January 6th, 2021

"The great unwashed" haha!

"It's all about those checks..", scary and maybe true.

“I didn’t mean it literally,”, what an asshole.

Really neat article, btw, thanks for that. I find it hard to believe they had such a shocked and confused response within their inner circle to something we knew was going to happen since the "it's going to be wild" type of comments. But, I guess any great lie starts from within.
Perhaps Garland is waiting for a recommendation from these guys to indict Trump for insurrection. In the meantime, NY will keep Donald busy for awhile, like 20 years. A future republican government could pardon Trump for his federal crimes, but he will still rot in a NY state prison.
Pelosi introduces resolution to form select committee to investigate Capitol insurrection - CNNPolitics

Pelosi introduces resolution to form select committee to investigate Capitol insurrection

(CNN)House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has introduced a resolution that will form a select committee to investigate the January 6 insurrection, a resolution which is expected to get a vote in the chamber later this week.

According to the resolution, the committee will be made up of 13 members.

Eight of those members will be appointed by Pelosi, five will be picked in consultation with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. While Pelosi did not tip her hand as to who she plans to choose to chair or serve on the committee, an aide tells CNN that she is seriously considering a Republican as one of her eight picks.

Pelosi chose to go the route of a select committee after Senate Republicans used a filibuster to block legislation that would've created an independent, bipartisan commission made up of members not currently serving in Congress. This select committee will now be run by House Democrats, have subpoena power and will not be given a strict deadline to finish its work.

"Senate Republicans did Mitch McConnell a 'personal favor' rather than their patriotic duty and voted against the bipartisan commission negotiated by Democrats and Republicans," Pelosi said in a statement Monday. "But Democrats are determined to find the truth."

It remains to be seen how cooperative McCarthy will be. His role on January 6 could be a focal point of any investigation. The California Republican called Trump as the former President's supporters stormed the Capitol and asked him to tell them to "publicly and forcefully" call off the mob. GOP Rep. Jamie Herrera Butler said McCarthy told a group of Republican members of Congress that Trump refused to do so and told McCarthy that the rioters cared more about the election results than he did.

McCarthy has yet to fully recount that phone call in public but has said multiple times that he would be willing to testify in front of the commission or committee if asked.

"I have no problem talking to anybody about it," McCarthy said last week. "I don't know what the conversations that day would matter as that's going on."

McCarthy's office did not respond to a CNN inquiry about the select committee.

The resolution could be voted on by the full House as soon as Wednesday. It will not require Senate approval.
New: Another Jan. 6 defendant affiliated with the Oath Keepers is set to plead guilty — Mark Grods is scheduled to appear in court this afternoon https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2098

Per newly unsealed docs, Grods' plea agreement with the feds includes cooperation, and they asked to keep his case secret while he testified before the grand jury

Grods' case threads together a few key elements of the alleged Oath Keepers conspiracy: - he brought guns that were stored at a hotel in Virginia https://buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/capitol-riots-oath-keepers-guns-conspiracy-charges - he was part of the golf cart crew https://buzzfeednews.com/article/jessicagarrison/oath-keepers-rode-golf-cart-capitol-riot - he was in the "stack" https://buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetil

Roger Stone and Donald Trump’s morning just got demonstrably worse.
New: Another Jan. 6 defendant affiliated with the Oath Keepers is set to plead guilty — Mark Grods is scheduled to appear in court this afternoon https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2098

Per newly unsealed docs, Grods' plea agreement with the feds includes cooperation, and they asked to keep his case secret while he testified before the grand jury

Grods' case threads together a few key elements of the alleged Oath Keepers conspiracy: - he brought guns that were stored at a hotel in Virginia https://buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/capitol-riots-oath-keepers-guns-conspiracy-charges - he was part of the golf cart crew https://buzzfeednews.com/article/jessicagarrison/oath-keepers-rode-golf-cart-capitol-riot - he was in the "stack" https://buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetil

Roger Stone and Donald Trump’s morning just got demonstrably worse.
There will be an epic running and squealing of the rats in 2021, buckle up cause there will be many trial and lot's of drama coming. The Trump org is full of rats and they will form a traffic jam at the prosecutors door before it's over. Rudy is probably pretty nervous right now and looking to sell Donald's ass for a walk or reduced sentence too. I dunno how much legal shit one person can be in, but I think Trump exceeded any records or limits. The Trump org is a cesspit and always has been a criminal organization, Donald is an impulsive, immoral and greed driven, maliciously manipulative sociopath.
a congressmen said this morning on a 1/6 Commission 'republicans are not taking this seriously' nobody can understand why..i can. the whole point is that they are taking it seriously and when the Commission finds out how high this went? they'll be ruined..maybe even get jail.

oh yes, the cowards are taking this very seriously.
Stinky will pay them in two weeks.

Trump won't pay the legal fees of his own Trump org employees, at least not those who talk to the grand jury ( in NY they get immunity). The jury only listens to those who have already spoken to prosecutors or investigators and have something to say, generally they don't call the targets of an investigation.
Trump won't pay the legal fees of his own Trump org employees, at least not those who talk to the grand jury ( in NY they get immunity). The jury only listens to those who have already spoken to prosecutors or investigators and have something to say, generally they don't call the targets of an investigation.

Calamari already spilled the beans and has immunity that's how NY can move forward.
Frank Figliuzzi On Breaking New York Times’ Insurrection Reporting

Former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, shares his reaction watching the explosive New York Times’ investigative video about the January 6th insurrection on the US Capitol and hopes that the new Congressional select committee will discover more about the planning of the riot.