Jacked up clone, wtf is this (pics)


just some guy
I got this clone for 35 dollhairs.

Green and not too droopy, but it was in a 4 inch netpot, shoved into a styrofoam cup, and the roots looked kind of mashed, and cut up.

Anyway, I put it in my DWC to veg, and after two days, I have this:

They dont seem to be eggs or webs or mites, I cannot rub them off with my fingers.

Does it look familiar to anyone? I'm going to be bummed if it contaminates (probably already has) my seedlings that are in the same six site system.



Well-Known Member
Ive NEVER seen that....Is it powdery? If so it could be mildew....Are you foliar feeding?

I wanna say a deficiency....But its not one I've seen before.


just some guy
Ive NEVER seen that....Is it powdery? If so it could be mildew....Are you foliar feeding?

I wanna say a deficiency....But its not one I've seen before.
It's not powdery, I even wet my fingers a little to see if it'd rub off, it wont rub off, so I'm assuming that it's "in" the leaves.

I have never foilar fed the plants, mostly because I am worried about burning them since I have lights everywhere.

I'm using fox farm nutrients (big bloom and grow big) for the plants in the veg state, I use 1/4 strength or so, which usually seems fine unless the plants show a deficiency.

PH is at 5.6 and the PPM is 238

here are some pictures of the roots ... the poor, poor abused rutes!

up a bit closer

and one of the size of the clone:



Well-Known Member
Ok...Still cant give you a solid answer....Damned interested to see what it turns out to be.

On another note....Your roots are a bit brown too...Maybe the nutes....But could be lack of enough oxygen....But you have plenty of bubbles.

And FoxFarm isnt the best nutrient line for hydro. Soil...they're great. Hydro is debatable.

Seriously though....It looks like you got shit clones. See if your supplier will offer to replace them. Call...tell him whats what. It sounds like you brought the problem home with you....Its not your fault if they went to shit thats fast. Call your guy/gal.


just some guy
Ok...Still cant give you a solid answer....Damned interested to see what it turns out to be.

On another note....Your roots are a bit brown too...Maybe the nutes....But could be lack of enough oxygen....But you have plenty of bubbles.

And FoxFarm isnt the best nutrient line for hydro. Soil...they're great. Hydro is debatable.

Seriously though....It looks like you got shit clones. See if your supplier will offer to replace them. Call...tell him whats what. It sounds like you brought the problem home with you....Its not your fault if they went to shit thats fast. Call your guy/gal.
I've only had the plant for two days, I should have taken a picture of how the plant was sitting in the large styrofoam cup, like they dropped the plant in there and mashed the roots in the process. When I took it out of the cup, the roots were already brown like that, I actually think they are getting better for the two days that I've had them, but the plant looks horrible!

I was totally sold on the idea of clones, takes the sex guessing game out of it all.

If the plants conditions get worse, I will call them (med supply place) and see about a replacement. Problem is, they never want to discuss anything over the phone, and it's like an hour away. Doh!

Thanks for the help BSI, maybe someone who's already dealt with it can recognize it. I'll monitor the condition and keep taking pictures of the progression/digression.


just some guy
I think it's thrips... fuck.

someone on this site posted this link:
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!

I went through it and the thrips description and picture looks almost identical to my wretched clone. Only thing is, I cannot see the insects or their shit. But the leaves and symptoms look the same.

Should I shitcan this clone now before it affects my other plants?:evil:

I was doing okay on my own with seeds, my attempts at cloning didnt go so well though.

I have three plants that I just put in flower a couple of days ago, can I clone them? there are branches that I'm wanting to take off anyway because of the light not being able to penetrate them, the plant is pretty dense. I figure it cant hurt to try and clone the trimmings that I have to take off anyway.

Too bad cloning wasnt more of a simple ordeal.:-|

my new shopping list.... hygrozyme (or florashield) for those nasty looking roots, neem oil, and pest strips.

bye bye precious $$$$$$$


Well-Known Member
Dear Yak,
I have seen a very similar situation before. The best I could figure out the plants had had been burned with too, rich of a chemical mix in the soil. Anyway, the leaves and the roots were very similar. I just repotted in a nuetral soil mix and the plants turned around over time. The exact same soil had been used for other plants with great results. But it almost killed a couple of my ladies.


Well-Known Member
I have thought about this with all the experiences folks have on here ....i keep thinking that regardless of lots of effort and diligence, the individual senstivities of specific phenotypes somehow makes them vulnerable....and there's probably even a measureable probability of such.....interesting stuff! thanks for sharing.....and most of all, I hope you can work something out to classify this as a SAVE! walk on!
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just some guy
Dear Yak,
I have seen a very similar situation before. The best I could figure out the plants had had been burned with too, rich of a chemical mix in the soil. Anyway, the leaves and the roots were very similar. I just repotted in a nuetral soil mix and the plants turned around over time. The exact same soil had been used for other plants with great results. But it almost killed a couple of my ladies.
Could the burn possibly be delayed? the clone sat in a display case for at least that day, I got it home, put it in a fresh system... added RO water, light nutrients (PPM 220 something) , then PH'd the water. All seemed well until the next morning, and then the leaves looked like that.

I would LOVE for this to be some sort of burn that the supply place did to the clone, because I should be able to recover from it. But as for parasites, it makes me sick to my stomach to think that I may have to battle pests in my grow area that I didnt have before, and I have plants in flower now too (first time ever) so I'd really hate to have to battle pests throughout their flowering.

le sigh!

Thank you Kindly for your reply Mockingbird131313, I sure hope you are right.

Oh yeah, I should add microscope to my shopping list to see if these are in fact insects, I have good eyes up close, and I can see no traces or signs other than the white funky spots on the poor female clone.


just some guy
Looks like spider mites to me:blsmoke:
if it were, the spots would be webs... would they not? I thought that at first too, but there are no signs of the spider mites, unless they are suuuuuuuuuuper teeny tiny.

whatever it is, multiple ulcers feel like they are flaring up, causing me to..
:spew: on the mites.

I cannot rub the spots off, something or someone sucked the chlorofil (sp?) out of the leaves.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Nope mate not at all.
All clones are dipped before they are sold especially if they were previously mite infested.

I have no exp at all with your kind of growing methods though so i cant be of any more help really.
I have heard of something called necrotic spots though so that might be worth you looking into,other than that mate sorry but i don't know:blsmoke:


Active Member
hi there i have the same problem but its far worse everything is just dieing and i have done everything i can do to find out but still no answer it was a every bushy plant but now not many leaves r left and i have the plants out side all there life I REALLY NEED ANSWER BEFOR ITS TO LATE


Active Member
You should flush.Add h2o2 to your soup.This will add oxygen to roots and help fight root rot.Go to grow store and read directions close.You should not grow without h2o2.There is time.


Well-Known Member
That looks like one of my clones from way back in the day. It only ever happened once. Your clone looks like its way farther degenerated though. At first I thought it was zinc deficiency, but then it got little shifty white spots on it, at which point I transplanted and within a few days everything cleared up. But considering you're hydroponic, I got no ideas.


just some guy
looks like nut burn to me
I've isolated the plant. I just hope with all hope that I have not contaminated my other plants, though... I think I have.

I was out of town for work this past weekend, and the roots of the other plants that were in the same 6 site system as this sick plant, are brown and slimey.


I'll take pictures and post them probably tomorrow.

Its a strange thing, all of the plants have clearly grown, the roots have brown slime on them, and there are stark white roots jutting out around the ugly brown mass.

After I removed the contaminated sick plant (I still think it's thrips, but cant find the damn things!) I took each plant and flushed it with clearex, cleaned the entire rez and system, and refilled with fresh RO water and nutes (220 PPM) got the PH within range, ... made sure it was stable, and left for two days.

2 days later, PH is still fine, at 5.7, roots look like someone used my res as a spitoon.

Stupid hydro store is closed mondays!