It's Harvest Time.. What DO you do??

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i hang to dry then put in jars for the cure. i usually still have enough from last years grow to keep me until this years harvest has been cured for at least a month to 6 weeks. exception is this year i am looking for a job so i havnt smoked for over a month and this years harvest has been in jars for a little more than 3 weeks now. and i still have about 3 months worth of smoke from last year. i am a daily smoker and cant wait untill i can blaze again.

i have read about the water cure a couple years ago and was astounded by putting your fresh chopped buds in water when your suppose to be drying them, not getting them wet. i do beleive it works but also think you will have a smoother more concentrated smoke but without the flavor of what it is suppose to taste like. i mean if i have have some fruity tasting smoke, then i want it to taste fruity. i def. want to try some with a water cure someday, just to see it for myself.

the sweat curing to me is done when your harvesting fields of weed where its just not practical to be putting in the jars due to having so much of it.


Active Member
im gonna hang mine by the branch , in a t.v box with vent holes in it, in my semi dark cool garage, the window is by the box. after 2-3 days then im gonna jar that shit up for 12 hrs, then out of jars for 12 hrs , then so on and so forth for about a ten day stretch , any thaughts guys? its my first tome so im being quite methodical. sound good? or ...