case. I guess you don't know it being a Canadian but the US Supreme court was created to settle disputes between the states, meaning the SC refused to do it's duty. And by the way if you interested here are a list of court cases regarding the election and it appears that in almost every case that was actually heard Trump's side won.

This certainly refutes the leftrat media claim than election cases have been "laughed out of every court".

How cute. He's denying that Trump incited a mob to attack Congress using baseless claims of election fraud. That is so 2020.

So a couple things, were the claims baseless? Current events are proving otherwise. Seems you are not up on things, Trump did not incite the mob to do anything, did you read the content of his speech or are you parroting mindlessly the leftrat media?

Trump's Giuliani Four Seasons Clown Show was laughed out of court at least 50 times. The best was the time Trump's lawyer admitted to the judge that they had no evidence to support their claim.

Not true at all, parroting the leftrat media again I see. A court refusing to hear a case is not the same as being laughed out of court is it. But then this link proves the fake news media lied to you and you fell for it.

<a href='https://postimg.cc/pmGSLV7z' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/R04xGNLs/Screenshot-2021-06-22-at-11-42-20-Screenshot.png' border='0' alt='Screenshot-2021-06-22-at-11-42-20-Screenshot'/></a>

You guys would be funny if you hadn't tried to take over the government. It's time to change the name of the terrorist organization "Proud Boys" into something more appropriate. "Prison Bitches" is my suggestion.

How do you figure they tried to take over the government? If that crowd had wanted to there would have been politicians hanging from trees all over DC. Total damage was less than 30K and the only person killed was Ashli Babbit.
I didn’t call you a name, I said you were stupid, which is a condition.

If I was to call you a name it would probably be something like jackass or fuckhead.

I like fuckhead. I think I will call you fuckhead.
I guess you are truly deranged. Not who I thought you were. Cheers.
Funny how you left's always resort to name calling instead of honest discussion. But then you have Trudeau and we have Biden. We are both fuqt.
Thank you for so efficiently distilling Trumper hatred into such a compact and direct form.
So the guy traveled to DC so what? This guy did no damage. What would have been right for the country would have been Pence demanding the electors from disputed states be decertified instead of being the coward he proved to be. Seems that a compromised election is less important to you than some nutcase "parading" through the halls of congress. I mean Pelosi does it all the time.

The election was not compromised. This is a lie that wannabe National Socialists tell themselves and eaxch other.
Thank you for so efficiently distilling Trumper hatred into such a compact and direct form.

The election was not compromised. This is a lie that wannabe National Socialists tell themselves and eaxch other.

And why do you believe the election was absolutely above board? Leftrat media programing? Since we are nearing the end of the first audit (AZ) how would you know before they reveal what they have found that there was no fraud? As for Trumper hatred could you cut and paste any hatred I have posted? You on the other hand have already shown a form of bigotry and a lack of understanding of national socialists. National socialist are leftists, Fascism is very similar to communism both being totalitarian dictatorships.
And why do you believe the election was absolutely above board? Leftrat media programing? Since we are nearing the end of the first audit (AZ) how would you know before they reveal what they have found that there was no fraud? As for Trumper hatred could you cut and paste any hatred I have posted? You on the other hand have already shown a form of bigotry and a lack of understanding of national socialists. National socialist are leftists, Fascism is very similar to communism both being totalitarian dictatorships.
National socialists were and are hard-right authoritarians. Your revisionist history would be merely deplorable if it were not for its serious consequences. Interesting that you characterize the political center as "leftrats". It brings to mind the DemonRat slur used by crypto-Klansmen in the winter.