I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but


Well-Known Member
Well in the interest of catching a buzz when ever I want to I'm still smoking that plant.

In the interest of this discussion I'm still bothering to up date the thread.

First the report: I smoked another leaf tonight. It was from far lower on the plant than the first one I picked but not all the way at the bottom. True to conventional wisdom the lower leaf wasn't as potent as the higher leaf. In the future I think I'll probably reserve anything lower than the first one for a sat. night when I'm pretty drunk anyway.

Second the retort: As for those who would say I'm a dopefiend --- well hello pot, kettle calling. I mean what the fuck are you talking about. You are growing pot in your home and reading about me doing it on the internet. You're not a fucking dopefiend? What are you a conessour (sp)? I smoke pot to get high not to have a fucking hobby. I've got a wife, two careers (not jobs careers) two children and a whole lot of fucking responsibility. My wife who is actually not a big fan of me smoking weed in the first place is the one who started growing the plant without me even knowing. Mainly because she'd rather I grew it in the house then went and bought it in a drug deal on the street with a stranger.

I don't have connections. I don't even get high regularily. I grew a plant because it was growing in my house one day when I got home from work. I started read the internet to see what I should be doing, I came across this website, I posted to see if it was a male. I was told it was and I should throw it out. I decided I was going to smoke it anyway.

How'd you get here? Dopefiend.
how am i the pot calling the kettle black...i grow and smoke sensimilla marijuana....not leaves and stems........if i dont have any herb....thats that....i found 3 dudes in my garden last night....where are they now?....shredded up turned back into the earth......all we are saying is smoking leaves is gross...the smoke is harsh and bitter and burns your throat if you continue to smoke the leaves your going to get some really fucked up headaches.....how do i know this? i did this type of thing when i was 13....and couldnt buy beer....as to how i got here...i wanted to hone my skills as a grower and advance in my hobby....not to learn fucked up was of getting a head buzz.......:joint:


Well-Known Member

Second the retort: As for those who would say I'm a dopefiend --- well hello pot, kettle calling. I mean what the fuck are you talking about. You are growing pot in your home and reading about me doing it on the internet. You're not a fucking dopefiend? What are you a conessour (sp)? I smoke pot to get high not to have a fucking hobby. I've got a wife, two careers (not jobs careers) two children and a whole lot of fucking responsibility. My wife who is actually not a big fan of me smoking weed in the first place is the one who started growing the plant without me even knowing. Mainly because she'd rather I grew it in the house then went and bought it in a drug deal on the street with a stranger.

I don't have connections. I don't even get high regularily. I grew a plant because it was growing in my house one day when I got home from work. I started read the internet to see what I should be doing, I came across this website, I posted to see if it was a male. I was told it was and I should throw it out. I decided I was going to smoke it anyway.

How'd you get here? Dopefiend.
lmao dude..luv it :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well go ahead smoke it,but when you stumble upon the worst headache known to man don't come crying, live and learn.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I've smoked plenty of leaf in my 42 years of use . . . only folks who never have are appalled at the thought, though I suspect more have than will admit to. Believe it or not, for this kind of smoke, the male can be the stronger. The top 3rd? of each branch will be the strongest, with the very top leaves being the best. I'd stress it by not watering it and grab it when it wilts for the strongest buzz.
Lighten up, RIUppers . . . I ain't smokin' it these days . . . but have and it truly is better than nothing. You shouldn't knock what you've never tried. It can provide an excellent buzz.
ive got a nice buzz off male leaves before, you just need to smoke more


Active Member
Maybe male leaves are truly crap, but try it and report back how you feel. Mr. Fishy may be right. Might as well try, since you don't have anything else!


i have tried smoking male plants and never got "high" if i sat there and tried to concentrate on being high maybe i felt high but it definately wasent the high we all know and love.

a better method for smoking male plants is to make bubble hash with it this is what i did with the last males i had tastes better and the high is better


Active Member
the only thing a male is good for is pollen thats it and only it
there is no point to smoke it , if you are hurtin that bad that you are about to smoke a male plant than you prob shouldnt even be a pot head!!!!!!
as for the hash thing its a total waste of time to try and make hash or oil for that matter from males.
do what you want but i think you are totally fukin retarded!!!!!


the only thing a male is good for is pollen thats it and only it
there is no point to smoke it , if you are hurtin that bad that you are about to smoke a male plant than you prob shouldnt even be a pot head!!!!!!
as for the hash thing its a total waste of time to try and make hash or oil for that matter from males.
do what you want but i think you are totally fukin retarded!!!!!

fukin retarded? maybe, but after growin out a plant and findin out its a male i think you would like some kind of closure to the whole growin experience and smokin it is the best way.the hash idea is something that would work not much, but its something and practicing on a male plant vs a good plant would be more bennificial in my opinion.


Active Member
Hey guys. Original poster here. I am amazed to see this thread is still going. It's been like six weeks or something. Of course I'm still smoking that same male plant. If you want to say I'm retarted then go ahead. I've gotten high no less than 15 -20 times smoking this same plant for about a month now.

Is it the great killer high I'd like... no. Have I had one single headache... no.

I've got another plant growing right now under much better conditions. Unfortunately only one seed of four sprouted and I'm back to the one plant situation. If it turns out to be a male though I'm going to smoke it too.

I think it's time for the discussion to end. I don't care if you believe me or not but I'm not throwing out any male plant until I've got a heathy female growing and a track record of successfully cloning it.

The case is closed and you can think whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
u can make butter. male or female it will still get u loaded. i pulled my male today because imabout a week into flowering and made butter. and am loaded right now.lol


Well-Known Member
Would probably be best to make a butter, but smoking wouldn't hurt either. I honestly find it funny people say trash it. I mean you just spent 2 months growing a possibly illegal substance, not even trying it would be insane.


Well-Known Member
smoke it! its worth testing out, i have seen statistics showing that male plants contain slightly more thc than the small stems of female plants. (which i believe was something like 3% compared to 10-20% in the buds if im correct.

give it a shot, i bet none of the people who have told you not to have tried smoking a male plant themselves or personally know someone who has. so go ahead and try


Well-Known Member
i live on a small island and when the weed dries up you can always find abit of male plant from somewhere. it gets you high period.

no its not the same high as a nice fat bud but its a high and its better than no weed at all.

to all those big headed only female smokers. dont tell people to through them and give them shit because there trying it, free world and all that.

if your going to have a pop at others smoke the shit first then come back with you comments.:peace: