I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but


Active Member
alight just too shoot this one out there....

Theres a drink called the "Green Dragon" that is better to use with sum straight bud but with my grow i ended up with 2 females and a male an i made the drink. It was fairly weak but defiently got me high for about 2 to 3 hours.

Normally if you make the drink with some decent bud your high for about 4 to 8 hours. (even if you go to sleep)

If you haven't already destroyed your male or shot it out this is what you do...

use mainly all ur stems, but the leaves work too, get sum tin foil and bake the weed in the oven at about 350 f. for 5 to 10 minutes to bring out the THC.

Get a pan (frying pan) full of water and a measuring cup. Fill the measuring cup with the baked weed and about 2oz of good liquor. (I use devil springs which is 160 proof vodka but anything else should work)

The water should be boiling but make sure you have a fan or sum kind of exhaust because obviously alcohol is flammable, also use a candy thermometer and cook it until the temperature reaches 175 Fahrenheit. DOnt let it get any higher!!

After all thats done strain out the weed and theres the dragon. if your using the male i recommend doing atleast 10ml. if your using sum good bud. Start with 4ml.

Also it's not like smoking where it kicks in quick. Give it atleast a half hour or if you drink a beer with it, the dragon kicks in within 20 minutes.

By The way, It is a sad process but you do shoot out the left over weed when your done. If its good you can use the bud for another make of the drink (but it will be weaker).


Well-Known Member
yall are smoking only buds without seeds , then you are truely blessed !!!! I guess the shit we get down here in the South , besides the KB is hermie buds ... sometimes they have hella tons of seeds in it snd sometimes maybe not as many .. I am happy with what i can get most of the time . 90% of the time its Fcking dirt of course . I praise all you KB growers ... You lucky SOB's !!! lol
just take those seeds and grow your own bro!


Active Member
I must agree...kill the males.Best advice:invest in 5 female seeds from a reputable company...flower three,keep two plants as mothers for clones...you'll never have to worry about wasting time growing males again!


New Member
If yall are smoking only buds without seeds , then you are truely blessed !!!! I guess the shit we get down here in the South , besides the KB is hermie buds ... sometimes they have hella tons of seeds in it snd sometimes maybe not as many .. I am happy with what i can get most of the time . 90% of the time its Fcking dirt of course . I praise all you KB growers ... You lucky SOB's !!! lol
Could they be seeded females?


Well-Known Member
Please pinch the very top leave clusters and smoke them separately. The leaf you described in your test was one few would smoke. I guess I didn't make that clear.
BTW- good link on that guide, I read thru it. Pretty basic info, but still perhaps a little surer than many RIU posts. Rep Point 4 stickin' to your guns.


Well-Known Member
whats a "rep" ?
The balance icon at the top left corner of your screen, if u want to rep+ or rep- someone, just click the icon. BTW I'm gonna rep+ you also for sticking to your guns. AND for clearing up the smokable males. I just threw out 8 males a month ago, if I would have known this shit, I would have smoked em.


Active Member
I smoked the rest of that leaf (we're still just talking about one leaf nothing else) last night and I'm going to say three things:

First I am extremely glad I didn't listen to anyone of you people who said throw it away. That would have been a huge waste of time, effort and frankly marijuana.

Second, having spent tens of thousands of dollars on weed over the years buying quanities as low as nickle bags and as high as qps, I'll say with certainty that yesterday was definately not the first time I smoked leaf (what do you think all that shake in the bottom of the bag is other than leaf) and it's also can't be the first time I smoked parts from male plants. It is, however, the first time that I've smoked any that I grew myself.

Third, I'll say to anyone on here who finds themselves in my situation (which is bacially to spend two and a half months growing just one plant only to get the sad news that it's a male) a) don't just throw it away without packing at least one bowl, b) don't believe this bullshot about males not containing THC.

So for any of you how think I'm full of shit, or getting high on the smallest possible thc content on the planet I'll tell you again - either I've grown the strongest thc producing male in the histroy of cultivation or you should keep a male of you own one time as see what's up.

Is it great pot, kind bud etc? No. Will it get you high.. mine did and I'm no novice to smoking bud.


New Member
I smoked the rest of that leaf (we're still just talking about one leaf nothing else) last night and I'm going to say three things:

First I am extremely glad I didn't listen to anyone of you people who said throw it away. That would have been a huge waste of time, effort and frankly marijuana.

Second, having spent tens of thousands of dollars on weed over the years buying quanities as low as nickle bags and as high as qps, I'll say with certainty that yesterday was definately not the first time I smoked leaf (what do you think all that shake in the bottom of the bag is other than leaf) and it's also can't be the first time I smoked parts from male plants. It is, however, the first time that I've smoked any that I grew myself.

Third, I'll say to anyone on here who finds themselves in my situation (which is bacially to spend two and a half months growing just one plant only to get the sad news that it's a male) a) don't just throw it away without packing at least one bowl, b) don't believe this bullshot about males not containing THC.

So for any of you how think I'm full of shit, or getting high on the smallest possible thc content on the planet I'll tell you again - either I've grown the strongest thc producing male in the histroy of cultivation or you should keep a male of you own one time as see what's up.

Is it great pot, kind bud etc? No. Will it get you high.. mine did and I'm no novice to smoking bud.
If you are buying bags with leaves in them, you are being ripped off.
Smoking males? Really? Placebo city


Well-Known Member
smoking males is dirty and downright sad.......if you are so hard up you have to smoke the harsh and shity tasting remnants of a male plant...you need to quit smoking right now and check yourself into rehab because you are a dopefiend......


New Member
smoking males is dirty and downright sad.......if you are so hard up you have to smoke the harsh and shity tasting remnants of a male plant...you need to quit smoking right now and check yourself into rehab because you are a dopefiend......
he said dopefiend. lol


Active Member
Seriously using a male plant isn't that bad.

Not shit it doesn't have a high level of THC but it still contains low levels, and it truely is a waste just to throw 2 months away because it's a male and not going to produce buds.

Either way, your gonna get high, so who cares. If you wanna waste one of your plants and just throw it away go for it. Your entitled to your opinion.


New Member
Seriously using a male plant isn't that bad.

Not shit it doesn't have a high level of THC but it still contains low levels, and it truely is a waste just to throw 2 months away because it's a male and not going to produce buds.

Either way, your gonna get high, so who cares. If you wanna waste one of your plants and just throw it away go for it. Your entitled to your opinion.
If by "your opinion" , you mean the educated, informed one, then yes we are.:mrgreen:


Active Member
Well in the interest of catching a buzz when ever I want to I'm still smoking that plant.

In the interest of this discussion I'm still bothering to up date the thread.

First the report: I smoked another leaf tonight. It was from far lower on the plant than the first one I picked but not all the way at the bottom. True to conventional wisdom the lower leaf wasn't as potent as the higher leaf. In the future I think I'll probably reserve anything lower than the first one for a sat. night when I'm pretty drunk anyway.

Second the retort: As for those who would say I'm a dopefiend --- well hello pot, kettle calling. I mean what the fuck are you talking about. You are growing pot in your home and reading about me doing it on the internet. You're not a fucking dopefiend? What are you a conessour (sp)? I smoke pot to get high not to have a fucking hobby. I've got a wife, two careers (not jobs careers) two children and a whole lot of fucking responsibility. My wife who is actually not a big fan of me smoking weed in the first place is the one who started growing the plant without me even knowing. Mainly because she'd rather I grew it in the house then went and bought it in a drug deal on the street with a stranger.

I don't have connections. I don't even get high regularily. I grew a plant because it was growing in my house one day when I got home from work. I started read the internet to see what I should be doing, I came across this website, I posted to see if it was a male. I was told it was and I should throw it out. I decided I was going to smoke it anyway.

How'd you get here? Dopefiend.
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New Member
Well in the interest of catching a buzz when ever I want to I'm still smoking that plant.

In the interest of this discussion I'm still bothering to up date the thread.

First the report: I smoked another leaf tonight. It was from far lower on the plant than the first one I picked but not all the way at the bottom. True to conventional wisdom the lower leaf wasn't as potent as the higher leaf. In the future I think I'll probably reserve anything lower than the first one for a sat. night when I'm pretty drunk anyway.

Second the retort: As for those who would say I'm a dopefiend --- well hello pot, kettle calling. I mean what the fuck are you talking about. You are growing pot in your home and reading about me doing it on the internet. You're not a fucking dopefiend? What are you a conessour (sp)? I smoke pot to get high not to have a fucking hobby. I've got a wife, two careers (not jobs careers) two children and a whole lot of fucking responsibility. My wife who is actually not a big fan of me smoking weed in the first place is the one who started growing the plant without me even knowing. Mainly because she'd rather I grew it in the house then went and bought it in a drug deal on the street with a stranger.

I don't have connections. I don't even get high regularily. I grew a plant because it was growing in my house one day when I got home from work. I started read the internet to see what I should be doing, I came across this website, I posted to see if it was a male. I was told it was and I should throw it out. I decided I was going to smoke it anyway.

How'd you get here? Dopefiend.
That buzz is the lack of oxygen getting to your brain when you smoke a male. You can just hold your breath for too long and it will do the same thing.:peace: