It's snowing again over here...


Well-Known Member
skidhopping can only be done when theres alot of snow on the ground, and its cold enough for the snow to stay packed on the roads.
skidhopping is not for the fainthearted, I havent done it since I was a teenager.
I have only done it in the northeast part of the US, tho I imagine the climate is right for it in other areas.
skidhopping is this:
when theres a good inch or more snow on the roads, and people are still driving (like they do in areas where snow is common) the idea is to hitch a covert ride on someones bumper, when they come to stop sign or intersection, and see how long you can hang on, lol before the driver either accelerates too fast or catches on the scam... me and a friend once skidhopped a churchvan for like 6 miles to get home one winter, back in like 94 or so... its like barefoot water sking, except wear some old boots or shoes, they will get trashed from the friction after a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Yes yes i have done this. Mainly when i was a kid...

I don't know if my bones could handle that now lol...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was driving around at 2 or so this morning and it was fine then I wake up at 8 and there's snow everywhere.. Where'd it come from so quickly!?

Im looking out my window right now at almost 4 ft of the white stuff. Its always funny when people get all worried over an inch or two :-P
Haha. Yeah true that. I used to live in buffalo and we got like 2 feet of snow and people were like, oh ok. just another day. Then I move here to PA and people sometime freak out over like a few inches.


Well-Known Member
The skies were building up brotha. Don't you watch the news? lolL

I forgot it was suppose to snow when i went to bed, so it was a delightful surprise.


Well-Known Member
lol try living in TN... they cancel school here if snow is even forecasted, nevermind if it actually hits the ground or and if it does? pure panic... im talking it will take you 8hours to drive 10miles... I hate it


Well-Known Member
it is warm, the first time in weeks. but we had rain last night, so this front is very much appreciated. would like to go to the beach somewhere, but not around drunk drivers, you know? it's going to be a deadly night for a lot of folks


Well-Known Member
yeah, you're right about that. me , the wifey and kid are going 3 blocks up the road to some friends house to eat dinner.

Nothing special. Pretty basic.
yea it was snowing here for a day and really scared me. i thought i was going to lose my crop, but the temp went from 70 to 35 back up 65 within 3 days... crazy weather but i h think my crop should do ok